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How “Open port 444” is set on Athena




对于像Athena这样的完全托管的无服务器提供,我对“保持端口444开放”部分感到困惑 - 文档中没有提到如何实现这一点,而我所有的搜索工作都没有提供令人满意的答案。




Athena’s documentation states that Port 444 must be open to support streaming query results.

I do encounter error while querying Athena via JDBC, and the error is gone as soon as I disable query result streaming and use pagination.

I am confused by that “keep port 444 open” part” - what does that mean to a fully managed, serverless offering like Athena - nothing more from the doc is said about how to do that and all my googling effort cannot provide a satisfactory answer.

What VPC is used by Athena? And what security group is used? Can I alternate the rules to allow outbound traffics via port 444?

What is the missing piece?


得分: 1



打开端口444 - 保持端口444打开,Athena用于流式传输查询结果。当您使用PrivateLink端点连接到Athena时,请确保附加到PrivateLink端点的安全组对端口444的入站流量是打开的。如果端口444被阻止,您可能会收到错误消息[Simba][AthenaJDBC](100123) An error has occurred. Exception during column initialization




Caveat: I haven't used the China-Regions which you're linking to, and I think they may be subtly different from the "rest" of the AWS Global Infrastructure so take this with a grain of salt.

The docs outline the following point, which helps to explain when this affects you:

> Open port 444 – Keep port 444, which Athena uses to stream query results, open to outbound traffic. When you use a PrivateLink endpoint to connect to Athena, ensure that the security group attached to the PrivateLink endpoint is open to inbound traffic on port 444. If port 444 is blocked, you may receive the error message [Simba][AthenaJDBC](100123) An error has occurred. Exception during column initialization.

If you're calling the Athena service from a resource running inside a VPC via an Interface VPC-Endpoint, this interface endpoint needs to have a security group attached, that also opens port 444 for inbound traffic, not only the usual suspects (80, 443).

If you're not using an interface VPC-endpoint and instead make a call to the public Athena endpoint (the default), this won't matter to you as AWS will ensure that this can receive traffic on port 444.


得分: 0


  1. IAM权限:向使用于配置JDBC驱动的access_key的主体添加athena:GetQueryResultsStream策略。您可能需要额外的权限。athena:GetQueryResultsStream策略仅允许您流式传输查询结果。

  2. 确保端口444没有被阻止,沿途检查完整的网络路径

    • Athena地址JDBC使用的端口444是否可访问,请检查安全组设置
    • 是否存在中间代理服务器可能导致端口444不可用?
    • 运行JDBC程序的机器是否允许向端口444发出出站流量?

To have your JDBC driver works well with the Athena, check following 2 points:

  1. IAM Permission: Add the athena:GetQueryResultsStream policy to the principal, whose access_key is used to configurate the JDBC driver. You may need additional permissions. The policy athena:GetQueryResultsStream only allows you to stream the query result.

  2. Port 444 is not blocked, all along the way: think about the complete network journey

    • Is the Athena address JDBC used accessible on port 444, check security group settings
    • Are there any proxy servers in-between can make port 444 unavailable?
    • Does the machine running the JDBC program allow outbound traffic towards port 444

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月26日 21:05:24
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75572180.html



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