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Shopify Partners: Get a list of items from managed stores




  1. 创建了一个Shopify合作伙伴账户。
  2. 创建了一个测试应用(空白应用)。
  3. 将客户的商店添加为受管理的商店,并只授予“查看产品”权限。
  4. 在Shopify合作伙伴仪表板上将我的应用标记为销售渠道。

此时,我对接下来应该发生什么感到困惑。我希望得到一个node(或任何编程语言)的代码片段,以便从我所管理的所有商店中获取所有商品。然而,我未能找到一篇全面的文章来指导我如何实现这一目标。明确一下,我不打算在Shopify上销售产品,我只想使用Shopify API 实时查询我们合作伙伴的库存。

编辑: 添加了第4点到列表中,并进行了一些澄清。


We are building a marketplace (currently not on shopify) with an express.js backend, and want to provide an easy way for merchants who are using shopify to easily upload and synchronize their inventories with our marketplace.

From what I understood, this is supposed to be solved with the Shopify Partner API, but I cannot quite figure out the steps. Here is what I've done up to now:

  1. Create a Shopify Partners account
  2. Create a test app (empty)
  3. Add a Client's store as a managed store, with just the "View Products" scope
  4. Mark my app as a Sales Channel on the Shopify Partners dashboard

At this point, I am confused as to what should happen next. What I want is a node (or really any language) snippet that gives me all items from all my managed stores. However, I have failed to find a comprehensive article on how to get there. To be clear, I do not want to sell products with shopify, I just want to use the shopify API to query our partner's inventory in real time.

EDIT: Added point 4. to the list and some clarifications.


得分: 1



You missed the whole section on creating a Sales Channel? That is what you are. A Sales Channel. So making yourself one of those Apps is what you do. You ask Shopify for your App to be a Sales Channel. Then you follow the guidelines they provide you. Your App has to conform to certain onboarding procedures, and then you get to work with the shops, and their products.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月24日 02:08:44
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
