
huangapple go评论103阅读模式

How to properly pull an apk using adb and subprocess in python


I'm trying to get apks based on the number it falls on on the select menu but I can't seem to get apk path when I enter it's number on the selection menu using adb and subprocess I aim to use apktool to decompile it when it's done but this is what I get when I enter the number on the select menu.

  1. /system/bin/sh: <stdin>[1]: 15: inaccessible or not found

I read the docs and followed it closely below here is my code what am I doing wrong?
I would love to know.

  1. # 创建一个包含所有模拟器上可用软件包的选择菜单,并允许用户选择一个
  2. output = subprocess.run(["adb", "-s", device_id, "shell", "pm", "list", "packages", "-3"], capture_output=True).stdout.decode("utf-8")
  3. packages = output.strip().split("\n")
  4. print("可用软件包:")
  5. for i, package in enumerate(packages):
  6. print(f"{i+1}: {package}")
  7. package_index = int(input("输入要提取的软件包的编号:")) - 1
  8. print(package_index)
  9. # 打印所选软件包的路径并将其提取到本地文件系统
  10. package = packages[package_index]
  11. print(package)
  12. ##print(packages)
  13. package_name = package.split(":")[1]
  14. print(package_name)
  15. new_output = subprocess.run(["adb","-s", device_id, "shell", "pm", "path", package_name], capture_output=True).stdout.decode("utf-8")
  16. package_path = new_output.strip().split(":")[1]
  17. #print(output)
  18. #print(package_path)
  19. #print(f"{package_name}的完整路径:{package_path}")
  20. apk_type = input("输入1以提取单个APK文件,或输入2以提取拆分APK:")
  21. if apk_type == "1":
  22. print("Hhhhh")
  23. #subprocess.run(["adb" ,"-s", device_id, "pull", package_path, f"{package_name}.apk"])
  24. else:
  25. print("工作正在进行中......................................")

(Note: The code you provided contains some HTML-encoded characters such as &quot;, which I've replaced with their corresponding characters in the translation.)


I'm trying to get apks based on the number it falls on on the select menu but I can't seem to get apk path when I enter it's number on the selection menu using adb and subprocess I aim to use apktool to decompile it when it's done but this is what I get when I enter the number on the select menu.

  1. /system/bin/sh: &lt;stdin&gt;[1]: 15: inaccessible or not found

I read the docs and followed it closely below here is my code what am I doing wrong?
I would love to know.

  1. # Create a select menu of all the available packages on the emulator and let the user choose one
  2. output = subprocess.run([&quot;adb&quot;, &quot;-s&quot;, device_id, &quot;shell&quot;, &quot;pm&quot;, &quot;list&quot;, &quot;packages&quot;, &quot;-3&quot;], capture_output=True).stdout.decode(&quot;utf-8&quot;)
  3. packages = output.strip().split(&quot;\n&quot;)
  4. print(&quot;Available packages:&quot;)
  5. for i, package in enumerate(packages):
  6. print(f&quot;{i+1}: {package}&quot;)
  7. package_index = int(input(&quot;Enter the number of the package to extract: &quot;)) - 1
  8. print(package_index)
  9. # Print the path of the selected package and extract it to the local filesystem
  10. package = packages[package_index]
  11. print(package)
  12. ##print(packages)
  13. package_name = package.split(&quot;:&quot;)[1]
  14. print(package_name)
  15. new_output = subprocess.run([&quot;adb&quot;,&quot;-s&quot;, device_id, &quot;shell&quot;, &quot;pm&quot;, &quot;path&quot;, package_name], capture_output=True).stdout.decode(&quot;utf-8&quot;)
  16. package_path = new_output.strip().split(&quot;:&quot;)[1]
  17. #print(output)
  18. #print(package_path)
  19. #print(f&quot;Full path of {package_name}: {package_path}&quot;)
  20. apk_type = input(&quot;Enter 1 to extract a single APK file, or 2 to extract a split APK: &quot;)
  21. if apk_type == &quot;1&quot;:
  22. print(&quot;Hhhhh&quot;)
  23. #subprocess.run([&quot;adb&quot; ,&quot;-s&quot;, device_id, &quot;pull&quot;, package_path, f&quot;{package_name}.apk&quot;])
  24. else:
  25. print(&quot;Working in progress......................................&quot;)


得分: 1

你应该使用 adb shell pm path packageId 代替。所以从

  1. new_output = subprocess.run(["adb","-s", device_id, "shell", "pm grant", "path", package_name], capture_output=True).stdout.decode("utf-8")


  1. new_output = subprocess.run(["adb","-s", device_id, "shell", "pm", "path", package_name], capture_output=True).stdout.decode("utf-8")



  1. import subprocess
  2. device_id = "emulator-5554"
  3. # 创建一个选择菜单,列出模拟器上所有可用的包,并让用户选择一个
  4. output = subprocess.run(["adb", "-s", device_id, "shell", "pm", "list", "packages", "-3"], capture_output=True).stdout.decode("utf-8")
  5. packages = output.strip().split("\n")
  6. print("可用的包:")
  7. for i, package in enumerate(packages):
  8. print(f"{i+1}: {package}")
  9. package_index = int(input("输入要提取的包的编号: ")) - 1
  10. print(package_index)
  11. # 打印所选包的路径并将其提取到本地文件系统
  12. package = packages[package_index]
  13. print(package)
  14. package_name = package.split(":")[1]
  15. print(package_name)
  16. new_output = subprocess.run(["adb", "-s", device_id, "shell", "pm", "path", package_name], capture_output=True).stdout.decode("utf-8")
  17. package_path = new_output.strip().split(":")[1]
  18. apk_type = input("输入1以提取单个APK文件,或输入2以提取分割APK: ")
  19. if apk_type == "1":
  20. print("Hhhhh")
  21. subprocess.run(["adb", "-s", device_id, "pull", package_path, f"{package_name}.apk"])
  22. else:
  23. print("工作正在进行中......................................")



You should use adb shell pm path packageId instead. So from

  1. new_output = subprocess.run([&quot;adb&quot;,&quot;-s&quot;, device_id, &quot;shell&quot;, &quot;pm grant&quot;, &quot;path&quot;, package_name], capture_output=True).stdout.decode(&quot;utf-8&quot;)


  1. new_output = subprocess.run([&quot;adb&quot;,&quot;-s&quot;, device_id, &quot;shell&quot;, &quot;pm&quot;, &quot;path&quot;, package_name], capture_output=True).stdout.decode(&quot;utf-8&quot;)

after this change your python script will work.

Below the updated script, running against an emulator (tested with Python3.8.12, MacOS):

  1. import subprocess
  2. device_id=&quot;emulator-5554&quot;
  3. # Create a select menu of all the available packages on the emulator and let the user choose one
  4. output = subprocess.run([&quot;adb&quot;, &quot;-s&quot;, device_id, &quot;shell&quot;, &quot;pm&quot;, &quot;list&quot;, &quot;packages&quot;, &quot;-3&quot;], capture_output=True).stdout.decode(&quot;utf-8&quot;)
  5. packages = output.strip().split(&quot;\n&quot;)
  6. print(&quot;Available packages:&quot;)
  7. for i, package in enumerate(packages):
  8. print(f&quot;{i+1}: {package}&quot;)
  9. package_index = int(input(&quot;Enter the number of the package to extract: &quot;)) - 1
  10. print(package_index)
  11. # Print the path of the selected package and extract it to the local filesystem
  12. package = packages[package_index]
  13. print(package)
  14. ##print(packages)
  15. package_name = package.split(&quot;:&quot;)[1]
  16. print(package_name)
  17. new_output = subprocess.run([&quot;adb&quot;,&quot;-s&quot;, device_id, &quot;shell&quot;, &quot;pm&quot;, &quot;path&quot;, package_name], capture_output=True).stdout.decode(&quot;utf-8&quot;)
  18. package_path = new_output.strip().split(&quot;:&quot;)[1]
  19. #print(output)
  20. #print(package_path)
  21. #print(f&quot;Full path of {package_name}: {package_path}&quot;)
  22. apk_type = input(&quot;Enter 1 to extract a single APK file, or 2 to extract a split APK: &quot;)
  23. if apk_type == &quot;1&quot;:
  24. print(&quot;Hhhhh&quot;)
  25. subprocess.run([&quot;adb&quot; ,&quot;-s&quot;, device_id, &quot;pull&quot;, package_path, f&quot;{package_name}.apk&quot;])
  26. else:
  27. print(&quot;Working in progress......................................&quot;)


得分: 0

你无法直接提取APK文件 /data/app/xxx/xx.apk,尝试将其复制到某个 '正常' 路径:

  1. adb shell "cp /data/app/xxx/base.apk /sdcard/"
  2. adb pull /sdcard/base.apk ./package_name.apk

You can not pull apk file /data/app/xxx/xx.apk directly, try copy it to some 'normal' path:

  1. adb shell &quot;cp /data/app/xxx/base.apk /sdcard/&quot;
  2. adb pull /sdcard/base.apk ./package_name.apk

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月19日 10:46:04
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75497694.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
