
huangapple go评论85阅读模式

how to move articulations from script and user keyboard












using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Shoulder : MonoBehaviour
    public ArticulationBody shoulder;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        shoulder = GetComponent<ArticulationBody>();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        float tiltAngle = -25.0f;
        // float smooth = 30.0f;
        float tiltAroundZ = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * tiltAngle;
        // float tiltAroundX = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * tiltAngle;

        // 通过将角度转换为四元数来旋转立方体。
        Quaternion target = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, tiltAroundZ);

        shoulder.anchorRotation = target;



I am trying to use Unity to make a "Robot arm" controlled by commands on the keyboard.


My design is really basic:


I chose to use "Articulations" for my design following the recommendations in the documentation here.

When I hit the play button the arm drops and bounces pulled down by gravity: it is quite ugly to see but that is not my concern at the moment.

What I want to do is Command the articulations angles using buttons on my keyboard.

I added a script on the "Arm" attempting to move the arm up around the shoulder joint.

Well if I am asking: that's because it doesn't work.

I tried to edit the value of anchorRotation. But it doesn't really seem to have any effect.

I didn't even try to write the code that capture user keyboard press yet because obviously I cannot even programmatically move articulations yet.

I believe it is probably some "Unity concept" that I didn't grasp concerning the articulations.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Shoulder : MonoBehaviour
    public ArticulationBody shoulder;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        shoulder = GetComponent&lt;ArticulationBody&gt;();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        float tiltAngle = -25.0f;
        // float smooth = 30.0f;
        float tiltAroundZ = Input.GetAxis(&quot;Horizontal&quot;) * tiltAngle;
        // float tiltAroundX = Input.GetAxis(&quot;Vertical&quot;) * tiltAngle;

        // Rotate the cube by converting the angles into a quaternion.
        Quaternion target = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, tiltAroundZ);

        shoulder.anchorRotation = target;

Thank you in advance for your help.


得分: 1



  • 使用transform.Rotate(实际上,我认为这对您的任务足够了)
  • 您可以在每次更新时计算不同的值(需要存储对象旋转的当前值,调整更改并将其应用回去)

As far as I can see, you always set the same rotation for your object in your Update() method. That's why the object does not move.

So you have at least two options:

  • use transform.Rotate (actually, I think, it will be enough for your task)

  • you can calculate different values every update (you need to store the current value of the object's rotation, adjust changes to it and apply it back)


得分: 1






shoulder.anchorRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, tiltAroundZ);




var tiltAroundZ = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * tiltAngle * Time.deltaTime;



// 在类级别的字段
private float tiltAroundZ;


tiltAroundZ += Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * tiltAngle * Time.deltaTime;
tiltAroundZ = Mathf.Clamp(tiltAroundZ, minAngle, maxAngle);

shoulder.anchorRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, tiltAroundZ);

Based on what Morion already tried to explain

Currently you are hard setting the rotation based on the input.

So as long as the axis keeps having the same value (e.g. for keyboard 0 or 1) the rotation will just hard snap to either 0 or 25 according to your values.

What you rather want to do is rotate your object starting from the current rotation and adding to it!

You can use e.g.

soulder.anchorRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, tiltAroundZ);

HOWEVER, this still rotates way too fast!

You would be rotating the object with 25&#176; per frame!

You rather want to use a rotation per second and do

var tiltAroundZ = Input.GetAxis(&quot;Vertical&quot;) * tiltAngle * Time.deltaTime;

where Time.deltaTime is the time in seconds passed since the last frame and thereby converts your value from value per frame into value per second.

Then as also mentioned it might get interesting for you to not directly apply the rotation but indeed keep track of the already rotated amount in order to be able to clamp it later on like e.g.

// field at class level
private float tiltAroundZ;


tiltAroundZ += Input.GetAxis(&quot;Vertical&quot;) * tiltAngle * Time.deltaTime;
tiltAroundZ = Mathf.Clamp(tileAroundZ, minAngle, maxAngle);

shoulder.anchorRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, tiltAroundZ);


得分: 0


  • "It took me some time to advance on that problem. The problem is not completely solved in the case of "two articulations" but it works for one."(我花了一些时间来解决这个问题。在“两个关节”的情况下问题尚未完全解决,但对于一个关节来说可以工作。)

  • "The answers from Morion and derHugo had been useful (it bootstraped me reading further the unity documentation and made me discover Quaternions) but I had a problem when using the transform methods."(来自MorionderHugo的答案很有用(它启发我深入阅读Unity文档并让我了解了四元数),但在使用transform方法时遇到了问题。)

  • "The problem if I am using transform.Rotate method or hard writing a Quaternion in transform.rotation is that it positions the object without any concern for the "articulation constraints" or the "physics"."(如果我使用transform.Rotate方法或在transform.rotation中硬编写Quaternion的问题是,它会定位物体而不考虑“关节约束”或“物理”。)

  • "If I am using it: why bothering defining an articulation ?"(如果我使用它:为什么要定义关节?)

  • "I was looking for a sort of a function that imposes a movement on an articulation while still respecting the angle and position limitations."(我在寻找一种在尊重角度和位置限制的同时对关节施加运动的函数。)

  • "I found those: * AddForce * AddTorque"(我找到了这些:* AddForce * AddTorque

  • "These functions apply a force or a torque on the articulation."(这些函数对关节施加力或扭矩。)

  • "If I use these functions, not only the articulation constraints will be respected but also the physics is respected."(如果我使用这些函数,不仅会尊重关节约束,还会尊重物理规则。)

  • "Problem: implementation becomes more challenging."(问题是:实现变得更加具有挑战性。)

  • "I want a "rotation" so I need AddTorque but I still need to find the rotation axis of the torque, this axis may vary if the shoulder is moving."(我想要“旋转”,所以我需要AddTorque,但我仍然需要找到扭矩的旋转轴,如果肩膀在移动,这个轴可能会变化。)

  • "I also want the torque to apply rotation in one direction or the other depending on the angle between the direction I want and the direction of the object."(我还希望根据我想要的方向与物体方向之间的角度,扭矩能够施加旋转方向。)

  • "Another thing I understood during this journey is that there is a "local coordinates" axis local to every game object."(在这个过程中我理解的另一件事是,每个游戏对象都有一个本地坐标轴。)

  • "What will prove useful is that these coordinates rotate and move together with the game object when the simulation runs."(有用的是,当模拟运行时,这些坐标会随着游戏对象一起旋转和移动。)

  • "In the local coordinates of the arm the arm is always pointing to the same direction. All I have to do is to figure out: * the global coordinates of where my arm is pointing to (currentDirection). * the global coordinates of where I want the arm to point to (target). For the currentDirection it fits in one line of code:"(在手臂的本地坐标中,手臂始终指向同一个方向。我所要做的就是找出:* 我的手臂指向的全局坐标(currentDirection) * 我希望手臂指向的全局坐标(target) 对于currentDirection来说,它适用于一行代码:)

  • "Vector3 currentDirection = transform.TransformVector(localArmInitialDir).normalized;"(Vector3 currentDirection = transform.TransformVector(localArmInitialDir).normalized;)

  • "For the target I believe I am not too far if I do this:"(对于目标,我相信如果我这样做不会太远:)

  • "Vector3 target = (Quaternion.Euler(0, targetYAngle, targetZAngle) * initialDir).normalized;"(Vector3 target = (Quaternion.Euler(0, targetYAngle, targetZAngle) * initialDir).normalized;)

  • "However for the second articulation whose rotation depends on the rotation of the previous one I think that is closer to the truth:"(但是对于第二个关节,其旋转取决于前一个关节的旋转,我认为这更接近事实:)

  • "Vector3 target = (Quaternion.Euler(0, targetYAngle, targetZAngle) * transform.parent.rotation * initialDir).normalized;"(Vector3 target = (Quaternion.Euler(0, targetYAngle, targetZAngle) * transform.parent.rotation * initialDir).normalized;)

  • "I am not sure I can use the Quaternion.Euler here that is maybe the reason why it doesn't work well with the elbow."(我不确定我能否在这里使用Quaternion.Euler,这可能是为什么它在肘部效果不佳的原因。)

  • "Then the torque I want is proportional to the cross vectorial product between those two:"(然后我想要的扭矩与这两者之间的


It took me some time to advance on that problem. The problem is not completely solved in the case of "two articulations" but it works for one.

The answers from Morion and derHugo had been useful (it bootstraped me reading further the unity documentation and made me discover Quaternions) but I had a problem when using the transform methods.

The problem if I am using transform.Rotate method or hard writing a Quaternion in transform.rotation is that it positions the object without any concern for the "articulation constraints" or the "physics".

If I am using it: why bothering defining an articulation ?

I was looking for a sort of a function that imposes a movement on an articulation while still respecting the angle and position limitations.

I found those:

These functions apply a force or a torque on the articulation.

If I use these functions, not only the articulation constraints will be respected but also the physics is respected.

Problem: implementation becomes more challenging.

I want a "rotation" so I need AddTorque but I still need to find the rotation axis of the torque, this axis may vary if the shoulder is moving. I also want the torque to apply rotation in one direction or the other depending on the angle between the direction I want and the direction of the object.

Another thing I understood during this journey is that there is a "local coordinates" axis local to every game object. What will prove useful is that these coordinates rotate and move together with the game object when the simulation runs.

In the local coordinates of the arm the arm is always pointing to the same direction. All I have to do is to figure out:

  • the global coordinates of where my arm is pointing to (currentDirection).
  • the global coordinates of where I want the arm to point to (target).
    For the currentDirection it fits in one line of code:
Vector3 currentDirection = transform.TransformVector(localArmInitialDir).normalized;

For the target I believe I am not too far if I do this:

Vector3 target = (Quaternion.Euler(0, targetYAngle, targetZAngle) * initialDir).normalized;

However for the second articulation whose rotation depends on the rotation of the previous one I think that is closer to the truth:

Vector3 target = (Quaternion.Euler(0, targetYAngle, targetZAngle) * transform.parent.rotation * initialDir).normalized;

I am not sure I can use the Quaternion.Euler here that is maybe the reason why it doesn't work well with the elbow.

Then the torque I want is proportional to the cross vectorial product between those two:

Vector3 torqueVector = force * Vector3.Cross(currentDirection, target);

First a few member variables

    public string articulationName; // name of the articulation for the logs
    public float targetYAngle; // desired angle around Y axis
    public float targetZAngle; // desired angle around Z axis
    public float force; // amplify the torque using this factor
    public ArticulationBody articulation; // articulation component
    public Vector3 localArmInitialDir; // unit axis &quot;forward&quot; of the arm in the local coordinates of the arm referential
    public Vector3 initialDir; // forward direction of the arm in the begining


In this example the "forward" axis of the arm is (0, -1, 0) "arm pointing downwards" and the rotation axis is the z axis (0, 0, 1).

The initialDir is computed like this in the Start function:

    void Start()
        initialDir = transform.TransformVector(localArmInitialDir).normalized;

Next important thing is I need to write the code in the FixedUpdate function instead of Update because I am hitting on physics.

Then the code is:

    void FixedUpdate() {
        Vector3 currentDirection = transform.TransformVector(localArmInitialDir).normalized;
        Vector3 target = (Quaternion.Euler(0, targetYAngle, targetZAngle) * transform.parent.rotation * initialDir).normalized;
        Debug.Log(articulationName + &quot; current direction: &quot; + currentDirection);
        Debug.Log(articulationName + &quot; current target: &quot; + target);
        float angle = Quaternion.Angle(Quaternion.FromToRotation(initialDir, currentDirection), Quaternion.FromToRotation(initialDir, target));
        Debug.Log(articulationName + &quot; current angle: &quot; + angle);
        Vector3 torqueVector = force * Vector3.Cross(currentDirection, target);
        Debug.Log(articulationName + &quot; force: &quot; + torqueVector);

I can apply the script on the shoulder and it "kind of works". The arm bounces a bit, I can reduce that effect by increasing both the torque's force and the articulation "joint friction".

My problem now is when I run that script on the elbow. The movements of the elbow are affecting the shoulder articulation as well.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月1日 11:25:24
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75599308.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
