Vue组件的按钮回调: 无法读取未定义的属性

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Vue component's button callback: Cannot read properties of undefined


使用Vue3+typescript,我正在尝试使用一个名为gtag-vue的库将Google Analytics事件发送到我的帐户。


  1. <template>
  2. <div v-on:click="displayWhatever(index)">这里是一些内容</div>
  3. </template>
  1. <script setup lang="ts">
  2. import { event } from 'vue-gtag';
  3. let selected = ref(-1);
  4. const myComputedVar = computed(() => {
  5. return someVar.slice(//这里有一些返回正确数组的东西);
  6. }
  7. function displayWhatever(this: any, index: number): void {
  8. selected.value = index;
  9. event('myCustomEvent', {
  10. value1: this.myComputedVar[index].value1,
  11. value2: this.myComputedVar[index].value2
  12. })
  13. }
  14. </script>

每当我在开发中使用它时,通过运行npm run dev,它运行得很完美!但当我运行npm run build,没有错误并上传时,我在Javascript控制台中收到以下错误:

  1. TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'myComputedVar')
  2. at y (index-39a6e75d.js:1535:23997)
  3. at onClick (index-39a6e75d.js:1535:25733)
  4. at xn (index-39a6e75d.js:1:13194)
  5. at cr (index-39a6e75d.js:1:13273)
  6. at HTMLDivElement.r (index-39a6e75d.js:1:56693)

因此,看起来在生产构建中没有正确设置this。但我真的无法理解为什么。我尝试过其他方法,比如从函数中删除this,但然后在运行npm run build时会遇到编译错误。



Using Vue3+typescript, I'm trying to use a library called gtag-vue to send google analytics events to my account.

The idea is that in a Vue component, when the user clicks a div, I'll send a custom event, myCustomEvent.

  1. &lt;template&gt;
  2. &lt;div v-on:click=&quot;displayWhatever(index)&quot;&gt;SOME CONTENT HERE&lt;/div&gt;
  3. &lt;/template&gt;
  1. &lt;script setup lang=&quot;ts&quot;&gt;
  2. import { event } from &#39;vue-gtag&#39;
  3. let selected = ref(-1);
  4. const myComputedVar = computed(() =&gt; {
  5. return someVar.slice(//Some stuff here that returns a proper array with no errors);
  6. }
  7. function displayWhatever(this: any, index: number): void {
  8. selected.value = index;
  9. event(&#39;myCustomEvent&#39;, {
  10. value1: this.myComputedVar[index].value1,
  11. value2: this.myComputedVar[index].value2
  12. })
  13. }
  14. &lt;/script&gt;

Whenever I use it in development, by running npm run dev it works perfectly! But when I do npm run build, with no errors and upload it, I get this error in the Javascript console:

  1. TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading &#39;myComputedVar&#39;)
  2. at y (index-39a6e75d.js:1535:23997)
  3. at onClick (index-39a6e75d.js:1535:25733)
  4. at xn (index-39a6e75d.js:1:13194)
  5. at cr (index-39a6e75d.js:1:13273)
  6. at HTMLDivElement.r (index-39a6e75d.js:1:56693)

So it looks like this is not correctly set up in the production build. But I really can't understand why. I have tried other methods, like removing the this from the function, but then I get compile errors when doing npm run build.

I'm using Vite by the way, in case it makes a difference.


得分: 1

在脚本设置语法中没有this(用于引用选项 API 中的组件实例),您应该使用computedVar.value而不是this.computedVar

  1. function displayWhatever( index: number): void {
  2. selected.value = index;
  3. event('myCustomEvent', {
  4. value1: myComputedVar.value[index].value1,
  5. value2: myComputedVar.value[index].value2
  6. })
  7. }

There's no this (that refers to component instance as in options API) in script setup syntax, you should use computedVar.value instead of this.computedVar :

  1. function displayWhatever( index: number): void {
  2. selected.value = index;
  3. event(&#39;myCustomEvent&#39;, {
  4. value1: myComputedVar.value[index].value1,
  5. value2: myComputedVar.value[index].value2
  6. })
  7. }


得分: 0

在一个设置(组合 API)中,您将不需要this关键字。还要修改displayWhatever函数的参数。它应该只接受一个参数,因此删除this


  1. function displayWhatever(index: number): void {
  2. selected.value = index;
  3. event('myCustomEvent', {
  4. value1: myComputedVar.value[index].value1,
  5. value2: myComputedVar.value[index].value2
  6. })
  7. }

In a setup (composition api), You won't need this keyword. Also, modify the displayWhatever function parameter. It should accept only one parameter, Hence remove this.

The value of computed property will be kept in a value property of the created reference. Hence, you should access it by using .value instead of this.

  1. function displayWhatever(index: number): void {
  2. selected.value = index;
  3. event(&#39;myCustomEvent&#39;, {
  4. value1: myComputedVar.value[index].value1,
  5. value2: myComputedVar.value[index].value2
  6. })
  7. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月27日 16:30:02
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