Blazor WebAssembly + Identity Server – 在成功认证后检索额外的用户权限(声明?)

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Blazor WebAssembly + Identity Server - retrieving additional user permissions (claims?) after successful authentication


  1. 我有两个独立的项目:

  2. 一个使用IdentityServer4和ASP.NET Identity的ASP.NET Core托管身份提供者

  3. 一个使用Duende BFF与身份提供者通信并登录用户的Blazor WebAssembly应用程序






I have two separate projects:

  1. an ASP.NET Core hosted identity provider that makes use of IdentityServer4 and ASP.NET Identity
  2. A Blazor WebAssembly app that uses Duende BFF to communicate with the identity provider and log users in

Both have their own separate databases.

So far I have been able to get the two to communicate so that the Blazor app automatically redirects to the identity provider upon regonising that nobody is logged in. The user can then sign in to the identity provider and they are redirected back to the Blazor app where their claims are displayed.

The Blazor app is going to require lots of user permissions that are relevant to this app only. What I intend to do is have a separate user details table in the Blazor database which I then reference for these permissions after the user has been authenticated.

What I'm struggling to figure out is this: when the identity provider returns the user to Blazor with their relevant claims, how do I then use these claims (specifically, the email address claim) to look up the user in my Blazor user details database so that I can get their permissions and store them in session? Ors should I be storing this extra information as additional claims?


得分: 1

"the AddOpenIDConnect handler in Blazor provides various event handlers that you can hook into, espcially the OnTokenValidated eventhanler.":

Blazor 中的 AddOpenIDConnect 处理程序提供了各种事件处理程序,您可以钩入其中,尤其是 OnTokenValidated 事件处理程序。

"This handler is a perfect opportunity to lookup the local user infomation based on for example the subject (sub) clain in the received ID-token.":

这个处理程序是查找本地用户信息的绝佳机会,例如基于接收到的 ID 令牌中的主题 (sub) 声明。

"I think this blog post here provides a good intoduction on how to do it.":

我认为这篇博文 这里 提供了一个很好的介绍如何做到这一点。

"To complement this answer, I wrote a blog post that goes into more detail
about this topic: Debugging OpenID Connect claim problems in ASP.NET Core":

为了补充这个答案,我写了一篇博文,更详细地讨论了这个主题:在 ASP.NET Core 中调试 OpenID 连接声明问题


the AddOpenIDConnect handler in Blazor provides various event handlers that you can hook into, espcially the OnTokenValidated eventhanler.

This handler is a perfect opportunity to lookup the local user infomation based on for example the subject (sub) clain in the received ID-token.

I think this blog post here provides a good intoduction on how to do it.

To complement this answer, I wrote a blog post that goes into more detail
about this topic: Debugging OpenID Connect claim problems in ASP.NET Core

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月23日 23:41:51
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
