Regression Test Fails on Postgres v12

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Regression Test Fails on Postgres v12


我试图在运行 macOS 12.6.3 和 PostgreSQL REL_12_STABLE 的系统上安装 AGE。我正在使用 AGE_PG12.1.0_ALPHA 分支进行安装。运行安装命令后,我使用 installcheck 进行了回归测试,它告诉我有 2 个测试失败并且出现了错误。我理解这个错误并不是什么大问题,因为它只是由于 macOS 上字符串比较的返回值不同造成的,但我对于这些失败的测试不太确定。它们是否重要,是否有办法修复它们?


➜  age git:(AGE_PG12.1.0_ALPHA) make PG_CONFIG=/usr/local/pgsql-12/bin/pg_config installcheck
/usr/local/pgsql-12/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../src/test/regress/pg_regress --inputdir=./ --bindir='/usr/local/pgsql-12/bin'    --load-extension=age --inputdir=.//regress --outputdir=.//regress --temp-instance=.//regress/instance --port=61958 --encoding=UTF-8 --dbname=contrib_regression scan graphid agtype catalog cypher expr cypher_create cypher_match cypher_unwind cypher_set cypher_remove cypher_delete cypher_with cypher_vle cypher_union cypher_merge age_load index drop
============== 创建临时实例 ==============
============== 初始化数据库系统 ==============
============== 启动 postmaster ==============
运行在端口 61958 上,PID 69718
============== 创建数据库 "contrib_regression" ==============
============== 安装 age ==============
============== 运行回归测试查询 ==============
test scan                         ... ok          636 ms
test graphid                      ... ok           37 ms
test agtype                       ... FAILED      140 ms
test catalog                      ... FAILED      179 ms
test cypher                       ... ok           55 ms
test expr                         ... ok          890 ms
test cypher_create                ... ok          223 ms
test cypher_match                 ... ok          535 ms
test cypher_unwind                ... ok           63 ms
test cypher_set                   ... ok          171 ms
test cypher_remove                ... ok          187 ms
test cypher_delete                ... ok          174 ms
test cypher_with                  ... ok           59 ms
test cypher_vle                   ... ok         1574 ms
test cypher_union                 ... ok           80 ms
test cypher_merge                 ... ok          191 ms
test age_load                     ... ok         2858 ms
test index                        ... ok          151 ms
test drop                         ... ok          357 ms
============== 关闭 postmaster ==============

 19 个测试中有 2 个失败。

导致一些测试失败的差异可以在文件 "/Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/regression.diffs" 中查看。你看到的测试摘要的副本也保存在文件 "/Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/regression.out" 中。

make: *** [installcheck] 错误 1
➜  age git:(AGE_PG12.1.0_ALPHA) cat regress/regression.diffs
diff -U3 /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/expected/agtype.out /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/results/agtype.out
--- /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/expected/agtype.out    2023-02-23 12:12:51.000000000 -0800
+++ /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/results/agtype.out 2023-02-23 12:13:28.000000000 -0800
@@ -2886,7 +2886,7 @@
 SELECT agtype_btree_cmp('"string"'::agtype, '"string "'::agtype);
-               -1
+              -32
 (1 row)

 SELECT agtype_btree_cmp(NULL, NULL);
diff -U3 /Users/kenwoon/age/./regress/expected/catalog.out /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/results/catalog.out
--- /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/expected/catalog.out   2023-02-23 12:12:51.000000000 -0800
+++ /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/results/catalog.out    2023-02-23 12:13:28.000000000 -0800
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
 drop cascades to table g._ag_label_vertex
 drop cascades to table g._ag_label_edge
 drop cascades to table g.v
-ERROR:  table "v" is for label "v"
+ERROR:  table "v" is for label ""
 -- DROP TABLE ... should fail
-ERROR:  table "v" is for label "v"
+ERROR:  table "v" is for label ""
 -- should fail (cascade = false)
 SELECT drop_graph('g');
 ERROR:  cannot drop schema g because other objects depend on it

I am trying to install AGE on my system running macOS 12.6.3 with PostgreSQL REL_12_STABLE. I am using the AGE_PG12.1.0_ALPHA branch for the installation. After running the install command, I've done the regression tests using installcheck, which tells me that 2 tests have failed and that that there is an error. I understand that the error is not a big deal as it is just due to the return value of string comparisons on macOS being different, but am not sure about the failed tests. Are they significant and is there a way to fix them?

Here are the series of Terminal lines:

➜  age git:(AGE_PG12.1.0_ALPHA) make PG_CONFIG=/usr/local/pgsql-12/bin/pg_config installcheck
/usr/local/pgsql-12/lib/pgxs/src/makefiles/../../src/test/regress/pg_regress --inputdir=./ --bindir='/usr/local/pgsql-12/bin'    --load-extension=age --inputdir=.//regress --outputdir=.//regress --temp-instance=.//regress/instance --port=61958 --encoding=UTF-8 --dbname=contrib_regression scan graphid agtype catalog cypher expr cypher_create cypher_match cypher_unwind cypher_set cypher_remove cypher_delete cypher_with cypher_vle cypher_union cypher_merge age_load index drop
============== creating temporary instance            ==============
============== initializing database system           ==============
============== starting postmaster                    ==============
running on port 61958 with PID 69718
============== creating database "contrib_regression" ==============
============== installing age                         ==============
============== running regression test queries        ==============
test scan                         ... ok          636 ms
test graphid                      ... ok           37 ms
test agtype                       ... FAILED      140 ms
test catalog                      ... FAILED      179 ms
test cypher                       ... ok           55 ms
test expr                         ... ok          890 ms
test cypher_create                ... ok          223 ms
test cypher_match                 ... ok          535 ms
test cypher_unwind                ... ok           63 ms
test cypher_set                   ... ok          171 ms
test cypher_remove                ... ok          187 ms
test cypher_delete                ... ok          174 ms
test cypher_with                  ... ok           59 ms
test cypher_vle                   ... ok         1574 ms
test cypher_union                 ... ok           80 ms
test cypher_merge                 ... ok          191 ms
test age_load                     ... ok         2858 ms
test index                        ... ok          151 ms
test drop                         ... ok          357 ms
============== shutting down postmaster               ==============

 2 of 19 tests failed. 

The differences that caused some tests to fail can be viewed in the
file "/Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/regression.diffs".  A copy of the test summary that you see
above is saved in the file "/Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/regression.out".

make: *** [installcheck] Error 1

➜  age git:(AGE_PG12.1.0_ALPHA) cat regress/regression.diffs
diff -U3 /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/expected/agtype.out /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/results/agtype.out
--- /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/expected/agtype.out    2023-02-23 12:12:51.000000000 -0800
+++ /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/results/agtype.out 2023-02-23 12:13:28.000000000 -0800
@@ -2886,7 +2886,7 @@
 SELECT agtype_btree_cmp('"string"'::agtype, '"string "'::agtype);
-               -1
+              -32
 (1 row)

 SELECT agtype_btree_cmp(NULL, NULL);
diff -U3 /Users/kenwoon/age/./regress/expected/catalog.out /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/results/catalog.out
--- /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/expected/catalog.out   2023-02-23 12:12:51.000000000 -0800
+++ /Users/kenwoon/Desktop/age/./regress/results/catalog.out    2023-02-23 12:13:28.000000000 -0800
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
 drop cascades to table g._ag_label_vertex
 drop cascades to table g._ag_label_edge
 drop cascades to table g.v
-ERROR:  table "v" is for label "v"
+ERROR:  table "v" is for label ""
 -- DROP TABLE ... should fail
-ERROR:  table "v" is for label "v"
+ERROR:  table "v" is for label ""
 -- should fail (cascade = false)
 SELECT drop_graph('g');
 ERROR:  cannot drop schema g because other objects depend on it


得分: 1

它们并不是非常重要。您可以暂时忽略它们,就像在 Mac 上运行回归测试时官方教程中所忽略的那样。



They are not very significant. You can ignore them for now as the official tutorial ignored when running the regression test in mac.

Hopefully in new release this will be fixed.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月24日 05:22:39
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
