'rankdir=LR' does not work in dot language
digraph FST {
rankdir = "LR";
size = "8.5,11";
label = "";
center = 1;
orientation = Landscape;
ranksep = "0.4";
nodesep = "0.25";
0 [label = "0", shape = circle, style = bold, fontsize = 14]
0 -> 1 [label = "<eps>:<eps>/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
0 -> 2 [label = "<eps>:<eps>/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
1 [label = "1", shape = doublecircle, style = solid, fontsize = 14]
1 -> 3 [label = "ae1:abbey", fontsize = 14];
1 -> 5 [label = "b:bare", fontsize = 14];
1 -> 1 [label = "sil:'SIL/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
1 -> 2 [label = "sil:'SIL/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
2 [label = "2", shape = circle, style = solid, fontsize = 14]
2 -> 1 [label = "sil:<eps>", fontsize = 14];
3 [label = "3", shape = circle, style = solid, fontsize = 14]
3 -> 4 [label = "b:<eps>", fontsize = 14];
4 [label = "4", shape = circle, style = solid, fontsize = 14]
4 -> 1 [label = "iy0:<eps>/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
4 -> 2 [label = "iy0:<eps>/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
5 [label = "5", shape = circle, style = solid, fontsize = 14]
5 -> 6 [label = "eh1:<eps>", fontsize = 14];
6 [label = "6", shape = circle, style = solid, fontsize = 14]
6 -> 1 [label = "r:<eps>/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
6 -> 2 [label = "r:<eps>/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
cat a.dot | dot -Tsvg > a.svg
rankdir = "LR";
- 通过conda重新安装到7.1.0版本的Graphviz(但仍无法获得期望的图像)。
- 通过yum重新安装Graphviz到7.1.0版本(未能安装成功)。
- 尝试其他rankdir(不起作用)。
- 尝试通过dot将其转换为SVG、PNG、PS格式(不起作用)。
I have the following dot code
digraph FST {
rankdir = "LR";
size = "8.5,11";
label = "";
center = 1;
orientation = Landscape;
ranksep = "0.4";
nodesep = "0.25";
0 [label = "0", shape = circle, style = bold, fontsize = 14]
0 -> 1 [label = "<eps>:<eps>/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
0 -> 2 [label = "<eps>:<eps>/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
1 [label = "1", shape = doublecircle, style = solid, fontsize = 14]
1 -> 3 [label = "ae1:abbey", fontsize = 14];
1 -> 5 [label = "b:bare", fontsize = 14];
1 -> 1 [label = "sil:'SIL/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
1 -> 2 [label = "sil:'SIL/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
2 [label = "2", shape = circle, style = solid, fontsize = 14]
2 -> 1 [label = "sil:<eps>", fontsize = 14];
3 [label = "3", shape = circle, style = solid, fontsize = 14]
3 -> 4 [label = "b:<eps>", fontsize = 14];
4 [label = "4", shape = circle, style = solid, fontsize = 14]
4 -> 1 [label = "iy0:<eps>/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
4 -> 2 [label = "iy0:<eps>/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
5 [label = "5", shape = circle, style = solid, fontsize = 14]
5 -> 6 [label = "eh1:<eps>", fontsize = 14];
6 [label = "6", shape = circle, style = solid, fontsize = 14]
6 -> 1 [label = "r:<eps>/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
6 -> 2 [label = "r:<eps>/0.69315", fontsize = 14];
however, when i use the following command to convert the above code to svg, i got a wrong image as showing below.
cat a.dot | dot -Tsvg > a.svg
What I expect is like this
As you can see I have used LR as rankdir.
rankdir = “LR”;
My question is how to get the second image?
I have search via Google, and failed to get any useful information. What I have tested includes:
- reinstall graphviz to 7.1.0 via conda (instead, but still cannot get the expected image)
- reinstall graphviz to 7.1.0 via yum (failed to install)
- tried other rankdir (not work)
- tried to convert to svg, png, ps formats via dot. (not work)
得分: 0
orientation = Landscape
是问题的根源。它与 rotate=90
orientation = Landscape
is the source of the problem.
It is synonymous with rotate=90
If you remove that line, you get this graph: