创建自定义GoTo Definition行为的正确方法是在VS Code扩展中执行以下步骤:

huangapple go评论92阅读模式

What is the correct approach to create a custom GoTo Definition behavior in VS Code extension?


我正在创建一个支持小型专有语言的VS Code扩展。其中一个最低要求是仅支持过程的“转到定义”功能。由于我对JavaScript/TypeScript非常陌生,我在使用VSCode的API来解决问题方面感到困难。

我大致了解了创建VS Code扩展所需的内容,即package.json的目的,extesnion.ts中的activate函数以及对TypeScript的一般了解(来自Python)。我尝试参考了一些实现了更高级版本的扩展的开源代码(vscode-go),但作为TypeScript初学者,那里的代码让我感到不知所措。



I am creating a VS Code extension that supports a small proprietary language. One of the minimal requirements for it is to have a "Go To Definition" functionality for procedures only. Being very new to JavaScript/TypeScript i'm struggling with using VSCode's API to actually solve the problem.

I have a grasp on what is required to make a VS Code extension, i.e the purpose of package.json, activate function in extesnion.ts and a general understanding of TypeScript (coming from Python). I have tried to refer to some open-source code that implements a much more advanced version of my extension (vscode-go), but the code there is overwhelming to go through as a TS beginner.

Essentially my question boils down to: Is there a simple way (may be an abstract set of steps?) to implement a very basic "go-to function definition within the same file" behavior, without resorting to creating a custom language server?


得分: 1


您不需要为此使用语言服务器,也不需要任何复杂的工具。一个简单的延迟解析器就足够了 :-).

我制作了一个 Pascal 扩展(https://github.com/alefragnani/vscode-language-pascal),提供了一些这些功能,而且不使用语言服务器。我使用全局/ctags来解析和生成源代码的标签。然后我加载和解析其输出以识别符号。




To provide a Go To Definition feature, just like other extensions, you just have to register and implement a DefinitionProvider.

You don’t need a language server for that, nor any complex tooling. A simple lazy parser would work just fine :-).

I’ve made a Pascal (https://github.com/alefragnani/vscode-language-pascal) extension that provides some of these features, and don’t use a Language Server. I’m using global/ctags to parse and generate tags for the sources. Then I load and parse its output to identify the symbols.

You are free to take a look (https://github.com/alefragnani/vscode-language-pascal/blob/master/src/providers/definitionProvider.ts). The source code is open and fairly simple, as it was one of the first extensions that I have developed.

Hope this helps

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月1日 08:54:12
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
