MySQL- INDEX(): 如何使用最后的 n 个字符创建一个功能键部分?

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MySQL- INDEX(): How to Create a Functional Key Part Using Last nth Characters?



MySQL 8.0参考手册解释了如何使用前n个字符,示例中显示了使用col2的前10个字符的辅助索引(通过示例):

  col1 VARCHAR(40),
  col2 VARCHAR(30),
  INDEX (col1, col2(10))


 INDEX ((RIGHT (col2,3)));



Col1 Col2
GP6500012_SALES_FY2023_SBucks_503_Thurs R-DK_Sumat__SKU-503-20230174
GP6500012_SALES_FY2023_SBucks_607_Mon R-MD_Columb__SKU-607-2023035
GP6500012_SALES_FY2023_SBucks_627_Mon-pm R-BLD_House__SKU-503-20230024
GP6500012_SALES_FY2023_SBucks_929_Wed R-FR_Ethp__SKU-929-20230324



How would I write the INDEX() statement to use the last Nth characters of a functional keypart? I'm brand new to SQL/MySQL, and believe that's the proper verbiage of my question. explanation of what I'm looking for is below.

The MySQL 8.0 Ref Manual explains how to use the first nth characters, showing that the secondary index using col2's first 10 characters, via example:

  col1 VARCHAR(40),
  col2 VARCHAR(30),
  INDEX (col1, col2(10))

However, I would like to know how one could form this using the ending characters? Perhaps something like:

 INDEX ((RIGHT (col2,3)));

However, I think that says to index over a column called 'xyz' instead of "put an index on each column value using the last 3 of 30 potential characters"? That's what I'm really trying to figure out.

For some context, it'd be helpful to index something with smooshed/mixed data and am playing around as to how such a thing could be accomplished. Example of the kind of data I'm talking about, below, is a simplified, adjusted version of exported data from an inventory/billing manager that hails from the 90's that I had to endure some years back...:

Col1 Col2
GP6500012_SALES_FY2023_SBucks_503_Thurs R-DK_Sumat__SKU-503-20230174
GP6500012_SALES_FY2023_SBucks_607_Mon R-MD_Columb__SKU-607-2023035
GP6500012_SALES_FY2023_SBucks_627_Mon-pm R-BLD_House__SKU-503-20230024
GP6500012_SALES_FY2023_SBucks_929_Wed R-FR_Ethp__SKU-929-20230324

Undoubtedly, better options exist that bypass this question altogether- and I'll presumably learn those techniques with time in my data analytics coursework. For now, I'm just curious if it's possible to somehow index the rows by suffix instead of prefix, and what a code example would look like to accomplish that. TIA.


得分: 1

Proposed solution (INDEX ((RIGHT (col2,3)))):


Case 1:


Case 2:


That data:



另一方面,不要拆分日期(年、月等)。保持它们在一起。 (这是另一个讨论。)始终努力将日期(和日期时间)转换为MySQL格式(年份优先)进行存储。这样,您可以正确使用索引和使用许多日期函数。


一般来说,使用INDEX(col(10))构造是一个“不好的主意”。它很少有益处;它经常不像您期望的那样使用索引。这尤其具有迷惑性:UNIQUE(col(10)) -- 它声明前10个字符是唯一的,而不是整个col


如果数据的数据类型不正确(字符串与整数不匹配;排序规则不正确等),那么我认为这是一个不好的模式设计。这在EAV(Entity-Attribute-Value)模式中经常发生问题。当数字被存储为字符串时,需要使用CAST来排序(ORDER BY)它。



---- 2018-10-22 8.0.13 General Availability -- -- -----

MySQL现在支持创建功能索引关键部分,用于索引表达式值而不是列值。功能键部分使无法以其他方式进行索引的值进行索引,如JSON值。有关详细信息,请参阅CREATE INDEX Syntax。


Proposed solution (INDEX ((RIGHT (col2,3)))):

Not available.

Case 1:

When you need to split apart a column to search it, you have probably designed the schema wrong. In particular, that part of the columns needs to be in its own column. That being said, it is possible to use a 'virtual' (or 'generated') column that is a function of the original column, then INDEX that.

Case 2:

If you are suggesting that the last 3 characters are the most selective and that might speed up any lookup, don't bother. Simply index the entire column.

That data:

I would consider splitting up the stuff that is concatenated together by _. Do it as you INSERT the rows. If it needs to be put back together, do so during subsequent SELECTs.


Do not, on the other hand, split up dates (into year, month, etc). Keep them together. (That's another discussion.) Always go to the effort to convert dates (and datetimes) to the MySQL format (year-first) when storing. That way, you can properly use indexes and use the many date functions.

MySQL's Prefix indexing:

In general it is a "bad idea" to use the INDEX(col(10)) construct. It rarely is of any benefit; it often fails to use the index as much as you would expect. This is especially deceptive: UNIQUE(col(10)) -- It declares that the first 10 chars are unique, not the entire col!


If the data is the wrong datatype (string vs int; wrong collation; etc), the I argue that it is a bad schema design. This is a common problem with EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value) schemas. When a number is stored as a string, CAST is needed to sort (ORDER BY) it.

Functional indexes:

Your proposed solution not a "prefix", it is something more complicated. I suspect any expression, even on non-string columns will work. This is when it became available:

> ---- 2018-10-22 8.0.13 General Availability -- -- -----
> MySQL now supports creation of functional index key parts that index
> expression values rather than column values. Functional key parts
> enable indexing of values that cannot be indexed otherwise, such as
> JSON values. For details, see CREATE INDEX Syntax.

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