如何在使用AWS Amplify进行注册时将用户放入特定的身份验证池中?

huangapple go评论61阅读模式

How to place users into specific authentication pools on sign up with AWS Amplify?



  1. 客户
  2. 教师
  3. 管理员

当客户使用 Authenticator 组件注册时,它目前会将用户添加到 Cognito 用户池,但不会添加到任何特定的群组。我想捕获这个注册请求,然后在“客户”池中创建一个新的 Cognito 用户。

我有一个 GraphQL 模式,允许根据 Cognito 群组访问数据:

type ClassGroup @model @auth(rules: [{allow: public, operations: [read]}, {allow: groups, groups: ["admins"], operations: [read, create, update, delete]}]) {
  id: ID!
  className: String
  semesterPrice: Float

为了进行该群组更改,我必须在 Amplify 控制台内手动执行:
如何在使用AWS Amplify进行注册时将用户放入特定的身份验证池中?
如何在使用AWS Amplify进行注册时将用户放入特定的身份验证池中?



I assume this is should be a common feature of most websites, but I have seen no documentation for it. I have a website that has three groups of people that use it:

  1. Clients
  2. Teachers
  3. Admins

When a client signs up with the Authenticator Component, it currently adds the user to the Cognito pool, but not to any specific group. I would like to capture this sign-up request, then create a new cognito user inside the Client pool.

I have a graphql schema that allows access to data based on the cognito group:

type ClassGroup @model @auth(rules: [{allow: public, operations: [read]}, {allow: groups, groups: ["admins"], operations: [read, create, update, delete]}]) {
  id: ID!
  className: String
  semesterPrice: Float

To make that group change, I have to do it manually inside the Amplify Console:
如何在使用AWS Amplify进行注册时将用户放入特定的身份验证池中?
如何在使用AWS Amplify进行注册时将用户放入特定的身份验证池中?

How can I accomplish this separation of users and accessibility inside AWS? How can I allow one group of users to access certain data and other users to access other data?


得分: 1


type EmployerAccount
    rules: [
      { allow: owner, operations: [create, update, delete, read] }
      { allow: private, operations: [read] }
      { allow: public, provider: iam, operations: [read] }
  ) {


await Auth.signUp({
  username: email,
  attributes: {
    "custom:group": "Employer"

然后,你可以在Cognito池上使用Post Confirmation Lambda函数将用户发送到特定的表。


运行 amplify update auth 并将这个函数添加为触发器。


 * @type {import('@types/aws-lambda').APIGatewayProxyHandler}
var dynamodb = require("aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb");
var ddb = new dynamodb({ region: "eu-west-1" });

exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
  console.log("EVENT", event);
  console.log("CONTEXT", context);

  let date = new Date();

  // 由于这是一个PostConfirmation触发器,它可以被其他事件触发
  // 我们只想在triggerSource为PostConfirmation_ConfirmSignUp时运行以下代码
  // 另一个可能是"forgot_password"(我们不想运行此代码)

  const valueTrigger = event.triggerSource;
  const confirmSignUp = "PostConfirmation_ConfirmSignUp";

  // 如果triggerSource为PostConfirmation_ConfirmSignUp,那么我们知道用户刚刚注册
  if (valueTrigger === confirmSignUp) {
    // 只有当用户具有sub(唯一用户ID)时才运行下面的代码
    if (event.request.userAttributes.sub) {

      // 我们将使用他们的自定义组来确定需要传递给DynamoDB调用的参数
      const paramsToUse = event.request.userAttributes["custom:group"] === "Employer" ? candidateParams : employerParams;

      // 这些是我们需要传递给DynamoDB的初始用户创建的参数
      let params = {
        Item: {...},
          event.request.userAttributes["custom:group"] === "Candidates"
            ? process.env[TABLE_NAME]
            : process.env[TABLE_NAME],

      try {
        await ddb.putItem(params).promise();
      } catch (err) {
        console.error("ERROR", err);
      console.log("Success: Everything executed correctly");
      context.done(null, event);
    } else {
      console.error("ERROR: Nothing was written to DynamoDB");
      context.done(null, event);
  } else {
    console.log("Not Confirm Signup, thus not running the code");
    context.done(null, event);



Your graphql Schema can look like this:

type EmployerAccount
rules: [
{ allow: owner, operations: [create, update, delete, read] }
{ allow: private, operations: [read] }
{ allow: public, provider: iam, operations: [read] }
) {

You can add a custom:group attribute in your cognito pool like this:

  await Auth.signUp({
username: email,
attributes: {
"custom:group": "Employer"

You can then use a Post Confirmation Lambda Function on your Cognito pool to send them to specific tables.


Run amplify update auth and add this as a trigger.

Lambda Function

* @type {import('@types/aws-lambda').APIGatewayProxyHandler}
var dynamodb = require("aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb");
var ddb = new dynamodb({ region: "eu-west-1" });
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
console.log("EVENT", event);
console.log("CONTEXT", context);
let date = new Date();
// As this is a PostConfirmation trigger, it can be triggered by other events
// We only want to run the code below if the triggerSource is PostConfirmation_ConfirmSignUp
// The other one is possibly "forgot_password" (which we don't want to run this code for)
const valueTrigger = event.triggerSource;
const confirmSignUp = "PostConfirmation_ConfirmSignUp";
// If the triggerSource is PostConfirmation_ConfirmSignUp, then we know that the user has just signed up
if (valueTrigger === confirmSignUp) {
// We only want to run the code below if the user has a sub (unique user ID)
if (event.request.userAttributes.sub) {
// I will use their custom group to determine which parameters need to be passed into the DynamoDB call
const paramsToUse = event.request.userAttributes["custom:group"] === "eMPLOYER" ? candidateParams : employerParams;
// These are the parameters we need to pass to DynamoDB for the initial user creation
let params = {
Item: {...},
event.request.userAttributes["custom:group"] === "Candidates"
? process.env[TABLE_NAME]
: process.env.[TABLE_NAME],
try {
await ddb.putItem(params).promise();
} catch (err) {
console.error("ERROR", err);
console.log("Success: Everything executed correctly");
context.done(null, event);
} else {
console.error("ERROR: Nothing was written to DynamoDB");
context.done(null, event);
} else {
console.log("Not Confirm Signup, thus not running the code");
context.done(null, event);

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月24日 07:00:48
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75551183.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
