FastAPI 和 SQLAlchemy 在从两个表中选择列返回结果时出现 TypeError。

huangapple go评论46阅读模式

Fastapi Sqlalchemy TypeError when returning results from a query that selects columns from two tables



@router.get('/', status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK)
def get_notes(db: Session = Depends(get_db)):

    posts = db.query(models.Post, func.count(models.Likes.post_id).label("likes")) \
    .join(models.Likes, models.Likes.post_id == models.Post.post_id, isouter=True) \

    return posts


        "Post": {
            "user_id": 1,
            "title": "title1",
            "created_datetime": "2023-02-19T16:39:07.552186+00:00",
            "post_id": 1,
            "content": "content for post 1"
        "likes": 0
        "Post": {
            "user_id": 1,
            "title": "title2",
            "created_datetime": "2023-02-19T16:39:04.426658+00:00",
            "post_id": 2,
            "content": "content for post 2"
        "likes": 0

然而,发送这个请求导致了500 Internal Server Error。

File "C:\Users\apapa\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs\fastapi-backend-curI0rdX-py3.10\lib\site-packages\fastapi\", line 160, in jsonable_encoder
    raise ValueError(errors) from e
ValueError: [TypeError('cannot convert dictionary update sequence 
element #0 to a sequence'), TypeError('vars() argument must have __dict__ attribute')]


[(<app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A03003A0>, 0), (<app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300400>, 0), (<app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300430>, 0), (<app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300460>, 0), (<app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300490>, 2)]


posts = [{"Post": {**post.__dict__}, "likes": likes} for post, likes in posts]
return posts



I have copied the below code from a video tutorial, and it is supposed to return the following output.


@router.get('/', status_code= status.HTTP_200_OK)
def get_notes(db: Session = Depends(get_db)):

posts = db.query(models.Post, func.count(models.Likes.post_id).label(&quot;likes&quot;)) \

.join(models.Likes, models.Likes.post_id == models.Post.post_id, isouter=True)

return posts

Expected output according to the video tutorial

"Post": {
"user_id": 1,
"title": "title1",
"created_datetime": "2023-02-19T16:39:07.552186+00:00",
"post_id": 1,
"content": "content for post 1"
"likes": 0
"Post": {
"user_id": 1,
"title": "title2",
"created_datetime": "2023-02-19T16:39:04.426658+00:00",
"post_id": 2,
"content": "content for post 2"
"likes": 0

However sending this request resulted in a 500 Internal Server Error.

File "C:\Users\apapa\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs\fastapi-backend-curI0rdX-py3.10\lib\site-packages\fastapi\", line 160, in jsonable_encoder
raise ValueError(errors) from e
ValueError: [TypeError('cannot convert dictionary update sequence
element #0 to a sequence'), TypeError('vars() argument must have dict attribute')]

Printing the `posts` variable shows its value to be a list of tuple instead of a list of dicts.

[(<app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A03003A0>, 0), (<app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300400>, 0), (<app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300430>, 0), (<app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300460>, 0), (<app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300490>, 2)]

Therefore I have circumvented the problem with this, which I don&#39;t think is ideal, and shouldn&#39;t be necessary in the first place:

posts = [{"Post": {**post.dict}, "likes": likes} for post, likes in posts]
return posts

I&#39;m curious how did the video tutorial got it to work in the first place? Or if I have missed any steps that could avoid this weird problem? Or is it just me who is having this problem?


# 答案1
**得分**: 1

I was also following the same tutorial and faced the same issue.

The issue is with the version of SQLAlchemy==1.4.23 which the tutorial uses.

I was on the latest version of SQLAlchemy==2.0.19.

Surprisingly, the query returns data in the same format for both SQLAlchemy versions.

**Downgrading to SQLAlchemy==1.4.23 fixed the issue.**

[(&lt;app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A03003A0&gt;, 0), (&lt;app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300400&gt;, 0), (&lt;app.db.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300430&gt;, 0), (&lt;app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300460&gt;, 0), (&lt;app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300490&gt;, 2)]

The solution you present will not work if we use schemas for output.
The solution that works for me in SQLAlchemy==2.0.19 is basically converting the list of tuples to a list of dictionaries. The Post in dictionary fields should be of object type:

    posts_new = [{"Post": post, "votes": votes}
                 for post, votes in posts]
    return posts_new


I was also folwing the same tutorial and faced same issue

The issue is with the version of SQLAlchemy==1.4.23 which tutorial uses.

I was on the latest version of SQLAlchemy==2.0.19.

Surprisingly the query returns data in the same format for both SQLAlchemy versions

**Downgrading to SQLAlchemy==1.4.23 fixed the issue**

[(&lt;app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A03003A0&gt;, 0), (&lt;app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300400&gt;, 0), (&lt;app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300430&gt;, 0), (&lt;app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300460&gt;, 0), (&lt;app.db.models.Post object at 0x00000246A0300490&gt;, 2)]

The solution you present will not work if we use schemas for output.
The solution that works for me in SQLAlchemy==2.0.19 is basically converting the list of tuples to a list of dictionaries. The Post in dictionary fields should be object type 

    posts_new = [{&quot;Post&quot;: post, &quot;votes&quot;: votes}
                 for post, votes in posts]
    return posts_new


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月23日 20:55:51
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