DDD – 在同一个事务中更改一个聚合并保存另一个聚合可以吗?

huangapple go评论108阅读模式

DDD - Is it alright to change one aggregate and save another one in the same transaction?



  1. 拥有多个折扣的客户,在下订单时使用这些折扣会使其失效。
  2. 订单必须在下单客户拥有特定折扣时进行修改。




My aggregates are:

  1. Customer who has multiple Discounts which are invalidated if used during ordering
  2. Order which has to be modified if customer who places it has specific discount

My problem is that when an Order is placed (new Order object gets created) I have to both persist new Order object and deactivate appropriate Discount. This has to be done in one transaction since it is user request. This violates the rule of DDD "one aggregate modification per transaction".<br> <br>
Is it ok to do this in one transaction since new object being persisted can be considered not a change or should I somehow remodel this? Just to mention, they reside in same Bounded Context.


得分: 2

这取决于 DDD – 在同一个事务中更改一个聚合并保存另一个聚合可以吗?

















It depends DDD – 在同一个事务中更改一个聚合并保存另一个聚合可以吗?

Transactions put a limit on the number of concurrent operations your system can handle. Is that limit a problem or not, use cases and db implementation details are needed to check.

On the other hand, transactions make things much easier.

Reading the comment on another response I saw:

> eventual consistency cannot be used because then Customer would be able to use one discount for multiple orders

On a distrubuted system (modelled using DDD) the only way to guarantee this, is having the Discount and the Order under the same aggregate, because the aggregate define the consistency boundary, you can check invariants on the same data that will be stored, atomically.

Using a transaction, you are (in some way) expanding the boundary of your aggregate to have the Order and Discount in it, as no concurrent operation can be executed on the two entities (because of the transaction locks).

Opening to eventual consistency usually is done having the inconsistencies managed as businness domain rules.
One way to do it could having the rules for when a Discount is used two times.
This can be done in the process manager handling the event that when it tries to "Deactivate" the Discount it rejects the command because "AlreadyDisabled".
The ProcessManager knowing the possibility of a rejection because AlreadyDisabled at that point can cancel the Order, or change it in some way, notifying some system or whatever is the best strategy (from the business perspective). But in that case the "process" of the order creation takes into account the fact that it can happen that a discount is used for the second time.

Obviously the implementation of techincal implementation of events dispatching should minimize the possibility of that happening, but still it will be possible (we are talking about handling 100% of the cases)

Transactions make handling these cases easier, but put a limit on the reachable scale of the system.
Solutions that allows for big scale of the system, needs to manage lot of details and require bigger effort to be implemented.

As last thing, domain events could be modelled and used in a way for which when an aggregate is stored, events get published and you have a single transaction spanning the aggregate change and all the operation done by the events listeners (process managers).
The good thing of this is that in this way you are decoupling the Order and Discount, without having the part of the systems managing them having to know each other, and/or could be simpler to add other processing, plus you can test processes in isolation (you can manually publish an event to a process manager without the need of having to have to do with the Order).

What's the best solution? It's a matter of trade-off on your use case


得分: 1





In your specific case I would model the Discount as value object within the Order aggregate. Make much more sense and resolve your rule violation.

If you want to keep the Discount modeled as a part of the Customer aggregate then you can dispatch an event from the Order, listen to that event and eventually update the user.

But in your case I would go for the first solution.

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