plotnine:: 在 after_stat 中引用 facet_wrap 的参数是否有更好的方式?

huangapple go评论94阅读模式

plotnine:: is there a better way to refer args of facet_wrap in after_stat



"I wants to show percentages for bar plots using plotnine with facet_wrap and stat = 'count'.
(Of course I can do it with preparation of values and stat = 'identity', but I want to avoid it.)
When I give the arg of facet_wrap to aes, I can refer it in after_stat.
But it needs to nullify the aes manually. it seems ridiculous.
Is there a better way to do it ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Below is an example;

  1. from plotnine import *
  2. from import mtcars
  3. import pandas as pd
  4. def prop_per_xcc(x, color, count):
  5. df = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'color': color, 'count': count})
  6. prop = df['count']/df.groupby(['x', 'color'])['count'].transform('sum')
  7. return prop
  8. facet_num = mtcars.vs.nunique()
  9. print(
  10. ggplot(mtcars, aes('factor(cyl)', fill='factor(am)')) +
  11. geom_bar(position='fill') +
  12. geom_text(aes(color = "factor(vs)", # sets arg of facet wrap to refer in after_stat
  13. label = after_stat('prop_per_xcc(x, color, count) * 100')),
  14. stat = 'count',
  15. position = position_fill(vjust = 0.5),
  16. format_string = '{:.1f}%',
  17. show_legend = False) +
  18. scale_color_manual(values = ["black"] * facet_num) + # nullify the aes manually
  19. facet_wrap("vs")
  20. )

plotnine:: 在 after_stat 中引用 facet_wrap 的参数是否有更好的方式?

  1. [![enter image description here][1]][1]"
  2. <details>
  3. <summary>英文:</summary>
  4. I wants to show percentages for bar plots using `plotnine` with `facet_wrap` and `stat = &#39;count&#39;`.
  5. (Of course I can do it with preparation of values and `stat = &#39;identity&#39;`, but I want to avoid it.)
  6. When I give the arg of `facet_wrap` to `aes`, I can refer it in `after_stat`.
  7. But it needs to nullify the `aes` manually. it seems ridiculous.
  8. Is there a better way to do it ?
  9. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Below is an example;

from plotnine import *
from import mtcars
import pandas as pd

def prop_per_xcc(x, color, count):
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'color': color, 'count': count})
prop = df['count']/df.groupby(['x', 'color'])['count'].transform('sum')
return prop

facet_num = mtcars.vs.nunique()

ggplot(mtcars, aes('factor(cyl)', fill='factor(am)')) +
geom_bar(position='fill') +
geom_text(aes(color = "factor(vs)", # sets arg of facet wrap to refer in after_stat
label = after_stat('prop_per_xcc(x, color, count) * 100')),
stat = 'count',
position = position_fill(vjust = 0.5),
format_string = '{:.1f}%',
show_legend = False) +
scale_color_manual(values = ["black"] * facet_num) + # nullify the aes manually

  1. [![enter image description here][1]][1]
  2. [1]:
  3. </details>
  4. # 答案1
  5. **得分**: 1
  6. 您的想法是正确的,但您可能不了解正确的语法。您应该使用分阶段的审美评估。
  7. ```python
  8. from plotnine import *
  9. from import mtcars
  10. import pandas as pd
  11. def prop_per_xcc(x, label, count):
  12. df = pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'label': label, 'count': count})
  13. prop = df['count']/df.groupby(['x', 'label'])['count'].transform('sum')
  14. return prop
  15. facet_num = mtcars.vs.nunique()
  16. print(
  17. ggplot(mtcars, aes('factor(cyl)', fill='factor(am)')) +
  18. geom_bar(position='fill') +
  19. geom_text(aes(label = stage(start="vs", after_stat='prop_per_xcc(x, label, count) * 100')),
  20. stat = 'count',
  21. position = position_fill(vjust = 0.5),
  22. format_string = '{:.1f}%',
  23. show_legend = False) +
  24. facet_wrap("vs")
  25. )

plotnine:: 在 after_stat 中引用 facet_wrap 的参数是否有更好的方式?



You are thinking correctly, but just don't know about the right syntax. You should use staged aesthetic evaluation.

  1. from plotnine import *
  2. from import mtcars
  3. import pandas as pd
  4. def prop_per_xcc(x, label, count):
  5. df = pd.DataFrame({&#39;x&#39;: x, &#39;label&#39;: label, &#39;count&#39;: count})
  6. prop = df[&#39;count&#39;]/df.groupby([&#39;x&#39;, &#39;label&#39;])[&#39;count&#39;].transform(&#39;sum&#39;)
  7. return prop
  8. facet_num = mtcars.vs.nunique()
  9. print(
  10. ggplot(mtcars, aes(&#39;factor(cyl)&#39;, fill=&#39;factor(am)&#39;)) +
  11. geom_bar(position=&#39;fill&#39;) +
  12. geom_text(aes(label = stage(start=&quot;vs&quot;, after_stat=&#39;prop_per_xcc(x, label, count) * 100&#39;)),
  13. stat = &#39;count&#39;,
  14. position = position_fill(vjust = 0.5),
  15. format_string = &#39;{:.1f}%&#39;,
  16. show_legend = False) +
  17. facet_wrap(&quot;vs&quot;)
  18. )

plotnine:: 在 after_stat 中引用 facet_wrap 的参数是否有更好的方式?

It says, the label is mapped to the same variable as the facets, then refined by the custom function after the statistics are calculated.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月24日 13:55:10
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