Do I need to define firebase security rules for my app which stores all stickers image in database and its url in cloud firestore?

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Do I need to define firebase security rules for my app which stores all stickers image in database and its url in cloud firestore?



我将图像存储在 Firebase 存储中,并将它们的 URL 和下载计数分别存储在 Cloud Firestore 中的 "imageurl" 和 "downloadCount" 字段下。我从 Firebase 中获取所有图像,并使它们在我的应用程序中可供下载。每当用户下载一张图像时,我会将其下载计数增加一次。为此,我必须将我的 Cloud Firestore 的读取和写入规则设置为 "if true"我没有对任何用户进行身份验证。我已将我的Firebase 存储设置为 "if true" 读取和 "if false" 写入。我对我的情况要设置哪些规则感到困惑,因为我的应用程序不需要身份验证,也没有上传任何数据或访问其他用户的数据的方式,它只是一个从 Firebase 获取图像并显示供下载的简单图像下载应用程序。有人可以指导我,我的应用程序的 Firebase 规则是否存在任何问题,或者对我的用例来说是否可以。


I am storing images in firebase storage and its url and download count in cloud firestore under imageurl and downloadCount field respectively. I am fetching all the images from firebase and making them available for download inside my app. Everytime an user downloads an image I am increasing its download count by one. For this I have to set my cloud firestore read and write rules to if true. I am not authenticating any user. I have set my firebase storage as read to if true and write to if false. I am confused what rules to set in my case as my app requires no authentication neither there is any way to upload any data or acess data of other user, it's just a simple image downloading app which fetch images from firebase and display it for download. Can someone guide me if there is any issue with the firebase rules that I have set for my app or its okay for my use case?


得分: 1





因此,设置规则不是强制性的,它取决于您的需求。 Do I need to define firebase security rules for my app which stores all stickers image in database and its url in cloud firestore?


If security is an important prospect for you then please follow these :

Adding Firebase rules for your app is important. If you don't want any authentication in your app (as it will save some time of user to get those image) better to have at-least the anonymous authentication service of Firebase and authenticate each user in the background. Here you will find the Anonymous Auth doc : .

To know how to set up security rules follow this medium blog, It explains clearly about how we can set-up rules in order to protect our data. For Firestore click here

Any user who has the access to your database URL can send unnecessary requests and may cause blocking or costing to your account.

So its not mandatory to set-up rules, It depends upon your requirements. Do I need to define firebase security rules for my app which stores all stickers image in database and its url in cloud firestore?


得分: 0

答案是,我的应用程序不涉及授权,也不允许用户上传到数据库/文件存储或访问除图像、下载计数和图像名称之外的任何其他信息,因此我不需要定义任何严格的 Firebase 安全规则。由于只有通过下载图像来增加下载计数,最佳做法是定义规则,只允许通过将写权限更新为以下内容来增加下载计数字段:

match/{document=**} {
  allow write: if['downloadCount']);




The answer is, My app does not involve authorization or allow any user to upload to the database/firestore or allow access to any other information other than images,downloadCount and Image name, I dont need to define any strict security rules to my firebase. Since only the download count is increased by downloading the image,the best practice is to define rule that will allow only the increment of downloadCount field by updating the write permission to the following:

match/{document=**} {
allow write: if['downloadCount']);

The above code ensures no other field of document is writable except for the downloadCount when user downloads the images.

If your app requires any form of authorization or uploading or editing into your database then you must set the strict rules to make yours as well as users data safe.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月26日 20:58:36
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