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Add/subtract date from date time format in dbplyr



开始日期 前1年
2021-07-02 08:03:29 2020-07-02 08:03:29
2021-07-09 06:36:28 2020-07-09 06:36:28
2021-07-09 09:29:02 2020-07-09 09:29:02
2021-07-16 08:26:30 2020-07-16 08:26:30
2021-07-23 07:35:51 2020-07-23 07:35:51
2021-07-30 09:19:13 2020-07-30 09:19:13



  1. output = df %>%
  2. mutate(Previous_1year = Start_Date %m+% years(-1))


我还尝试在dbplyr中运行以下代码,这是我从Stack Overflow的另一个问题中找到的:

  1. output = df %>%
  2. mutate(Previous_1year = sql('DATEADD(y, -1, Start_Date)'))


  1. ! nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1752: XX000: [Amazon][Amazon Redshift] (30)
  2. Error occurred while trying to execute a query: [SQLState XX000] ERROR: Invalid datetime part for DATEADD().



I'm using dbplyr to access data in my database and I'm trying to calculate rolling sum amounts that would include all amounts from the previous 1 year. My Dates are in dttm format. I'm trying to get a table that shows 1 year prior to the Start_Date similar to below:

Start_Date Previous_1year
2021-07-02 08:03:29 2020-07-02 08:03:29
2021-07-09 06:36:28 2020-07-09 06:36:28
2021-07-09 09:29:02 2020-07-09 09:29:02
2021-07-16 08:26:30 2020-07-16 08:26:30
2021-07-23 07:35:51 2020-07-23 07:35:51
2021-07-30 09:19:13 2020-07-30 09:19:13

I would like to subtract exactly 1 year from the Start_Date to get a rolling one-year window for each row/observation for rolling sum calculation.

I've done this in dplyr before and I would normally use the following code to get this:

  1. output = df %>%
  2. mutate(Previous_1year = Start_Date %m+% years(-1))

However, this method doesn't seem to be compatible with dbplyr and my database, assuming this is because dbplyr doesn't know how to translate the code back into SQL.

I've also tried running the following code in dbplyr which I found from another question in SO:

  1. output = df %>%
  2. mutate(Previous_1year = sql('DATEADD(y, -1, Start_Date)'))

but I'm getting the following error and not sure why I'm getting a invalid datetime:

  1. ! nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1752: XX000: [Amazon][Amazon Redshift] (30)
  2. Error occurred while trying to execute a query: [SQLState XX000] ERROR: Invalid datetime part for DATEADD().

Because the data is so large, I'm unable to collect all of it and do the data wrangling through dplyr to subtract 1 year from each of my Start_Date observations. So, hoping to do this within the database first so then I can do my calculations before collecting the results.


得分: 1


  1. library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
  2. library(DBI)
  3. pg <- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres())
  4. df <- tbl(pg, sql("SELECT '2021-07-02 08:03:29'::timestamp AS start"))
  5. df %>%
  6. mutate(previous = start - years(1))
  7. #> # Source: SQL [1 x 2]
  8. #> # Database: postgres [iangow@/tmp:5432/iangow]
  9. #> start previous
  10. #> <dttm> <dttm>
  11. #> 1 2021-07-02 08:03:29 2020-07-02 08:03:29

Created on 2023-04-03 with reprex v2.0.2


This works on Postgres, so might work on Redshift:

  1. library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
  2. library(DBI)
  3. pg &lt;- dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres())
  4. df &lt;- tbl(pg, sql(&quot;SELECT &#39;2021-07-02 08:03:29&#39;::timestamp AS start&quot;))
  5. df %&gt;%
  6. mutate(previous = start - years(1))
  7. #&gt; # Source: SQL [1 x 2]
  8. #&gt; # Database: postgres [iangow@/tmp:5432/iangow]
  9. #&gt; start previous
  10. #&gt; &lt;dttm&gt; &lt;dttm&gt;
  11. #&gt; 1 2021-07-02 08:03:29 2020-07-02 08:03:29

<sup>Created on 2023-04-03 with reprex v2.0.2</sup>

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月27日 11:09:53
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75576472.html



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