
huangapple go评论81阅读模式

Padding or filling a dataframe in R if I know the range


我正在寻找类似于 [bedtools subtract](https://bedtools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content/tools/subtract.html) 的东西,但是使用数据框。


起始   结束  值
0    100   P


起始   结束  值
10    25   A
50    63   B


起始   结束  值
 0     9   P1
10    25   A
26    49   P2
50    63   B
64   100   P3

P1,P2 和 P3 是填充第二个数据框的标签,以便覆盖值的整个范围。

我尝试过使用 Dplyr 的 Lag 函数并手动添加填充值,但鉴于基因组特征的长度(包括起始和结束坐标)可能会改变,我希望这种范围填充是自动的。



data_range <- data.frame(start=0, end=100, value="P")

tofill_range <- data.frame(start=c(15, 51, 70),end = c(39, 62, 79), value = c("A","B","C"))


I&#39;m looking for something similar to [bedtools subtract](https://bedtools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content/tools/subtract.html) but with dataframes.

For example, say I have the range as a dataframe here:

Start End Value
0 100 P

And I have another dataframe, which is sorted:

Start End Value
10 25 A
50 63 B

Would there be a way to fill this like so:

Start End Value
0 9 P1
10 25 A
26 49 P2
50 63 B
64 100 P3

P1, P2 and P3 labels which are filled in to pad the 2nd dataframe so that the entire range of value gets covered.

I tried using Dplyr&#39;s Lag function and adding the padding values manually, but given that the range can change depending on the length of genomic feature (including the start and end co-ordinates), I wanted this range filling to be automatic.

Thank you!

For example, this is a small subset of the data:

data_range&lt;- data.frame(start=0, end=100, value=&quot;P&quot;)

tofill_range&lt;- data.frame(start=c(15, 51, 70),end = c(39, 62, 79), value = c(&quot;A&quot;,&quot;B&quot;,&quot;C&quot;))


得分: 2



calc_range <- function(df1, df2) {
  df3 <- df2 %>% 
    transmute(开始 = 结束 + 1,
              结束 = 开始 - 1) %>% 
    rename(开始 = 开始)
  开始_df <- bind_rows(df1, df2, df3)
  开始_df %>% 
    选择(!价值) %>% 
    unlist %>% 
    sort %>% 
    矩阵(列数 = 2, 按行 = TRUE) %>% 
    数据框() %>% 
    rename(开始 = X1, 结束 = X2) %>% 
    left_join(开始_df, by = c("开始", "结束")) %>% 
    mutate(价值 = ifelse(is.na(价值) | 价值 == "P",
                          paste0("P", cumsum(is.na(价值) | 价值 == "P")),
                          价值)) %>% 

# 测试 1

dfa <- tribble(
  ~开始, ~结束, ~价值,
  0, 100, "P"

dfb <- tribble(~开始, ~结束, ~价值,
               10, 25, "A",
               50, 63, "B")

calc_range(dfa, dfb)
#>   开始 结束 价值
#> 1   0   9  P1
#> 2  10  25   A
#> 3  26  49  P2
#> 4  50  63   B
#> 5  64 100  P3

# 测试 2 
数据范围 <- 数据框(开始=0, 结束=100, 价值="P")

填充范围 <- 数据框(开始=c(15, 51, 70),
                          结束 = c(39, 62, 79),
                          价值 = c("A","B","C"))

calc_range(数据范围, 填充范围)
#>   开始 结束 价值
#> 1   0  14  P1
#> 2  15  39   A
#> 3  40  50  P2
#> 4  51  62   B
#> 5  63  69  P3
#> 6  70  79   C
#> 7  80 100  P4

Here is one way to calculate the range of a data.frame with just using 'dplyr'. For your second example I renamed the columns. We could put some more work in to make it work with any column names.


calc_range &lt;- function(df1, df2) {
  df3 &lt;- df2 %&gt;% 
    transmute(start = End + 1,
              End = Start - 1) %&gt;% 
    rename(Start = start)
  start_df &lt;- bind_rows(df1, df2, df3)
  start_df %&gt;% 
    select(!Value) %&gt;% 
    unlist %&gt;% 
    sort %&gt;% 
    matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) %&gt;% 
    data.frame() %&gt;% 
    rename(Start = X1, End = X2) %&gt;% 
    left_join(start_df, by = c(&quot;Start&quot;, &quot;End&quot;)) %&gt;% 
    mutate(Value = ifelse(is.na(Value) | Value == &quot;P&quot;,
                          paste0(&quot;P&quot;, cumsum(is.na(Value) | Value == &quot;P&quot;)),
                          Value)) %&gt;% 

# Test 1

dfa &lt;- tribble(
  ~Start, ~End, ~Value,
  0, 100, &quot;P&quot;

dfb &lt;- tribble(~Start, ~End, ~Value,
               10, 25, &quot;A&quot;,
               50, 63, &quot;B&quot;)

calc_range(dfa, dfb)
#&gt;   Start End Value
#&gt; 1     0   9    P1
#&gt; 2    10  25     A
#&gt; 3    26  49    P2
#&gt; 4    50  63     B
#&gt; 5    64 100    P3

# Test 2 
data_range &lt;- data.frame(Start=0, End=100, Value=&quot;P&quot;)

tofill_range &lt;- data.frame(Start=c(15, 51, 70),
                          End = c(39, 62, 79),
                          Value = c(&quot;A&quot;,&quot;B&quot;,&quot;C&quot;))

calc_range(data_range, tofill_range)
#&gt;   Start End Value
#&gt; 1     0  14    P1
#&gt; 2    15  39     A
#&gt; 3    40  50    P2
#&gt; 4    51  62     B
#&gt; 5    63  69    P3
#&gt; 6    70  79     C
#&gt; 7    80 100    P4

<sup>Created on 2023-02-23 with reprex v2.0.2</sup>


得分: 2

使用 dplyr(版本 v1.1.0 或更高)的 consecutive_id 来获取缺失的范围,使用 between


ranges <- rowSums(apply(tofill_range[,1:2], 1, function(x) 
  between(seq(data_range$start, data_range$end), x[1], x[2])))
as_tibble(cbind(ranges, grp = consecutive_id(ranges), 
            val = seq(data_range[,1], data_range[,2))) %>% 
  group_by(grp) %>% 
  filter(ranges == 0) %>% 
  summarize(start = first(val), 
            end = last(val), 
            value = paste0(data_range$value, cur_group_id())) %>% 
  select(-grp) %>% 
  bind_rows(., tofill_range) %>% 
# A tibble: 7 × 3
  start   end value
  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1     0    14 P1   
2    15    39 A    
3    40    50 P2   
4    51    62 B    
5    63    69 P3   
6    70    79 C    
7    80   100 P4



Using dplyr (>= v1.1.0 for consecutive_id)

Get the missing ranges with between

ranges &lt;- rowSums(apply(tofill_range[,1:2], 1, function(x) 
between(seq(data_range$start, data_range$end), x[1], x[2])))
as_tibble(cbind(ranges, grp = consecutive_id(ranges), 
val = seq(data_range[,1], data_range[,2]))) %&gt;% 
group_by(grp) %&gt;% 
filter(ranges == 0) %&gt;% 
summarize(start = first(val), 
end = last(val), 
value = paste0(data_range$value, cur_group_id())) %&gt;% 
select(-grp) %&gt;% 
bind_rows(., tofill_range) %&gt;% 
# A tibble: 7 &#215; 3
start   end value
&lt;dbl&gt; &lt;dbl&gt; &lt;chr&gt;
1     0    14 P1   
2    15    39 A    
3    40    50 P2   
4    51    62 B    
5    63    69 P3   
6    70    79 C    
7    80   100 P4


得分: 2

在基本的 R 中:
``` r
all_ranges <- function(df1, df2){
  a <- sort(c(t(df1[-3]), t(df2[-3]), t(df2[-3]) + c(-1,1)))
  b <- data.frame(t(matrix(a,2)))
  d <- merge(df2, setNames(b, names(df1)[-3]), all = TRUE)
  replace(d, is.na(d), paste0(df1[,3], seq(sum(is.na(d)))))

data_range<- data.frame(start=0, end=100, value="P")

tofill_range<- data.frame(start=c(15, 51, 70),end = c(39, 62, 79), value = c("A","B","C"))

all_ranges(data_range, tofill_range)
#>   start end value
#> 1     0  14    P1
#> 2    15  39     A
#> 3    40  50    P2
#> 4    51  62     B
#> 5    63  69    P3
#> 6    70  79     C
#> 7    80 100    P4

创建于 2023-02-23,使用 reprex v2.0.2

In base R:
``` r
all_ranges &lt;- function(df1, df2){
a &lt;- sort(c(t(df1[-3]), t(df2[-3]), t(df2[-3]) + c(-1,1)))
b &lt;- data.frame(t(matrix(a,2)))
d &lt;- merge(df2, setNames(b, names(df1)[-3]), all = TRUE)
replace(d, is.na(d), paste0(df1[,3], seq(sum(is.na(d)))))
data_range&lt;- data.frame(start=0, end=100, value=&quot;P&quot;)
tofill_range&lt;- data.frame(start=c(15, 51, 70),end = c(39, 62, 79), value = c(&quot;A&quot;,&quot;B&quot;,&quot;C&quot;))
all_ranges(data_range, tofill_range)
#&gt;   start end value
#&gt; 1     0  14    P1
#&gt; 2    15  39     A
#&gt; 3    40  50    P2
#&gt; 4    51  62     B
#&gt; 5    63  69    P3
#&gt; 6    70  79     C
#&gt; 7    80 100    P4

<sup>Created on 2023-02-23 with reprex v2.0.2</sup>


得分: 0



    r1 = IRanges(start = 0, end = 100, names = "P")
    r2 = IRanges(start = c(10, 50), end = c(25, 63), names = c("A", "B"))

    # 找到间隙
    dif = setdiff(r1, r2)
    names(dif) = sprintf("%s%d", names(r1), seq_len(length(dif)))

    # 合并并排序
    ans = sort(c(r2, dif))

    #  start end width names
    #1     0   9    10    P1
    #2    10  25    16     A
    #3    26  49    24    P2
    #4    50  63    14     B
    #5    64 100    37    P3

A very suitable package for this task is "IRanges":

r1 = IRanges(start = 0, end = 100, names = &quot;P&quot;)
r2 = IRanges(start = c(10, 50), end = c(25, 63), names = c(&quot;A&quot;, &quot;B&quot;))
# find gaps
dif = setdiff(r1, r2)
names(dif) = sprintf(&quot;%s%d&quot;, names(r1), seq_len(length(dif)))
# merge and sort
ans = sort(c(r2, dif))
#  start end width names
#1     0   9    10    P1
#2    10  25    16     A
#3    26  49    24    P2
#4    50  63    14     B
#5    64 100    37    P3

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月24日 05:29:08
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75550494.html



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