
huangapple go评论96阅读模式

How can i disable to keyboard attempts while using entrybox



  1. import tkinter as tk
  2. from tkinter import *
  3. root = tk.Tk()
  4. text = ' '
  5. root.state('zoomed')
  6. root.resizable(False, False)
  7. root.configure(bg='gray95')
  8. entry_page = Entry(root, text='', width=28, font='Calibri 15', bg='dark gray')
  9. canvas1 = Canvas(width=700, height=650, bg='dark gray')
  10. canvas1.place(x=415, y=60)
  11. def button_1():
  12. entry_page.insert(len(str(entry_page)), 1)
  13. def button_2():
  14. entry_page.insert(len(str(entry_page)), 2)
  15. def button_3():
  16. entry_page.insert(len(str(entry_page)), 3)
  17. def button_4():
  18. entry_page.insert(len(str(entry_page)), 4)
  19. def button_5():
  20. entry_page.insert(len(str(entry_page)), 5)
  21. def button_6():
  22. entry_page.insert(len(str(entry_page)), 6)
  23. def button_7():
  24. entry_page.insert(len(str(entry_page)), 7)
  25. def button_8():
  26. entry_page.insert(len(str(entry_page)), 8)
  27. def button_9():
  28. entry_page.insert(len(str(entry_page)), 9)
  29. def button_0():
  30. entry_page.insert(len(str(entry_page)), 0)
  31. def button_clear():
  32. entry_page.delete(0, END)
  33. def button_delete():
  34. entry_page.delete(len(entry_page.get()) - 1, END)
  35. def button_ok():
  36. pass
  37. button1 = tk.Button(root, text='1', width=10, height=5, command=button_1)
  38. button2 = tk.Button(root, text='2', width=10, height=5, command=button_2)
  39. button3 = tk.Button(root, text='3', width=10, height=5, command=button_3)
  40. button4 = tk.Button(root, text='4', width=10, height=5, command=button_4)
  41. button5 = tk.Button(root, text='5', width=10, height=5, command=button_5)
  42. button6 = tk.Button(root, text='6', width=10, height=5, command=button_6)
  43. button7 = tk.Button(root, text='7', width=10, height=5, command=button_7)
  44. button8 = tk.Button(root, text='8', width=10, height=5, command=button_8)
  45. button9 = tk.Button(root, text='9', width=10, height=5, command=button_9)
  46. button0 = tk.Button(root, text='0', width=10, height=5, command=button_0)
  47. button_clear = tk.Button(root, text='AC', width=10, height=5, command=button_clear)
  48. button_delete = tk.Button(root, text='<-', width=10, height=5, command=button_delete)
  49. button_ok = tk.Button(root, text='✓', width=39, height=2, command=button_ok)
  50. def toggle_keyboard():
  51. canvas1.place_forget()
  52. entry_page.place(x=1200, y=100)
  53. button_clear.place(x=1200, y=160)
  54. button1.place(x=1300, y=160)
  55. button2.place(x=1400, y=160)
  56. button3.place(x=1200, y=260)
  57. button4.place(x=1300, y=260)
  58. button5.place(x=1400, y=260)
  59. button6.place(x=1200, y=360)
  60. button7.place(x=1300, y=360)
  61. button8.place(x=1400, y=360)
  62. button9.place(x=1200, y=460)
  63. button0.place(x=1300, y=460)
  64. button_delete.place(x=1400, y=460)
  65. button_ok.place(x=1200, y=560)
  66. toggle_keyboard()
  67. root.mainloop()



import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *

  1. root = tk.Tk()
  2. yazı = &#39; &#39;
  3. root.state(&#39;zoomed&#39;)
  4. root.resizable(False, False)
  5. root.configure(bg=&#39;gray95&#39;)
  6. labelsayfa = Entry(root, text=&#39;&#39;, width=28, font=&#39;Calibri 15&#39;, bg=&#39;dark gray&#39;)
  7. c1 = Canvas(width=700, height=650, bg=&#39;dark gray&#39;)
  8. c1.place(x=415, y=60)
  9. def b1g():
  10. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 1)
  11. def b2g():
  12. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 2)
  13. def b3g():
  14. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 3)
  15. def b4g():
  16. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 4)
  17. def b5g():
  18. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 5)
  19. def b6g():
  20. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 6)
  21. def b7g():
  22. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 7)
  23. def b8g():
  24. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 8)
  25. def b9g():
  26. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 9)
  27. def b0g():
  28. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 10)
  29. def bacg():
  30. labelsayfa.delete(0, END)
  31. def bsilg():
  32. labelsayfa.delete(len(labelsayfa.get()) - 1, END)
  33. def bokg():
  34. pass
  35. b1 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;1&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b1g)
  36. b2 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;2&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b2g)
  37. b3 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;3&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b3g)
  38. b4 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;4&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b4g)
  39. b5 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;5&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b5g)
  40. b6 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;6&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b6g)
  41. b7 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;7&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b7g)
  42. b8 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;8&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b8g)
  43. b9 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;9&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b9g)
  44. b0 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;0&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b0g)
  45. bac = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;AC&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=bacg)
  46. bsil = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;&lt;--&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=bsilg)
  47. bok = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;✓&#39;, width=39, height=2, command=bokg)
  48. def tag():
  49. c1.place_forget()
  50. labelsayfa.place(x=1200, y=100)
  51. bac.place(x=1200, y=160)
  52. b1.place(x=1300, y=160)
  53. b2.place(x=1400, y=160)
  54. b3.place(x=1200, y=260)
  55. b4.place(x=1300, y=260)
  56. b5.place(x=1400, y=260)
  57. b6.place(x=1200, y=360)
  58. b7.place(x=1300, y=360)
  59. b8.place(x=1400, y=360)
  60. b9.place(x=1200, y=460)
  61. b0.place(x=1300, y=460)
  62. bsil.place(x=1400, y=460)
  63. bok.place(x=1200, y=560)
  64. tag()
  65. root.mainloop()

I want to use textbox without keyboard only with buttons but i dont know how can i to do.How can i prevent the keyboard please help me i have searched all of the solitions but i couldnt find.Sorry about dots......................................................................................................


得分: 1


  1. labelsayfa = Entry(root, text='', width=28, font='Calibri 15', bg='dark gray', state=DISABLED)


  1. def b1g():
  2. labelsayfa.configure(state=NORMAL)
  3. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 1)
  4. labelsayfa.configure(state=DISABLED)



  1. def toggle_state(func):
  2. def wrapper():
  3. labelsayfa.configure(state=NORMAL)
  4. func()
  5. labelsayfa.configure(state=DISABLED)
  6. return wrapper
  7. @toggle_state
  8. def b1g():
  9. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 1)
  10. @toggle_state
  11. def b2g():
  12. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 2)
  13. # 其他按钮函数也可以使用@toggle_state装饰器



You can turn off keyboard input on an entry widget by setting it's state parameter to DISABLED.

  1. labelsayfa = Entry(root, text=&#39;&#39;, width=28, font=&#39;Calibri 15&#39;, bg=&#39;dark gray&#39;, state=DISABLED)

This will make your buttons not work as well though, so what you can do is inside your button functions, temporarily enable the entry widgets state, perform the buttons actions and then return the state back to DISABLED before exiting the function.

  1. def b1g():
  2. labelsayfa.configure(state=NORMAL)
  3. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 1)
  4. labelsayfa.configure(state=DISABLED)

Or to avoid repeating the same two lines in every function you can create a function wrapper also, but this would only reduce the repeated lines from 2 to 1, so it really is more of a personal preference.

For example:

  1. root = tk.Tk()
  2. yazı = &#39; &#39;
  3. root.state(&#39;zoomed&#39;)
  4. root.resizable(False, False)
  5. root.configure(bg=&#39;gray95&#39;)
  6. labelsayfa = Entry(root, text=&#39;&#39;, width=28, font=&#39;Calibri 15&#39;, bg=&#39;dark gray&#39;, state=DISABLED)
  7. c1 = Canvas(width=700, height=650, bg=&#39;dark gray&#39;)
  8. c1.place(x=415, y=60)
  9. def toggle_state(func):
  10. def wrapper():
  11. labelsayfa.configure(state=NORMAL)
  12. func()
  13. labelsayfa.configure(state=DISABLED)
  14. return wrapper
  15. @toggle_state
  16. def b1g():
  17. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 1)
  18. @toggle_state
  19. def b2g():
  20. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 2)
  21. @toggle_state
  22. def b3g():
  23. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 3)
  24. @toggle_state
  25. def b4g():
  26. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 4)
  27. @toggle_state
  28. def b5g():
  29. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 5)
  30. @toggle_state
  31. def b6g():
  32. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 6)
  33. @toggle_state
  34. def b7g():
  35. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 7)
  36. @toggle_state
  37. def b8g():
  38. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 8)
  39. @toggle_state
  40. def b9g():
  41. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 9)
  42. @toggle_state
  43. def b0g():
  44. labelsayfa.insert(len(str(labelsayfa)), 10)
  45. @toggle_state
  46. def bacg():
  47. labelsayfa.delete(0, END)
  48. @toggle_state
  49. def bsilg():
  50. labelsayfa.delete(len(labelsayfa.get()) - 1, END)
  51. @toggle_state
  52. def bokg():
  53. pass
  54. b1 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;1&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b1g)
  55. b2 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;2&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b2g)
  56. b3 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;3&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b3g)
  57. b4 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;4&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b4g)
  58. b5 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;5&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b5g)
  59. b6 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;6&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b6g)
  60. b7 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;7&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b7g)
  61. b8 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;8&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b8g)
  62. b9 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;9&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b9g)
  63. b0 = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;0&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=b0g)
  64. bac = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;AC&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=bacg)
  65. bsil = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;&lt;--&#39;, width=10, height=5, command=bsilg)
  66. bok = tk.Button(root, text=&#39;✓&#39;, width=39, height=2, command=bokg)
  67. def tag():
  68. c1.place_forget()
  69. labelsayfa.place(x=1200, y=100)
  70. bac.place(x=1200, y=160)
  71. b1.place(x=1300, y=160)
  72. b2.place(x=1400, y=160)
  73. b3.place(x=1200, y=260)
  74. b4.place(x=1300, y=260)
  75. b5.place(x=1400, y=260)
  76. b6.place(x=1200, y=360)
  77. b7.place(x=1300, y=360)
  78. b8.place(x=1400, y=360)
  79. b9.place(x=1200, y=460)
  80. b0.place(x=1300, y=460)
  81. bsil.place(x=1400, y=460)
  82. bok.place(x=1200, y=560)
  83. tag()
  84. root.mainloop()


得分: 0

只添加 " state='readonly' ":

  1. Entry(root, text='', state='readonly')

As far as I understood the question, just add " state='readonly' "

  1. Entry(root, text=&#39;&#39;, state=&#39;readonly&#39;)

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月24日 05:06:44
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75550333.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
