How to make a plot showing mean, SD, min and % based on a normal distribution in R language?

huangapple go评论42阅读模式

How to make a plot showing mean, SD, min and % based on a normal distribution in R language?



mean_value_VO2 <- 250.57
min_value_VO2 <- 128.16
sd_value_VO2 <- 351.74
Proportion (%) under the curve=63.6%

我希望制作一张类似于论文中第6图的图表,链接在 "" 中。


# 创建x值的向量
x <- seq(min_value_VO2, mean_value_VO2 + 2*sd_value_VO2, length = 27)

# 使用正态分布函数计算y值
y <- dnorm(x, mean = mean_value_VO2, sd = sd_value_VO2)

# 绘制曲线
plot(x, y, type = "l", xlab = "X轴标签", ylab = "Y轴标签")




Based on a normal distribution with the following parameters:

mean_value_VO2 &lt;- 250.57
min_value_VO2 &lt;- 128.16
sd_value_VO2 &lt;- 351.74
Proportion (%) under the curve=63.6%

I wish to make a plot as Figure 6 in the paper at "<>".

I tried the following codes

# Create a vector of x values
x &lt;- seq(min_value_VO2, mean_value_VO2 + 2*sd_value_VO2, length = 27)

# Calculate the y values using the normal distribution function
y &lt;- dnorm(x, mean = mean_value_VO2, sd = sd_value_VO2)

# Plot the curve
plot(x, y, type = &quot;l&quot;, xlab = &quot;X-axis label&quot;, ylab = &quot;Y-axis label&quot;)

, but it's not what as expected. In particular, I wish to label all the above numbers (mean=250.57, min=128.16 and sd=351.74; and proportion which is the area under the curve= 63.6%.

Therefore, any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you so much.


得分: 1




df <- data.frame(x = seq(-800, 1300, 1),
                 y = dnorm(seq(-800, 1300, 1), mean = mean_value_VO2, sd = sd_value_VO2))


# 指定数据集以及分配每个变量到哪个轴
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = x, y = y)) + 
  # 添加线条
  geom_line() +
  # 添加用于超过最小值的值的区域,并设置透明度为50%
  geom_area(data = df[df$x >= min_value_VO2, ], alpha = 0.5) +
  # 添加最小值的线段
  geom_segment(aes(x = min_value_VO2, xend = min_value_VO2,
                   y = 0, yend = y[match(round(min_value_VO2), x)])) +
  # 添加平均值的线段
  geom_segment(aes(x = mean_value_VO2, xend = mean_value_VO2,
                   y = 0, yend = y[match(round(mean_value_VO2), x)]), 
               linetype = "dashed") +
  # 添加平均值和标准差数值的注释
  annotate("text", x = mean_value_VO2, y = 0.00125,
           label = paste("Mean =", mean_value_VO2, "\n", "SD =", sd_value_VO2)) +
  # 添加最小值的注释
  annotate("text", x = min_value_VO2, y = -0.0001, label = paste("Min =", min_value_VO2)) + 
  # 添加曲线下方的比例注释
  annotate("text", x = 450, y = 0.0005, label = "Proportion:\n 63%") +
  # 应用"void"预设主题

How to make a plot showing mean, SD, min and % based on a normal distribution in R language?


I recommend you to use the ggplot2 package to generate your graph:


It requires to gather the x and y variables in a dataframe first:

df &lt;- data.frame(x = seq(-800, 1300, 1),
                 y = dnorm(seq(-800, 1300, 1), mean = mean_value_VO2, sd = sd_value_VO2))

And a plot such as the one you're aiming for can be generated as follows:

# Indicate the dataset and to which axis assign each variable
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = x, y = y)) + 
  # Add a line
  geom_line() +
  # Add the area for values above the min with 50% opacity
  geom_area(data = df[df$x &gt;= min_value_VO2, ], alpha = .5) +
  # Add the segment for the min value
  geom_segment(aes(x = min_value_VO2, xend = min_value_VO2,
                   y = 0, yend = y[match(round(min_value_VO2), x)])) +
  # Add the segment for the mean value
  geom_segment(aes(x = mean_value_VO2, xend = mean_value_VO2,
                   y = 0, yend = y[match(round(mean_value_VO2), x)]), 
               linetype = &quot;dashed&quot;) +
  # Add the annotation for the mean/sd values
  annotate(&quot;text&quot;, x = mean_value_VO2, y = 0.00125,
           label = paste(&quot;Mean =&quot;, mean_value_VO2, &quot;\n&quot;, &quot;SD =&quot;, sd_value_VO2)) +
  # Add the annotation for the min value
  annotate(&quot;text&quot;, x = min_value_VO2, y = -.0001, label = paste(&quot;Min =&quot;, min_value_VO2)) + 
  # Add the annotation for the proportion under the curve
  annotate(&quot;text&quot;, x = 450, y = .0005,label = &quot;Proportion:\n 63%&quot;) +
  # Apply the &quot;void&quot; preset theme

How to make a plot showing mean, SD, min and % based on a normal distribution in R language?

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