“`plaintext SwiftUI:限制扩展到自定义视图结构体 / 返回自定义视图类型 “`

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SwiftUI: restrict extension to custom view struct / return custom view type



    .doSomething() // ← 仅在 CustomView 上可用
    .doSomethingElse() // ← 仅在 CustomView 上可用

    .doSomething() // ← 不应该编译

就像 SwiftUI 的 Text 实现具有相同的功能:

SwiftUI:限制扩展到自定义视图结构体 / 返回自定义视图类型


struct CustomView: View {

extension CustomView {
    func doSomething() -> some CustomView {
        self.environment(\.someKey, someValue)

    func doSomethingElse() -> some CustomView {
        self.environment(\.someOtherKey, someOtherValue)

我收到以下错误:“不透明类型必须仅指定 'Any'、'AnyObject'、协议和/或基类”。


extension CustomView {
    func doSomething() -> CustomView {
        self.environment(\.someKey, someValue)

    func doSomethingElse() -> CustomView {
        self.environment(\.someOtherKey, someOtherValue)

我收到以下错误:“无法将返回类型为 'some View' 的返回表达式转换为返回类型 'CustomView'”。
Xcode 提供了以下修复:

extension CustomView {
    func doSomething -> CustomView {
        self.environment(\.someKey, someValue) as! CustomView


我只想扩展 CustomView。我不想扩展 View 并返回 some View,因为这将使所有视图都暴露功能(这不是我想要的)。
如果我扩展 CustomView 并简单地返回 some View,那么我无法同时使用这两个函数。


我正在构建一个 Swift 包,为多个项目提供 CustomView
为了使 CustomView 易于使用,我希望通过视图修饰符来配置它,而不是简单的初始化程序。

我可以像这样使用我提供的 CustomView

CustomView(value1: someValue, value2: someOtherValue)

... 但我希望使其更像 SwiftUI,可以使用可选的视图修饰符,如下所示:


如果需要在视图上使用其他视图修饰符,如 tint(...)fixedSize(),等等,那将会非常方便,就像您配置 Text 一样,您可以使用视图修饰符而不是初始化程序,因为自定义是可选的。


What I want to achieve:

    .doSomething() // ← should only be available on CustomView
    .doSomethingElse() // ← should only be available on CustomView

    .doSomething() // ← should not compile

Pretty much like SwiftUI's Text implementation has that exact functionality:

SwiftUI:限制扩展到自定义视图结构体 / 返回自定义视图类型

What I tried

struct CustomView: View {

extension CustomView {
    func doSomething() -> some CustomView {
        self.environment(\.someKey, someValue)

    func doSomethingElse() -> some CustomView {
        self.environment(\.someOtherKey, someOtherValue)

I get the following error: "An 'opaque' type must specify only 'Any', 'AnyObject', protocols, and/or a base class".

What I also tried:

extension CustomView {
    func doSomething() -> CustomView {
        self.environment(\.someKey, someValue)

    func doSomethingElse() -> CustomView {
        self.environment(\.someOtherKey, someOtherValue)

I get the following error: Cannot convert return expression of type 'some View' to return type 'CustomView'.
Xcode provides the following fix:

extension CustomView {
    func doSomething -> CustomView {
        self.environment(\.someKey, someValue) as! CustomView

But force casting does not really look like a great solution.

How can I fix this?
I only want to extend CustomView. I don't want to extend View and return some View because that would expose functionality to all views (which is not what I want).
If I extend CustomView and simply return some View, then I cannot use both functions at the same time.

Edit: Why do I want to achieve that?

I am building up a Swift Package to provide CustomView to multiple projects.
And to make CustomView easy to use I wanted to make it configurable with view modifiers instead of a simple initializer.

I could use my provided CustomView like that:

CustomView(value1: someValue, value2: someOtherValue)

... but I wanted to make it more SwiftUI-Like in the way of optional view modifiers like that:


That would look nice if I needed other view modifiers on that view like tint(...) or fixedSize(), etc. Much like you would configure Text, which you customize with view modifiers instead of the initializer, since customizing is optional.


得分: 2



struct CustomView: View {
    @State var myBackground = Color.clear
    var body: some View {
        Text("Hello World!")

extension CustomView {
    func customBackground(_ newBackground: Color) -> some CustomView {
        self.myBackground = newBackground
        return self

    func clearBackground() -> some CustomView {
        self.myBackground = .clear
        return self


struct AnotherView: View {

    var body: some View {
      VStack {
           // ... 等等

        Text("Hi everyone!")
          .customBackground(.blue) // <--- 这将导致编译错误




As others have pointed out, you cannot pipe any modifier in your functions that have a return type other than your CustomView

With that said, you can do something like:

struct CustomView: View {
    @State var myBackground = Color.clear
    var body: some View {
        Text(&quot;Hello World!&quot;)

extension CustomView {
    func customBackground(_ newBackground: Color) -&gt; some CustomView {
        self.myBackground = newBackground
        return self

    func clearBackground() -&gt; some CustomView {
        self.myBackground = .clear
        return self

And use it as needed:

struct AnotherView: View {

    var body: some View {
      VStack {
           // ... and so on

        Text(&quot;Hi everyone!&quot;)
          .customBackground(.blue) // &lt;--- this will fail compiling


But you cannot use any other modifier that erases your type. To reach your desired behavior, all the changes done in your functions/modifiers must be done only on properties accessible by your struct directly and have a return value that you guarantees is your view's type


得分: 1

你如何知道environment返回的是CustomView?实际上你并不知道 - environment返回的类型是SwiftUI的实现细节。当你看到environment返回的是类似ModifiedContent&lt;CustomView, _EnvironmentKeyWritingModifier&lt;T&gt;&gt;(如Ashley Mills的回答中所示)时,你的整个前提不成立,是吗?


    .environment(\.someKey, someValue)

在这里,你并不是在CustomView()上调用doSomethingElse - 你是在environment的返回值上调用它,而environment甚至不返回CustomView,那么为什么doSomethingElse应该可用呢?

重新表述你的需求的一种方式是追踪调用链的“根” - 一种说法是“这个方法应该在以CustomView为根的调用链上可用”。


protocol ViewChain: View {
    associatedtype ChainRoot



How do you know `environment` returns `CustomView`? You don&#39;t - what type it returns is an implementation detail of SwiftUI.  Your whole premise falls apart when you see that `environment` returns something like `ModifiedContent&lt;CustomView, _EnvironmentKeyWritingModifier&lt;T&gt;&gt;` (as shown in Ashley Mills&#39; answer), doesn&#39;t it?

Let&#39;s inline `doSomething`:

.environment(.someKey, someValue)

You are not calling `doSomethingElse` on `CustomView()` here - you are calling it on the return value of `environment`, and `environment` doesn&#39;t even return `CustomView`, so why should `doSomethingElse` be available? 

One way to rephrase what you want is to keep track of the &quot;root&quot; of the call chain - a way to say &quot;this method should be available on call chains that has `CustomView` as its root&quot;

You can sort of do this by returning from `doSomething` a wrapper that also has the root&#39;s type, and adding the `doSomething` and `doSomethingElse` to also the wrapper types. But IMO this is really convoluted for what it&#39;s worth.

protocol ViewChain: View {
associatedtype ChainRoot

struct WrappedViewChain<Body: View, ChainRoot: View>: ViewChain {
let wrapped: Body
let rootType: ChainRoot.Type

var body: some View {


extension CustomView: ViewChain {
typealias ChainRoot = CustomView

extension ViewChain where ChainRoot == CustomView {
func doSomething() -> WrappedViewChain<some View, CustomView> {
WrappedViewChain(wrapped: environment(.someKey, someValue), rootType: CustomView.self)

func doSomethingElse() -&gt; WrappedViewChain&lt;some View, CustomView&gt; {
    WrappedViewChain(wrapped: environment(\.someOtherKey, someOtherValue), rootType: CustomView.self)


This essentially made it so that `doSomething()` and `doSomethingElse` &quot;remembers&quot; the root of the chain in the second type parameter of `WrappedViewChain`.

Note that this still won&#39;t work if you make it &quot;forget&quot; the root somewhere along the way, but `Text` behaves like this too.

.frame(width: 100) // forgets the root
.doSomething() // now this doesn't work

.doSomething() // OK
.frame(width: 100) // forgets the root
.doSomethingElse() // now this doesn't work


# 答案3
**得分**: 0




self.environment(.someKey, someValue)



extension CustomView {
    func doSomething() -> some View {
        let newView = self.environment(\.someKey, 23)
        print(type(of: newView))
        return newView


ModifiedContent<CustomView, _EnvironmentKeyWritingModifier<Int>>




Not a solution, I&#39;m afraid, but an explanation.

The problem, as you&#39;ve discovered, is that the result of 

self.environment(.someKey, someValue)

is *not* `CustomView`. The function doesn&#39;t modify the existing view, it creates a new one.

Let&#39;s say `.someKey` is an `Int`, then you can test this out as follows:

extension CustomView {
func doSomething() -> some View {
let newView = self.environment(.someKey, 23)
print(type(of: newView))
return newView

and you&#39;ll see that the actual returned type is 

ModifiedContent<CustomView, _EnvironmentKeyWritingModifier<Int>>

This means that if you also declare `doSomethingElse()` in an extension on `CustomView` you won&#39;t be able to apply it to the result of `doSomething()`. 

Nor can you force cast the result of `doSomething()` to `CustomView` as they are just different types, so it will crash.


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月24日 16:34:03
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75554243.html



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