如何在Libreoffice Calc中用另一个值替换格式化日期的部分?

huangapple go评论62阅读模式

How do I replace parts of a formatted date with another value in Libreoffice Calc?


我正在使用Ubuntu 22.04上的LibreOffice 7.5(目前最新版本)。







I am using Libreoffiec 7.5 (currently the newest version) on Ubuntu 22.04.

I have a lot of cells with date values formatted with the German locale (if this matters), like



I want to replace the month, or the year, in all these cells with a different (valid) number. How do I do this? Plain search & replace does not work probably because it scans the actual value, which is a number, not the formatted date. Preferably without having to calculate beforehand how many days, or seconds, or whatever I would have to add to the date to end up with a shift of N years or months.

Plan B if the above is not possible: How do I tell Libreoffice quickly (by hotkey?) that it should autofill a specific year into cells which receive a date without year, so that when I type 1.4. (April 1st) it doesn't autofill the current year, but my previously specified year into the date? This should persist at least until closing LibreOffice, or until setting another year.


得分: 1


简短答案 对于两个问题都是否定的。

更多细节: 无论日期单元格的格式如何,查找和替换 操作都无法执行所需的操作(你是对的,这是由于日期的内部表示形式,从“基准日期”开始计算的天数,工具 - 选项 - LibreOffice Calc - 计算 - 日期部分);输入不完整的日期(日.月)总是指的当前年份。


关于转换现有数据的一般建议:总是分两个阶段进行转换 - 创建一个辅助范围,在其中使用公式或内置的Calc机制创建所需的数据,在仔细检查转换的正确性后,使用复制和粘贴特殊值来替代原始数据并清除辅助范围。


使用 Year()Month()Day() 函数获取原始日期的相应部分,使用 DATE() 函数生成具有必要修正的新日期。




当然,你可以替换DATE()函数的任何参数为固定值。例如,=DATE(1827;MONTH(A2);DAY(A2)) 将返回A2单元格中的日和月,但为1827年(这样你可以实施你描述的计划B)。

除了这里描述的四个函数,Calc 还包含一组相当大的用于处理日期的函数。你可以在 函数向导 的日期部分中查看它们:

如何在Libreoffice Calc中用另一个值替换格式化日期的部分?

或者你可以在 相应的帮助部分 中阅读每个这些函数的详细描述:

如何在Libreoffice Calc中用另一个值替换格式化日期的部分?


The short answer to both questions is No way.

More details: regardless of the formatting of the cell with the date, the Find & Replace operation will not perform the required operation (you are right, this is due to the internal representation of the date as the number of days counted from the "base date", Tools - Options - LibreOffice Calc - Calculate - Date section); entering an incomplete date (day.month) always refers to the current year.

Full answer.

General recommendation for converting existing data: always convert in two stages - create an auxiliary range in which, using formulas or built-in Calc mechanisms, create the necessary data, after carefully checking the correctness of the conversion, use Copy and Paste Special - Values in place of the original data and clear auxiliary range.

Let's assume that the dates you showed in your question as an example are in column A.

Use the Year(), Month(), and Day() functions to get the corresponding parts of the original date, use the DATE() function to generate a new date with the necessary corrections.

For example, to get a date one and a half years after the original, you can use the formula



Of course, instead of any of the parameters of the DATE() function, you can substitute a fixed value. For example, =DATE(1827;MONTH(A2);DAY(A2)) will return with the day and month from cell A2, but for 1827 (So you can implement the Plan B you described).

In addition to the four functions described here, Calc contains a rather large set of functions for working with dates. You can see them in the Date section of the Function Wizard:

如何在Libreoffice Calc中用另一个值替换格式化日期的部分?

or you can read a detailed description of each of these functions in the corresponding Help section

如何在Libreoffice Calc中用另一个值替换格式化日期的部分?

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