Scala 3. 将 Haskell 中的 Continuation monad 示例转换为 Scala

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Scala 3. Adapting Continuation monad example from Haskell to Scala


学习Scala 3中的单子主题

在 上找到了可理解的Continuation单子的分解。

twoC = \out -> out 2
helloC = \out -> out "hello"
ret val = \out -> out val

inC `bind` fn = \out -> inC (\inCval -> (fn inCval) out)

fourC = twoC `bind` \two -> ret (two*2)

twoHelloC = twoC `bind` \two ->
              helloC `bind` \hello ->
                ret $ (show two)++hello



val twoCont: (Int => Int) => Int =
  out => out(2)

val helloCont: (String => String) => String =
  out => out("hello")

type Cont[X, R] = (X => R) => R

extension[A, FinalRes] (inCont: Cont[A, FinalRes]) {
  infix def bind[B](fn: A => Cont[B, FinalRes]): Cont[B, FinalRes] = {
    (out: B => FinalRes) => inCont(inContVal => (fn(inContVal))(out))

val twoHelloCont: (String => String) => String =
  twoCont bind (two =>
    helloCont bind (hello =>  // 这里看到 Cont[String, String] 很不高兴
      return_(two.toString + hello)




Learning Scala 3 with monadic topics.

came across understandable breakdown of Continuation monad at

When I try to adopt simple code into Scala
twoC = \out -&gt; out 2
helloC = \out -&gt; out &quot;hello&quot;
ret val = \out -&gt; out val

inC `bind` fn = \out -&gt; inC (\inCval -&gt; (fn inCval) out)

fourC = twoC `bind` \two -&gt; ret (two*2)

twoHelloC = twoC `bind` \two -&gt;
              helloC `bind` \hello -&gt;
                ret $ (show two)++hello

i can have fourC(identity) compiling and working well.
But binds in twoHelloC complain about Int/String type mismatch.

current impl of bind I have:

val twoCont: (Int =&gt; Int) =&gt; Int =
  out =&gt; out(2)

val helloCont: (String =&gt; String) =&gt; String =
  out =&gt; out(&quot;hello&quot;)

type Cont[X, R] = (X =&gt; R) =&gt; R

extension[A, FinalRes] (inCont: Cont[A, FinalRes]) {
  infix def bind[B](fn: A =&gt; Cont[B, FinalRes]): Cont[B, FinalRes] = {
    (out: B =&gt; FinalRes) =&gt; inCont(inContVal =&gt; (fn(inContVal))(out))

val twoHelloCont: (String =&gt; String) =&gt; String =
  twoCont bind (two =&gt;
    helloCont bind (hello =&gt;  // here it is unhappy to see Cont[String, String]
      return_(two.toString + hello)

how would you implement infix bind in Scala, and why Haskell typesystem permits twoHelloC to compile? What do i miss here?



得分: 3

In Scala, you can start with ordinary methods. Here is the translated code:

def twoC[A](out: Int => A): A = out(2)
def helloC[A](out: String => A): A = out("hello")
def ret[A1, A2](value: A1): (A1 => A2) => A2 = func => func(value)
def bind[A1, A2, A3, A4](inC: (A1 => A2) => A3)(fn: A1 => A4 => A2): A4 => A3 = 
  out => inC(inCval => fn(inCval)(out))
def fourC[A]: (Int => A) => A = bind(twoC[A])(two => ret(two * 2))
def twoHelloC[A]: (String => A) => A = 
  bind(twoC[A])(two =>
    bind(helloC[A])(hello =>
      ret(two.toString + hello)

You can further enhance this code with extension, infix, Cont, and other features as needed. Is it clear how to finish the translation?


If you have questions what types were inferred in Haskell you can always ask :t ... in ghci

ghci&gt; :t twoHelloC
twoHelloC :: ([Char] -&gt; t) -&gt; t
ghci&gt; :t fourC
fourC :: (Integer -&gt; t) -&gt; t
ghci&gt; :t bind
bind :: ((t1 -&gt; t2) -&gt; t3) -&gt; (t1 -&gt; t4 -&gt; t2) -&gt; t4 -&gt; t3
ghci&gt; :t ret
ret :: t1 -&gt; (t1 -&gt; t2) -&gt; t2
ghci&gt; :t helloC
helloC :: (String -&gt; t) -&gt; t
ghci&gt; :t twoC
twoC :: (Integer -&gt; t) -&gt; t

In Scala you should start with ordinary methods. Verbose translation is

def twoC[A](out: Int =&gt; A): A = out(2)
def helloC[A](out: String =&gt; A): A = out(&quot;hello&quot;)
def ret[A1, A2](`val`: A1): (A1 =&gt; A2) =&gt; A2 =
  (out: A1 =&gt; A2) =&gt; out(`val`)
def bind[A1, A2, A3, A4](inC: (A1 =&gt; A2) =&gt; A3)(fn: A1 =&gt; A4 =&gt; A2): A4 =&gt; A3 =
  (out: A4) =&gt; inC((inCval: A1) =&gt; fn(inCval)(out))
def fourC[A]: (Int =&gt; A) =&gt; A =
  bind[Int, A, A, Int =&gt; A](twoC[A])((two: Int) =&gt; ret[Int, A](two * 2))
def twoHelloC[A]: (String =&gt; A) =&gt; A =
  bind[Int, A, A, String =&gt; A](twoC[A])((two: Int) =&gt;
    bind[String, A, A, String =&gt; A](helloC[A])((hello: String) =&gt;
      ret[String, A](two.toString + hello)

which can be shortened to

def twoC[A](out: Int =&gt; A): A = out(2)
def helloC[A](out: String =&gt; A): A = out(&quot;hello&quot;)
def ret[A1, A2](`val`: A1): (A1 =&gt; A2) =&gt; A2 = out =&gt; out(`val`)
def bind[A1, A2, A3, A4](inC: (A1 =&gt; A2) =&gt; A3)(fn: A1 =&gt; A4 =&gt; A2): A4 =&gt; A3 =
  out =&gt; inC(inCval =&gt; fn(inCval)(out))
def fourC[A]: (Int =&gt; A) =&gt; A = bind(twoC[A])(two =&gt; ret(two * 2))
def twoHelloC[A]: (String =&gt; A) =&gt; A =
  bind(twoC[A])(two =&gt;
    bind(helloC[A])(hello =&gt;
      ret(two.toString + hello)

Now you can add extension, infix, Cont etc.

Is is clear how to finish translation?

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