Unit testing mocked repositories in a C# Unit of Work project?

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Unit testing mocked repositories in a C# Unit of Work project?


基础设施层采用了Unit of Work模式。

我试图使用MSTest和Moq4创建一个单元测试仓库。现在我的问题是如何正确地单元测试Service?依赖注入对我来说太复杂了。我不明白的是如何在单元测试函数中实例化一个Service对象,该对象具有一个模拟的ApplicationDbContext的Unit of Work对象。



public interface IGenericRepository&lt;T&gt; where T : class
    IQueryable&lt;T&gt; All();
    void Delete(T entity);
    //.. 其他函数

public class GenericRepository&lt;T&gt; : IGenericRepository&lt;T&gt; where T : class
    protected readonly ApplicationDBContext _context;
    protected readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
    protected DbSet&lt;T&gt; dbSet;

    public GenericRepository(ApplicationDBContext context, IConfiguration configuration)
        _context = context;
        _configuration = configuration;
        this.dbSet = _context.Set&lt;T&gt;();

    public IQueryable&lt;T&gt; All()
        return _context.Set&lt;T&gt;().AsQueryable().AsNoTracking();

    public void Delete(T entity)

    //.. 其他函数

public interface ISomeRepository : IGenericRepository&lt;Some&gt;
    public Task&lt;bool&gt; AddSomeWithCustomLogicAsync(Some some);
    public Task&lt;bool&gt; DeleteSomeWithCustomLogicAsync(int someId);

class SomeRepository : GenericRepository&lt;Some&gt;, ISomeRepository
    public SomeRepository(ApplicationDBContext dbContext, IConfiguration configuration) : base(dbContext, configuration)

    public async Task&lt;bool&gt; AddSomeWithCustomLogicAsync(Some some)
        // 添加逻辑..

    public async Task&lt;bool&gt; DeleteSomeWithCustomLogicAsync(int someId)
        // 删除逻辑..
public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
    public ISomeRepository SomeRepository { get; }
    public IAnotherRepository AnotherRepository { get; }

    int SaveChanges();

public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
    private readonly ApplicationDBContext _dBContext;
    private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    private ISomeRepository _someRepository;
    private IAnotherRepository _anotherRepositoty;

    public UnitOfWork(ApplicationDBContext applicationDBContext, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IConfiguration configuration)
        _dBContext = applicationDBContext;
        _configuration = configuration;
        _logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("logs");

    public ISomeRepository SomeRepository
            _someRepository ??= new SomeRepository(_dBContext, _configuration);
            return _someRepository;

    public int SaveChanges()
        return _dBContext.SaveChanges();
public abstract class GenericService&lt;T&gt; : IGenericService&lt;T&gt; where T : class
    public IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;

    protected readonly IMapper _mapper;
    protected readonly IValidateService _validateService;
    protected readonly ISignalService _signalService;
    protected readonly ILogBoekService _logBoekService;
    protected readonly IHttpContextAccessor _context;
    private readonly IUriService _uriService;

    public GenericService(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, IMapper mapper, IValidateService validateService, ISignalService signalService,
                          ILogBoekService logBoekService, IHttpContextAccessor context, IUriService uriService)
        _unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
        _mapper = mapper;
        _validateService = validateService;
        _signalService = signalService;
        _logBoekService = logBoekService;
        _context = context;
        _uriService = uriService;

public interface ISomeService : IGenericService&lt;Some&gt;
    public Task&lt;bool&gt; DoWork();

public class SomeService : GenericService&lt;Some&gt;, ISomeService
    public SomeService(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, IMapper mapper, IValidateService validateService,
                       ISignalService signalService, ILogBoekService logBoekService, IHttpContextAccessor context,
                       IUriService uriService)
        : base(unitOfWork, mapper, validateService, signalService, logBoekService, context, uriService)

    // 这是我想要测试的函数
    public async Task&lt;bool&gt; DoWork()
        return await _unitOfWork.SomeRepository.All() == 0;
public class SomeUnitTest
    private SomeService _someService;

    public void GenerateService(IQueryable&lt;Some&gt; documenten)
        var mockDbSet = new Mock&lt;DbSet&lt;Some&gt;&gt;();
        mockDbSet.As&lt;IQueryable&lt;Some&gt;&gt;().Setup(x =&gt; x.Provider).Returns(documenten.Provider);
        mockDbSet.As&lt;IQueryable&lt;Some&gt;&gt;().Setup(x =&gt; x.Expression).Returns(documenten.Expression);
        mockDbSet.As&lt;IQueryable&lt;Some&gt;&gt;().Setup(x =&gt; x.ElementType).Returns(documenten.ElementType);
        mockDbSet.As&lt;IQueryable&lt;Some&gt;&gt;().Setup(x =&gt; x.GetEnumerator()).Returns(documenten.GetEnumerator());

        var mockContext = new Mock&lt;ApplicationDBContext&gt;();
        mockContext.Setup(x =&gt; x.Some).Returns(mockDbSet.Object);

        // 这似乎是一个低效的方法,如何改进它?
        var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(mockContext.Object, null, null);
        _someService = new SomeService(unitOfWork, null, null, null, null, null, null);

    public async Task GetPaginatedSomeAsyncTest()
        // 准备数据

        var someThings = new List&lt;Some&gt; {
            new Some { Id = 1, Name = "Some 1" },
            new Some { Id = 2, Name = "Some 2" },
            new Some { Id = 3, Name = "Some 3" }


        // 测试

        var retrievedDocumenten = await _someService.DoWork();

        Assert.AreEqual(0, retrievedDocumenten.Data.Count);


    public void GetSomeAsyncTest()


Our project is a Swashbuckle.AspNetCore project setup using the CLEAN pattern.
The infrastructure layer is structured with the Unit of Work pattern.

I&#39;m trying to create a unit test repository using MSTest and Moq4. Now my
question is how do I Unit test the Service properly? The dependency injection is
too complicated for me. What I dont understand is how to instantiate a Service object in
the unit test function with a UnitOfWork object that has a mocked

As far as I can tell the GenericRepository&lt;T&gt;, context and UnitOfWork are not tightly coupled
(as recommended in [21847306/how-to-mock-repository-unit-of-work][1]).

The code I&#39;m working with looks like the following:

public interface IGenericRepository&lt;T&gt; where T : class
	IQueryable&lt;T&gt; All();
	void Delete(T entity);
	//.. Other functions

public class GenericRepository&lt;T&gt; : IGenericRepository&lt;T&gt; where T : class
	protected readonly ApplicationDBContext _context;
	protected readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
	protected DbSet&lt;T&gt; dbSet;

	public GenericRepository(ApplicationDBContext context, IConfiguration configuration)
		_context = context;
		_configuration = configuration;
		this.dbSet = _context.Set&lt;T&gt;();

	public IQueryable&lt;T&gt; All()
		return _context.Set&lt;T&gt;().AsQueryable().AsNoTracking();

	public void Delete(T entity)

	//.. Other functions

public interface ISomeRepository : IGenericRepository&lt;Some&gt;
	public Task&lt;bool&gt; AddSomeWithCustomLogicAsync(Some some);
	public Task&lt;bool&gt; DeleteSomeWithCustomLogicAsync(int someId);

class SomeRepository : GenericRepository&lt;Some&gt;, ISomeRepository
	public SomeRepository(ApplicationDBContext dbContext, IConfiguration configuration) : base(dbContext, configuration)

	public async Task&lt;bool&gt; AddSomeWithCustomLogicAsync(Some some)
		// Add logic..

	public async Task&lt;bool&gt; DeleteSomeWithCustomLogicAsync(int someId)
		// Delete logic..
public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
	public ISomeRepository SomeRepository { get; }
	public IAnotherRepository AnotherRepository { get; }

	int SaveChanges();

public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
	private readonly ApplicationDBContext _dBContext;
	private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
	private readonly ILogger _logger;

	private ISomeRepository _someRepository;
	private IAnotherRepository _anotherRepositoty;

	public UnitOfWork(ApplicationDBContext applicationDBContext, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IConfiguration configuration)
		_dBContext = applicationDBContext;
		_configuration = configuration;
		_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(&quot;logs&quot;);

	public ISomeRepository SomeRepository
			_someRepository ??= new SomeRepository(_dBContext, _configuration);
			return _someRepository;

	public int SaveChanges()
		return _dBContext.SaveChanges();
public abstract class GenericService&lt;T&gt; : IGenericService&lt;T&gt; where T : class
	public IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;

	protected readonly IMapper _mapper;
	protected readonly IValidateService _validateService;
	protected readonly ISignalService _signalService;
	protected readonly ILogBoekService _logBoekService;
	protected readonly IHttpContextAccessor _context;
	private readonly IUriService _uriService;

	public GenericService(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, IMapper mapper, IValidateService validateService, ISignalService signalService,
						  ILogBoekService logBoekService, IHttpContextAccessor context, IUriService uriService)
		_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
		_mapper = mapper;
		_validateService = validateService;
		_signalService = signalService;
		_logBoekService = logBoekService;
		_context = context;
		_uriService = uriService;

public interface ISomeService : IGenericService&lt;Some&gt;
	public Task&lt;bool&gt; DoWork();

public class SomeService : GenericService&lt;Some&gt;, ISomeService
	public SomeService(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, IMapper mapper, IValidateService validateService,
					   ISignalService signalService, ILogBoekService logBoekService, IHttpContextAccessor context,
					   IUriService uriService)
		: base(unitOfWork, mapper, validateService, signalService, logBoekService, context, uriService)

	// This is the function I want to test
	public async Task&lt;bool&gt; DoWork()
		return await _unitOfWork.SomeRepository.All() == 0;
public class SomeUnitTest
	private SomeService _someService;

	public void GenerateService(IQueryable&lt;Some&gt; documenten)
		var mockDbSet = new Mock&lt;DbSet&lt;Some&gt;&gt;();
		mockDbSet.As&lt;IQueryable&lt;Some&gt;&gt;().Setup(x =&gt; x.Provider).Returns(documenten.Provider);
		mockDbSet.As&lt;IQueryable&lt;Some&gt;&gt;().Setup(x =&gt; x.Expression).Returns(documenten.Expression);
		mockDbSet.As&lt;IQueryable&lt;Some&gt;&gt;().Setup(x =&gt; x.ElementType).Returns(documenten.ElementType);
		mockDbSet.As&lt;IQueryable&lt;Some&gt;&gt;().Setup(x =&gt; x.GetEnumerator()).Returns(documenten.GetEnumerator());

		var mockContext = new Mock&lt;ApplicationDBContext&gt;();
		mockContext.Setup(x =&gt; x.Some).Returns(mockDbSet.Object);

		// This seems like an inefficient way of doing it, how can it be improved?
		var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(mockContext.Object, null, null);
		_someService = new SomeService(unitOfWork, null, null, null, null, null, null);

	public async Task GetPaginatedSomeAsyncTest()
		// Prepare data

		var someThings = new List&lt;Some&gt; {
			new Some { Id = 1, Name = &quot;Some 1&quot; },
			new Some { Id = 2, Name = &quot;Some 2&quot; },
			new Some { Id = 3, Name = &quot;Some 3&quot; }


		// Test

		var retrievedDocumenten = await _someService.DoWork();

		Assert.AreEqual(0, retrievedDocumenten.Data.Count);


	public void GetSomeAsyncTest()

I did not succeed at creating a mocked UnitOfWork object properly, I dont know how to reproduce the dependency injection that occurs automatically in the unit test.


得分: 1


var mockRepository = new Mock&lt;ISomeRepository&gt;();
var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock&lt;IUnitOfWork&gt;();
var service = new SomeService(mockUnitOfWork.Object, Mock.Of&lt;IMapper&gt;(), Mock.Of&lt;IValidateService&gt;(), Mock.Of&lt;ISignalService&gt;(), Mock.Of&lt;ILogBoekService&gt;(), Mock.Of&lt;IHttpContextAccessor&gt;(), Mock.Of&lt;IUriService&gt;());

// 设置模拟的 UOW 返回模拟的仓库
    .Setup(uow =&gt; uow.SomeRepository)

// 在这里模拟任何仓库调用

// 调用你的服务
var retrievedDocumenten = service.DoWork();

// 断言你的结果
Assert.AreEqual(0, retrievedDocumenten.Data.Count);

// 可选地断言仓库调用

A Unit Test should be separated from all of it's external dependencies, otherwise you enter integration test territory. Since you are trying to unit test your Service, you only need to mock those interfaces - meaning you don't need to mock the ApplicationDBContext at all. This is the beauty of separation.

var mockRepository = new Mock&lt;ISomeRepository&gt;();
var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock&lt;IUnitOfWork&gt;();
var service = new SomeService(mockUnitOfWork.Object, Mock.Of&lt;IMapper&gt;(), Mock.Of&lt;IValidateService&gt;(), Mock.Of&lt;ISignalService&gt;(), Mock.Of&lt;ILogBoekService&gt;(), Mock.Of&lt;IHttpContextAccessor&gt;(), Mock.Of&lt;IUriService&gt;());

// Setup the mock UOW to return the mock repository
    .Setup(uow =&gt; uow.SomeRepository)

// Mock any repository calls here

// Call your service
var retrievedDocumenten = service.DoWork();

// Assert your result
Assert.AreEqual(0, retrievedDocumenten.Data.Count);

// Optionally assert repository calls

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月24日 00:07:22
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75547368.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
