iisexpresstray 在从 Visual Studio 启动站点时崩溃

huangapple go评论49阅读模式

iisexpresstray crashes when starting a site from visual studio


我是VS2022用户。我将它更新到版本17.5.0。每当我尝试在浏览器中查看时,iisexpresstray(IIS Express)会出现。但当你移动鼠标时它会消失。在事件查看器中出现了一个错误。IIS Express仍在工作。

我已经“重置此PC”三次并每次重新安装Win11和Visual Studio。我还在虚拟机上测试过,Win11。同样的错误。
[Windows 11 - 12400 - 16gb - M2 TB]

还在我的Thinkpad X1 Win10上测试了VS2022更新到17.5.0,一切正常!

在测试多个项目时,IIS Express托盘图标非常有用。它可以告诉您使用的端口。


I am a VS2022 user. I updated it to version 17.5.0. Every time I try to view in the browser, the iisexpresstray (IIS Express) appears. But when you pass the mouse disappears. An error appears in Event Viewer. IIS Express is still working.

iisexpresstray 在从 Visual Studio 启动站点时崩溃

iisexpresstray 在从 Visual Studio 启动站点时崩溃

I have "Reset this PC" three times and reinstalled Win11 and visual studio each time. I also tested on a virtual machine, Win11. Same error.
[Windows 11 - 12400 - 16gb - M2 TB]

Also test on my Thinkpad X1 Win10 VS2022 updated to 17.5.0 works fine!

IIS Express tray icon is very useful when testing multiple projects. Lets you know the port used.
Any idea ?. Thanks a lot.-


得分: 11


这似乎是在Visual Studio 2022发布的17.5版本中引入的错误。

我发现IIS Express Tray的32位版本没有同样的崩溃。因此,作为一种解决方法,您可以手动启动IISExpressTray.exe的32位版本,通常位于"C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express"下。 IISExpressTray.exe将自动识别运行中的IIS Express Web进程,而不考虑其位数。您不需要切换到32位Web进程来使用此解决方法。


错误报告的作者查看了崩溃转储,并发现崩溃发生在处理遥测数据时。然后,他们确认停用在Visual Studio Experience Improvement Program中的参与将完全绕过此错误。

要停用在Visual Studio Experience Improvement Program中的参与: 打开Visual Studio 2022。转到 帮助 -> 隐私 -> 隐私选项...。然后,在对话框底部附近,选择" 不,我不想参与 "。请在Microsoft修复此错误后考虑重新加入该程序。


更新: Microsoft表示此问题已在Release 17.5.4(2023年4月12日)中解决(https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/releases/2022/release-notes#17.5.4)


This answer summarizes information from comments and outside sources, for preservation.

This appears to be a bug introduced in Visual Studio 2022 release 17.5.

I discovered that the 32-bit version of IIS Express Tray does not suffer from the same crash. Therefore, as a workaround, you can manually launch the 32-bit version of IISExpressTray.exe, typically under "C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express". IISExpressTray.exe will automatically recognize running IIS Express web processes regardless of their bitness. You don't need to switch to 32-bit web processes for this workaround.

The bug has been reported to Microsoft by another user here: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/iisexpress-crashes-in-ntdlldll/10290067

The poster of the bug report looked at a crash dump and discovered that the crash happened while processing telemetry data. Then they confirmed that deactivating participation in the Visual Studio Experience Improvement Program would work around the bug entirely.

To deactivate participation in the Visual Studio Experience Improvement Program: Open Visual Studio 2022. Go to Help -> Privacy -> Privacy Options.... Then, near the bottom of the dialog, select "No, I would not like to participate". Please consider rejoining the program once the bug is fixed by Microsoft.

At the time of this writing the bug has been triaged but not yet resolved.

Update: Microsoft indicates that this issue was resolved in Release 17.5.4 (April 12 2023) (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/releases/2022/release-notes#17.5.4)


得分: 0

直到错误修复为止,您可以卸载IIS Express,从https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48264下载并安装。我需要在每次VS 2022更新后执行此操作。


Until the bug is fixed, you can uninstall IIS Express, download from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48264 and install. I need to do this after each VS 2022 updates.


得分: 0

这个问题对我而言是在我更新Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi时开始的,从版本5.2.6升级到版本5.2.9。Visual Studio 更新到17.5.4没有解决问题。当我将Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi的版本回滚到5.2.6时,问题得到解决。


This problem started for me when I updated Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi,

 Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client, Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core, 
 Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost, From Version 5.2.6 to version 5.2.9. 

The VS Update 17.5.4 did not resolve. When I rolled back the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi versions to 5.2.6 it resolved.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月24日 06:29:52
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75550968.html



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