
huangapple go评论86阅读模式

Convert my coordinate to actual JavaFx coordinate



  1. HashMap<Point, Tile> board;






I'm trying to build a game called Cascadia. Since every tile is a hexagon, to represent it I used a hashmap to store the point(coordinate) and the tile.

HashMap&lt;Point, Tile&gt; board;

The point follows this structure.

Each tile is a width of 100 pixels.
example of a tile.

The problem is how do I convert those points that I used in my hashmap and convert it into the actual coordinate on my scene?

I have no problem with the tiles going left or right since I can just add or subtract 100(pixels).


得分: 3


在这种方法中,Hexagon 实例有两个整数表示坐标。任何六边形都会将 x 和 y 打印为舞台标题,如下所示:


这是一个可以尝试的单一 JavaFX 应用程序


  1. public class App extends Application {
  2. @Override
  3. public void start(Stage stage) {
  4. double HexagonRadius = 100;
  5. Hexagon hexagon1 = new Hexagon(1, 2, HexagonRadius, Color.CADETBLUE);
  6. Hexagon hexagon2 = new Hexagon(1, 0, HexagonRadius, Color.MEDIUMPURPLE);
  7. hexagon2.setTranslateY(hexagon1.getOffsetY() * 2);
  8. Hexagon hexagon3 = new Hexagon(1, 1, HexagonRadius, Color.MEDIUMSEAGREEN);
  9. hexagon3.setTranslateY(-hexagon1.getOffsetY() * 2);
  10. Hexagon hexagon4 = new Hexagon(0, 0, HexagonRadius, Color.CORNFLOWERBLUE);
  11. hexagon4.setTranslateY(-hexagon1.getOffsetY());
  12. hexagon4.setTranslateX(hexagon1.getOffsetX());
  13. Hexagon hexagon5 = new Hexagon(2, 2, HexagonRadius, Color.YELLOW);
  14. hexagon5.setTranslateY(-hexagon1.getOffsetY());
  15. hexagon5.setTranslateX(-hexagon1.getOffsetX());
  16. Hexagon hexagon6 = new Hexagon(2, 0, HexagonRadius, Color.ORANGE);
  17. hexagon6.setTranslateY(hexagon1.getOffsetY());
  18. hexagon6.setTranslateX(-hexagon1.getOffsetX());
  19. Hexagon hexagon7 = new Hexagon(2, 3, HexagonRadius, Color.SKYBLUE);
  20. hexagon7.setTranslateY(hexagon1.getOffsetY());
  21. hexagon7.setTranslateX(hexagon1.getOffsetX());
  22. Group hexagonsGroup
  23. = new Group(hexagon1, hexagon2, hexagon3, hexagon4, hexagon5, hexagon6, hexagon7);
  24. StackPane stackPane = new StackPane(hexagonsGroup);
  25. var scene = new Scene(stackPane, 640, 480);
  26. scene.setFill(Color.ANTIQUEWHITE);
  27. stage.setScene(scene);
  28. stage.show();
  29. }
  30. // ... 省略其他部分 ...
  31. }
  1. public final class Hexagon extends Group {
  2. // ... 省略其他部分 ...
  3. public Hexagon(int x, int y, double radius, Paint color) {
  4. this.x = x;
  5. this.y = y;
  6. this.radius = radius;
  7. makeHexagon(radius, color);
  8. offsetY = calculateApothem();
  9. offsetX = radius * 1.5;
  10. changeTittle();
  11. }
  12. // ... 省略其他部分 ...
  13. public void changeTittle() {
  14. polygon.setOnMouseClicked(e -> {
  15. Stage stage = (Stage) this.getScene().getWindow();
  16. stage.setTitle("cordinate =" + x + "," + y);
  17. });
  18. }
  19. // ... 省略其他部分 ...
  20. }
  1. public static void main(String[] args) {
  2. launch();
  3. }

Storing coordinates as field

In this approach Hexagon instances have two integers wich represent coords . Any hexagon will print x and y as stage tittle like so :


This is a single javafx app you can try


  1. public class App extends Application {
  2. @Override
  3. public void start(Stage stage) {
  4. double HexagonRadius = 100;
  5. Hexagon hexagon1 = new Hexagon(1, 2, HexagonRadius, Color.CADETBLUE);
  6. Hexagon hexagon2 = new Hexagon(1, 0, HexagonRadius, Color.MEDIUMPURPLE);
  7. hexagon2.setTranslateY(hexagon1.getOffsetY() * 2);
  8. Hexagon hexagon3 = new Hexagon(1, 1, HexagonRadius, Color.MEDIUMSEAGREEN);
  9. hexagon3.setTranslateY(-hexagon1.getOffsetY() * 2);
  10. Hexagon hexagon4 = new Hexagon(0, 0, HexagonRadius, Color.CORNFLOWERBLUE);
  11. hexagon4.setTranslateY(-hexagon1.getOffsetY());
  12. hexagon4.setTranslateX(hexagon1.getOffsetX());
  13. Hexagon hexagon5 = new Hexagon(2, 2, HexagonRadius, Color.YELLOW);
  14. hexagon5.setTranslateY(-hexagon1.getOffsetY());
  15. hexagon5.setTranslateX(-hexagon1.getOffsetX());
  16. Hexagon hexagon6 = new Hexagon(2, 0, HexagonRadius, Color.ORANGE);
  17. hexagon6.setTranslateY(hexagon1.getOffsetY());
  18. hexagon6.setTranslateX(-hexagon1.getOffsetX());
  19. Hexagon hexagon7 = new Hexagon(2, 3, HexagonRadius, Color.SKYBLUE);
  20. hexagon7.setTranslateY(hexagon1.getOffsetY());
  21. hexagon7.setTranslateX(hexagon1.getOffsetX());
  22. Group hexagonsGroup
  23. = new Group(hexagon1, hexagon2, hexagon3, hexagon4, hexagon5, hexagon6, hexagon7);
  24. StackPane stackPane = new StackPane(hexagonsGroup);
  25. var scene = new Scene(stackPane, 640, 480);
  26. scene.setFill(Color.ANTIQUEWHITE);
  27. stage.setScene(scene);
  28. stage.show();
  29. }
  30. public final class Hexagon extends Group {
  31. private Polygon polygon;
  32. private final double radius;
  33. private final double radianStep = (2 * Math.PI) / 6;
  34. private final int x;
  35. private final int y;
  36. private final double offsetY;
  37. private final double offsetX;
  38. public int getX() {
  39. return x;
  40. }
  41. public int getY() {
  42. return y;
  43. }
  44. public Hexagon(int x, int y, double radius, Paint color) {
  45. this.x = x;
  46. this.y = y;
  47. this.radius = radius;
  48. makeHexagon(radius, color);
  49. offsetY = calculateApothem();
  50. offsetX = radius * 1.5;
  51. changeTittle();
  52. }
  53. private void makeHexagon(double radius, Paint color) {
  54. polygon = new Polygon();
  55. this.getChildren().add(polygon);
  56. polygon.setFill(color);
  57. polygon.setStroke(Color.WHITESMOKE);
  58. polygon.setEffect(new DropShadow(10, Color.BLACK));
  59. polygon.setStrokeWidth(10);
  60. polygon.setStrokeType(StrokeType.INSIDE);
  61. for (int i = 0; i &lt; 6; i++) {
  62. double angle = radianStep * i;
  63. polygon.getPoints().add(Math.cos(angle) * radius / 1.1);
  64. polygon.getPoints().add(Math.sin(angle) * radius / 1.1);
  65. }
  66. }
  67. public void changeTittle() {
  68. polygon.setOnMouseClicked(e -&gt; {
  69. Stage stage = (Stage) this.getScene().getWindow();
  70. stage.setTitle(&quot;cordinate =&quot; + x + &quot;,&quot; + y);
  71. });
  72. }
  73. public double getOffsetY() {
  74. return offsetY;
  75. }
  76. public double getOffsetX() {
  77. return offsetX;
  78. }
  79. private double calculateApothem() {
  80. System.out.println(Math.tan(radianStep) * radius);
  81. return (Math.tan(radianStep) * radius) / 2;
  82. }
  83. }
  84. public static void main(String[] args) {
  85. launch();
  86. }
  87. }

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月24日 03:51:45
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75549676.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
