How to cast value in SML? Trying to take return type of S-Expression parser and convert to data structure

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How to cast value in SML? Trying to take return type of S-Expression parser and convert to data structure


我正在使用SML/NJ中包含的S-Expression库。在我的用例中,包含S-Expressions的文件将始终是类型为String List List List。SExpParser.parse成功解析了我的文件。问题在于解析器的返回类型是SExp.value List,其中value的定义如下:

datatype value
  = SYMBOL of Atom.atom
  | BOOL of bool
  | INT of
  | FLOAT of real
  | STRING of string
  | QUOTE of value
  | LIST of value list

我的函数用于将数据转换为图形是 fun makeGraph (n:string list list list)

现在,问题是,编译器自然会抱怨,因为它无法在编译时确定解析器的返回类型实际上会是一个string list list list。因此,我尝试使用模式匹配来确定类型,但一直无法使其编译通过(基于这个想法)。


fun convert (SExp.LIST ((SExp.LIST ((SExp.STRING s)::ss))::ls)) = ArrayGraph.makeGraph ls 
  | convert _ = raise Fail "convert"

fun convert values:SExp.value =
   case values of
      SExp.LIST ((SExp.LIST ((SExp.STRING s)::ss))::ls) => ArrayGraph.makeGraph ls 
    | _ => raise Fail "convert" 

fun convert values:SExp.value =
   case values of
      SExp.LIST(v) => map (fn x => convert x) v 
    | SExp.STRING(s) => s::nil
    | _ => raise Fail "convert"


供参考,这是SML/NJ S-Expression代码的链接:


I am using the S-Expression library included in SML/NJ. In my use case, my file containing the SExpressions will always be of type String List List List. The SExpParser.parse successfully parses my file. The problem is the return type of the parser is SExp.value List, where value is defined as

datatype value
      = SYMBOL of Atom.atom
      | BOOL of bool
      | INT of
      | FLOAT of real
      | STRING of string
      | QUOTE of value
      | LIST of value list

My function to convert the data into a graph is fun makeGraph (n:string list list list).
Now, the problem is, naturally, the compiler yells at me because it cannot determine at compile time that the return type of the parser will actually be a string list list list. So, I have tried using pattern matching to determine the type, but I keep failing to get it to compile (something off of this idea).

Some things I have tried that have not worked:

fun convert (SExp.LIST ((SExp.LIST ((SExp.STRING s)::ss))::ls)) = ArrayGraph.makeGraph ls 
  | convert _ = raise Fail "convert"

fun convert values:SExp.value =
   case values of
      SExp.LIST ((SExp.LIST ((SExp.STRING s)::ss))::ls) => ArrayGraph.makeGraph ls 
    | _ => raise Fail "convert" 

fun convert values:SExp.value =
   case values of
      SExp.LIST(v) => map (fn x => convert x) v 
    | SExp.STRING(s) => s::nil
    | _ => raise Fail "convert"

I am really stumped on this problem and would appreciate any help. I also do not seem to find any examples of people using this library, so if you have any of those, I would appreciate a link. Thanks.

For reference, here is a link to the sml/nj s-expression code:


得分: 1

第一和第二种方法不适用,因为 lsSExp.value list,而不是 string list list

第三种方法不适用,因为 s::nilstring list,如果 convert xstring list list,那么 map (fn x => convert x) v 将是 string list list list



fun to_string (SExp.STRING s) = s
  | to_string _ = raise Fail "to string";

fun to_string_list (SExp.LIST ss) = map to_string ss
  | to_string_list  _ = raise Fail "to string list";

fun to_string_list_list (SExp.LIST ss) = map to_string_list ss
  | to_string_list_list  _ = raise Fail "to string list list";

fun convert sexp = ArrayGraph.makeGraph (to_string_list_list sexp)

The first two can't work because ls is a SExp.value list, not a string list list.

The third can't work because s::nil is a string list, and if convert x is a string list list, then map (fn x => convert x) v is a string list list list.

Start at the bottom, with the strings, and work your way upwards over each nesting list.

Something like this should work:

fun to_string (SExp.STRING s) = s
  | to_string _ = raise Fail "to string"

fun to_string_list (SExp.LIST ss) = map to_string ss
  | to_string_list  _ = raise Fail "to string list"

fun to_string_list_list (SExp.LIST ss) = map to_string_list ss
  | to_string_list_list  _ = raise Fail "to string list list"

fun convert sexp = ArrayGraph.makeGraph (to_string_list_list sexp)


得分: 1



(* to_string : SExp.value -> string *)
fun to_string (SExp.STRING s) = s
  | to_string _ = raise Fail "to string"fun to_str

[这种预声明应该成为语言本身的一部分,在Successor ML语言中很可能会有。




In SML, as in other typed functional languages, the types are your friend, not your enemy. If they seem like your enemy, you'll need to spend some more time learning the language and its normal usage. If you are familiar with a language A and you start to learn a language B, you will initially try to program in B as though it is A, and you will be frustrated.

It is good practice to document the type of any significant function or other value by "declaring" its type in a comment, as in

(* to_string : SExp.value -&gt; string *)
fun to_string (SExp.STRING s) = s
  | to_string _ = raise Fail &quot;to string&quot;fun to_str

[Such predeclarations ought to be part of the language itself, and likely will be in the Successor ML language.
<a Standard ML designer>]

With more experience, you will be able to mentally type check your code as you write or read it, but such comments are very helpful. When I am trying to understand someone else's SML code, I start by adding such a "typing" comment at each declaration.

For further discussion, try (you will need a Zulip account).

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