在 mutate 中遍历嵌套列表并提取特定列表元素

huangapple go评论54阅读模式

map over a nested list in mutate and extract specific list elements



       price unleveragedData
       <dbl> <list>         
    1 450000 <list [5]>     
    2 400000 <list [5]>     
    3 400000 <list [5]>     
    4 397000 <list [5]>     
    5 750000 <list [5]>     
    6 550000 <list [5]>

我试图将列表的第 `5` 个元素放入新列中,即:

       price unleveragedData element5
       <dbl> <list>         
    1 450000 <list [5]>         -----
    2 400000 <list [5]>         -----
    3 400000 <list [5]>     
    4 397000 <list [5]>     
    5 750000 <list [5]>     
    6 550000 <list [5]>         -----


    df$unleveragedData %>%
      map(., ~ pluck(., c(5)))


    [1] 260551.4

    [1] 330786.9

    [1] 330786.9

    [1] 287739.3

    [1] 566416

    [1] 271879.7

然而,在 `mutate` 函数内部,我无法让它正常工作。

    df %>%
        element5 = map(unleveragedData, ~ map_dbl(., pluck(., c(5))))


    df = structure(list(price = c(450000, 400000, 400000, 397000, 750000, 
    550000), unleveragedData = list(list(-0.0547083151944441, c(-450000, 
    15533.28, 16475.2128, 17473.760928, 18532.32229728, 280205.849576444
    ), "450000-0.08", structure(list(` ` = c("Revenue", "Vacancy", 
    "Gross Revenue", "Operating Expenses", "Net Operating Income"), Year1 = c(16560, 828, 15732, 199, 15533), Year2 = c(17554, 
    878, 16676, 201, 16475), Year3 = c(18607, 930, 17676, 203, 17474
    ), Year4 = c(19723, 986, 18737, 205, 18532), Year5 = c(20907, 
    1045, 19861, 207, 19654), Year6 = c(22161, 1108, 21053, 209, 
    20844), purchasePriceCapRate = c("450000-0.08", "450000-0.08", 
    "450000-0.08", "450000-0.08", "450000-0.08")), row.names = c(NA, 
    -5L), class = "data.frame"), 260551.350870592), list(0.0224165566243759, 
        c(-400000, 19720.512, 20916.35712, 22184.0790912, 23527.991786112, 
        355739.600331834), "400000-0.08", structure(list(` ` = c("Revenue", 
        "Vacancy", "Gross Revenue", "Operating Expenses", "Net Operating Income"
        ), Year1 = c(21024, 1051, 19973, 252, 19721), Year2 = c(22285, 
        1114, 21171, 255, 20916), Year3 = c(23623, 1181, 22441, 257, 
        22184), Year4 = c(25040, 1252, 23788, 260, 23528), Year5 = c(26542, 
        1327, 25215, 263, 24953), Year6 = c(28135, 1407, 26728, 265, 
        26463), purchasePriceCapRate = c("400000-0.08", "400000-0.08", 
        "400000-0.08", "400000-0.08", "400000-0.08")), row.names = c(NA, 
        -5L), class = "data.frame"), 330786.932409621), list(0.0224165566243759, 
        c(-400000, 19720.512, 20916.35712, 22184.0790912, 23527.991786112, 
        355739.600331834), "400000-0.08", structure(list(` ` = c("Revenue", 
        "Vacancy", "Gross Revenue", "Operating Expenses", "Net Operating Income"
        ), Year1 = c(21024, 1051, 19973, 252, 19721), Year2 = c(22285, 
        1114, 21171, 255, 20916), Year3 = c(23623, 1181, 22441, 257, 
        22184), Year4 = c(25040, 1252, 23788, 260, 23528), Year5 = c(26542, 
        1327, 25215, 263, 24953), Year6 = c(28135, 1407, 26728, 265, 
        26463), purchasePriceCapRate = c("400000-0.08", "400000-0.08", 
        "400000-0.08", "400000-0.08", "400000-0.08")), row.names = c(NA, 
        -5L), class = "data.frame"), 330786.932409621), list(-0.00700507916565851, 
        c(-397000, 17154.144, 18194.36544, 19297.1098944, 20466.129841344, 
        309444.720836595), "397000-0.08", structure(list(` ` = c("Revenue", 
        "Vacancy", "Gross Revenue", "Operating Expenses", "Net Operating Income"
        ), Year1 = c(18288, 914, 17374, 219, 17154), Year2 = c(19385, 
        969, 18416, 222, 18194), Year3 = c(20548, 1027, 195


I have some data which looks like:

       price unleveragedData
       &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;list&gt;         
    1 450000 &lt;list [5]&gt;     
    2 400000 &lt;list [5]&gt;     
    3 400000 &lt;list [5]&gt;     
    4 397000 &lt;list [5]&gt;     
    5 750000 &lt;list [5]&gt;     
    6 550000 &lt;list [5]&gt;

I am trying to put into a new column the element `5` of the lists - i.e.

       price unleveragedData element5
       &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;list&gt;         
    1 450000 &lt;list [5]&gt;         -----
    2 400000 &lt;list [5]&gt;         -----
    3 400000 &lt;list [5]&gt;     
    4 397000 &lt;list [5]&gt;     
    5 750000 &lt;list [5]&gt;     
    6 550000 &lt;list [5]&gt;         -----

Using the following:

    df$unleveragedData %&gt;% 
      map(., ~ pluck(., c(5)))

I can get the output I want:

    [1] 260551.4
    [1] 330786.9
    [1] 330786.9
    [1] 287739.3
    [1] 566416
    [1] 271879.7

However, inside the `mutate` function I can&#39;t get it to work.

    df %&gt;% 
        element5 = map(unleveragedData, ~ map_dbl(., pluck(., c(5))))


    df = structure(list(price = c(450000, 400000, 400000, 397000, 750000, 
    550000), unleveragedData = list(list(-0.0547083151944441, c(-450000, 
    15533.28, 16475.2128, 17473.760928, 18532.32229728, 280205.849576444
    ), &quot;450000-0.08&quot;, structure(list(` ` = c(&quot;Revenue&quot;, &quot;Vacancy&quot;, 
    &quot;Gross Revenue&quot;, &quot;Operating Expenses&quot;, &quot;Net Operating Income&quot;
    ), Year1 = c(16560, 828, 15732, 199, 15533), Year2 = c(17554, 
    878, 16676, 201, 16475), Year3 = c(18607, 930, 17676, 203, 17474
    ), Year4 = c(19723, 986, 18737, 205, 18532), Year5 = c(20907, 
    1045, 19861, 207, 19654), Year6 = c(22161, 1108, 21053, 209, 
    20844), purchasePriceCapRate = c(&quot;450000-0.08&quot;, &quot;450000-0.08&quot;, 
    &quot;450000-0.08&quot;, &quot;450000-0.08&quot;, &quot;450000-0.08&quot;)), row.names = c(NA, 
    -5L), class = &quot;data.frame&quot;), 260551.350870592), list(0.0224165566243759, 
        c(-400000, 19720.512, 20916.35712, 22184.0790912, 23527.991786112, 
        355739.600331834), &quot;400000-0.08&quot;, structure(list(` ` = c(&quot;Revenue&quot;, 
        &quot;Vacancy&quot;, &quot;Gross Revenue&quot;, &quot;Operating Expenses&quot;, &quot;Net Operating Income&quot;
        ), Year1 = c(21024, 1051, 19973, 252, 19721), Year2 = c(22285, 
        1114, 21171, 255, 20916), Year3 = c(23623, 1181, 22441, 257, 
        22184), Year4 = c(25040, 1252, 23788, 260, 23528), Year5 = c(26542, 
        1327, 25215, 263, 24953), Year6 = c(28135, 1407, 26728, 265, 
        26463), purchasePriceCapRate = c(&quot;400000-0.08&quot;, &quot;400000-0.08&quot;, 
        &quot;400000-0.08&quot;, &quot;400000-0.08&quot;, &quot;400000-0.08&quot;)), row.names = c(NA, 
        -5L), class = &quot;data.frame&quot;), 330786.932409621), list(0.0224165566243759, 
        c(-400000, 19720.512, 20916.35712, 22184.0790912, 23527.991786112, 
        355739.600331834), &quot;400000-0.08&quot;, structure(list(` ` = c(&quot;Revenue&quot;, 
        &quot;Vacancy&quot;, &quot;Gross Revenue&quot;, &quot;Operating Expenses&quot;, &quot;Net Operating Income&quot;
        ), Year1 = c(21024, 1051, 19973, 252, 19721), Year2 = c(22285, 
        1114, 21171, 255, 20916), Year3 = c(23623, 1181, 22441, 257, 
        22184), Year4 = c(25040, 1252, 23788, 260, 23528), Year5 = c(26542, 
        1327, 25215, 263, 24953), Year6 = c(28135, 1407, 26728, 265, 
        26463), purchasePriceCapRate = c(&quot;400000-0.08&quot;, &quot;400000-0.08&quot;, 
        &quot;400000-0.08&quot;, &quot;400000-0.08&quot;, &quot;400000-0.08&quot;)), row.names = c(NA, 
        -5L), class = &quot;data.frame&quot;), 330786.932409621), list(-0.00700507916565851, 
        c(-397000, 17154.144, 18194.36544, 19297.1098944, 20466.129841344, 
        309444.720836595), &quot;397000-0.08&quot;, structure(list(` ` = c(&quot;Revenue&quot;, 
        &quot;Vacancy&quot;, &quot;Gross Revenue&quot;, &quot;Operating Expenses&quot;, &quot;Net Operating Income&quot;
        ), Year1 = c(18288, 914, 17374, 219, 17154), Year2 = c(19385, 
        969, 18416, 222, 18194), Year3 = c(20548, 1027, 19521, 224, 
        19297), Year4 = c(21781, 1089, 20692, 226, 20466), Year5 = c(23088, 
        1154, 21934, 228, 21705), Year6 = c(24473, 1224, 23250, 231, 
        23019), purchasePriceCapRate = c(&quot;397000-0.08&quot;, &quot;397000-0.08&quot;, 
        &quot;397000-0.08&quot;, &quot;397000-0.08&quot;, &quot;397000-0.08&quot;)), row.names = c(NA, 
        -5L), class = &quot;data.frame&quot;), 287739.317917958), list(0.00205549716813258, 
        c(-750000, 33768, 35815.68, 37986.4368, 40287.657168, 609143.15125314
        ), &quot;750000-0.08&quot;, structure(list(` ` = c(&quot;Revenue&quot;, &quot;Vacancy&quot;, 
        &quot;Gross Revenue&quot;, &quot;Operating Expenses&quot;, &quot;Net Operating Income&quot;
        ), Year1 = c(36000, 1800, 34200, 432, 33768), Year2 = c(38160, 
        1908, 36252, 436, 35816), Year3 = c(40450, 2022, 38427, 441, 
        37986), Year4 = c(42877, 2144, 40733, 445, 40288), Year5 = c(45449, 
        2272, 43177, 450, 42727), Year6 = c(48176, 2409, 45767, 454, 
        45313), purchasePriceCapRate = c(&quot;750000-0.08&quot;, &quot;750000-0.08&quot;, 
        &quot;750000-0.08&quot;, &quot;750000-0.08&quot;, &quot;750000-0.08&quot;)), row.names = c(NA, 
        -5L), class = &quot;data.frame&quot;), 566415.98015346), list(-0.0866171399087425, 
        c(-550000, 16208.64, 17191.5264, 18233.489664, 19338.07544064, 
        292388.712601507), &quot;550000-0.08&quot;, structure(list(` ` = c(&quot;Revenue&quot;, 
        &quot;Vacancy&quot;, &quot;Gross Revenue&quot;, &quot;Operating Expenses&quot;, &quot;Net Operating Income&quot;
        ), Year1 = c(17280, 864, 16416, 207, 16209), Year2 = c(18317, 
        916, 17401, 209, 17192), Year3 = c(19416, 971, 18445, 212, 
        18233), Year4 = c(20581, 1029, 19552, 214, 19338), Year5 = c(21816, 
        1091, 20725, 216, 20509), Year6 = c(23125, 1156, 21968, 218, 
        21750), purchasePriceCapRate = c(&quot;550000-0.08&quot;, &quot;550000-0.08&quot;, 
        &quot;550000-0.08&quot;, &quot;550000-0.08&quot;, &quot;550000-0.08&quot;)), row.names = c(NA, 
        -5L), class = &quot;data.frame&quot;), 271879.670473661))), class = c(&quot;rowwise_df&quot;, 
    &quot;tbl_df&quot;, &quot;tbl&quot;, &quot;data.frame&quot;), row.names = c(NA, -6L), groups = structure(list(
        .rows = structure(list(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L), ptype = integer(0), class = c(&quot;vctrs_list_of&quot;, 
        &quot;vctrs_vctr&quot;, &quot;list&quot;))), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = c(&quot;tbl_df&quot;, 
    &quot;tbl&quot;, &quot;data.frame&quot;)))


# 答案1
**得分**: 4


df %>% 
  ungroup() %>%
    element5 = map_dbl(unleveragedData, ~ nth(.x, 5))


# 一个 tibble: 6 × 3
   price unleveragedData element5
   <dbl> <list>             <dbl>
1 450000 <list [5]>       260551.
2 400000 <list [5]>       330787.
3 400000 <list [5]>       330787.
4 397000 <list [5]>       287739.
5 750000 <list [5]>       566416.
6 550000 <list [5]>       271880.


df %>%
   mutate(element5 = nth(unleveragedData, 5)) %>%


# 一个 tibble: 6 × 3
   price unleveragedData element5
   <dbl> <list>             <dbl>
1 450000 <list [5]>       260551.
2 400000 <list [5]>       330787.
3 400000 <list [5]>       330787.
4 397000 <list [5]>       287739.
5 750000 <list [5]>       566416.
6 550000 <list [5]>       271880.

或者使用 pluck

df %>% 
   mutate(element5 = pluck(unleveragedData, 5)) %>%


# 一个 tibble: 6 × 3
   price unleveragedData element5
   <dbl> <list>             <dbl>
1 450000 <list [5]>       260551.
2 400000 <list [5]>       330787.
3 400000 <list [5]>       330787.
4 397000 <list [5]>       287739.
5 750000 <list [5]>       566416.
6 550000 <list [5]>       271880.


df %>%
   mutate(element5 = map_dbl(pick(unleveragedData), pluck, 5))


# 一个 tibble: 6 × 3
# Rowwise: 
   price unleveragedData element5
   <dbl> <list>             <dbl>
1 450000 <list [5]>       260551.
2 400000 <list [5]>       330787.
3 400000 <list [5]>       330787.
4 397000 <list [5]>       287739.
5 750000 <list [5]>       566416.
6 550000 <list [5]>       271880.

There is a `rowwise` grouping, which should be `ungroup`ed if we want to use `map`

df %>%
ungroup %>%
element5 = map_dbl(unleveragedData, ~ nth(.x, 5))


A tibble: 6 × 3

price unleveragedData element5
<dbl> <list> <dbl>
1 450000 <list [5]> 260551.
2 400000 <list [5]> 330787.
3 400000 <list [5]> 330787.
4 397000 <list [5]> 287739.
5 750000 <list [5]> 566416.
6 550000 <list [5]> 271880.

Also, as it is `rowwise`, we can directly extract as well

df %>%
mutate(element5 = nth(unleveragedData, 5)) %>%


A tibble: 6 × 3

price unleveragedData element5
<dbl> <list> <dbl>
1 450000 <list [5]> 260551.
2 400000 <list [5]> 330787.
3 400000 <list [5]> 330787.
4 397000 <list [5]> 287739.
5 750000 <list [5]> 566416.
6 550000 <list [5]> 271880.

Or with `pluck`

df %>%
mutate(element5 = pluck(unleveragedData, 5)) %>%


A tibble: 6 × 3

price unleveragedData element5
<dbl> <list> <dbl>
1 450000 <list [5]> 260551.
2 400000 <list [5]> 330787.
3 400000 <list [5]> 330787.
4 397000 <list [5]> 287739.
5 750000 <list [5]> 566416.
6 550000 <list [5]> 271880.

It is possible to do this in `map` on a `rowwise`, if we wrap it in `pick`

df %>%
mutate(element5 = map_dbl(pick(unleveragedData), pluck, 5))


A tibble: 6 × 3


price unleveragedData element5
<dbl> <list> <dbl>
1 450000 <list [5]> 260551.
2 400000 <list [5]> 330787.
3 400000 <list [5]> 330787.
4 397000 <list [5]> 287739.
5 750000 <list [5]> 566416.
6 550000 <list [5]> 271880.


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月27日 09:12:02
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75576055.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
