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Fixing HTML Page Structure on CMS


我被要求在工作中修复一个网站的可访问性问题,需要一些帮助。我们的网站是基于AEM(Adobe Experience Manager)构建的,除了添加/删除类之外,我们无法更改标记的结构。AEM生成的标记结构完全不可访问(请参见代码示例)。

<div id="header">...</div>
<div id="content">...</div>
<div id="footer">...</div>


<header id="header">
<nav aria-label="primary">...</nav>
<footer id="footer">



I was tasked at work to fix some accessibility issues on one of our websites and would like some help.
Our websites were built on AEM (Adobe experience manager) and we are not able to change the markup, other than adding/removing classes.

The structure of the markup generated by AEM is not accessible at all (see code sample).

     &lt;div id=&quot;header&quot;&gt;...&lt;/div&gt;
     &lt;div id=&quot;content&quot;&gt;...&lt;/div&gt;
     &lt;div id=&quot;footer&quot;&gt;...&lt;/div&gt;

I know it would be best to use compliant code like the one below, but we are not able to do so because we cannot change the html. What is recommended in this case? Does changing the role to "header"/"footer" with JavaScript solve the problem?

    &lt;header id=&quot;header&quot;&gt;
    &lt;nav aria-label=&quot;primary&quot;&gt;...&lt;/nav&gt;
   &lt;footer id=&quot;footer&quot;&gt;

I have read the w3c documentation and I know the best option for structuring a page is by utilizing semantic HTML elements, but we cant do that.


得分: 1

使用语义化的HTML显然是最佳选择(参见ARIA规则#1),但通过JavaScript添加角色的<div>应该也可以工作。这应该与具有<div id="header" role="banner">相同。


  • <header>role="banner"
  • <nav>role="navigation
  • <footer>role="contentinfo



Using semantic HTML is obviously best (see rule #1 of ARIA) but having a &lt;div&gt; with a role added via javascript should work. It should be the same as having &lt;div id=&quot;header&quot; role=&quot;banner&quot;&gt;.

Note that

  • &lt;header&gt; is role=&quot;banner&quot;
  • &lt;nav&gt; is role=&quot;navigation&quot;
  • &lt;footer&gt; is role=&quot;contentinfo&quot;

You happened to pick three landmark roles.


得分: 0









Obviously, as you have mentioned, the best would be to change the HTML to use semantic elements.

So first of all, try to invest your time and energy to fix the HTML produced by your CMS.
I don't know about the particular CMS you are using, but it shouldn't be so difficult to do normally. Find a more accessible theme and plugins, change a few templates, etc.

If really, really, really, it's too difficult to dive into the code of your CMS and it's too complicated to switch to another CMS producing more accessible code, then you can think about making a script.
But basically, you are going to consume energy in something very fragile, so it should only be done if you have truly exhausted all other possibilities.

Now about the script itself: generally, adding a role to an existing element is not totally guaranteed to work for every roles, on every elements, in every configurations.
As with aria-live, you must be very cautious with that. There are many and various bugs with that, and it has never been well specified whether or not role additions or changes had to be tracked live. In particular with landmarks, the screen reader may not pick it up, meaning that it could be skipped when navigating by landmark, or be absent from a landmark list to jump to, making the whole effort totally useless.

The only way to make sure that the element is always taken into account with its role everywhere where it's supported is to have it in the page from the start. Even adding an element in the DOM with its role after page load isn't 100% (in particular all roles involving aria-live), though it's has much better probability (99%?) to be picked up than adding or changing a role attribute to an existing element.

So basically for maximum chances, you have to more or less rewrite all your page, and at that point you can just use semantic elements.

Can't you really touch the code produced by your CMS ?

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月27日 05:32:58
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75575144.html



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