
huangapple go评论75阅读模式

Problem sorting objects based on value of its properties




John Johnsson,某地区,卖出33件物品
Mary Mara,另一地区,卖出40件物品

Judy Juggernut,另一地区,卖出67件物品



public static void sortering(Salesman[] salesmenArray)
    Salesman[] level1 = new Salesman[salesmenArray.Length];
    Salesman[] level2 = new Salesman[salesmenArray.Length];
    Salesman[] level3 = new Salesman[salesmenArray.Length];
    Salesman[] level4 = new Salesman[salesmenArray.Length];

    for (int i = 0; i < salesmenArray.Length - 1; i++)
        if (salesmenArray[i].level == 1)
            level1[i] = salesmenArray[i];

        } else if (salesmenArray[i].level == 2)
            level2[i] = salesmenArray[i];

        } else if (salesmenArray[i].level == 3)
            level3[i] = salesmenArray[i];

        } else if (salesmenArray[i].level == 4)
            level4[i] = salesmenArray[i];

    if (level1.Length != 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < level1.Length - 1; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Name: " + level1[i].name);
            Console.WriteLine("District: " + level1[i].district);
            Console.WriteLine("Items sold: " + level1[i].itemsSold);
        Console.WriteLine("" + (level1.Length - 1) + " sellers have reached level 1");


Console.WriteLine("Name: " + level1[i].name);

显示"System.NullReferenceException 已被引发“对象引用未设置为对象的实例”。

我认为这意味着level1[i].name没有引用到一个对象,但我不太知道接下来该怎么做... 任何建议或指导将不胜感激!


I&#39;m sitting here with a school project I can&#39;t seem to figure out; I am to create a console application that let&#39;s the user enter a number of salesmen for a hypothetical company. The information about the salesmen includes their name, district and number of sold items. The salesmen are then to be sorted into different levels according to the number of sold items. Finally, the salesmen are to be printed to the console. The printing should be done one level at the time, if for instance two salesmen reached level one and one reached level 2, the console should look something like:

John Johnsson, someDistrict, 33 items sold
Mary Mara, someOtherDistrict, 40 items sold
2 salesmen reached level 1

Judy Juggernut, anotherDistrict, 67 items sold
1 salesmen reached level 2

And it&#39;s the printing part in question that gives me trouble. When the user enters information a new object of a salesman-class is created and stored in an array of salesmen. The number of items sold for each salesman is then checked and each salesman is assigned a level. The array is then sorted using bubblesort, to have the salesman with the least amount of sales on salesmanArray[0] and so on.

Everything works fine until its time to print the results to the console. I tried to write a method for it:

public static void sortering(Salesman[] salesmenArray)
    Salesman[] level1 = new Salesman[salesmenArray.Length];
    Salesman[] level2 = new Salesman[salesmenArray.Length];
    Salesman[] level3 = new Salesman[salesmenArray.Length];
    Salesman[] level4 = new Salesman[salesmenArray.Length];

    for (int i = 0; i &lt; salesmenArray.Length - 1; i++)
        if (salesmenArray[i].level == 1)
            level1[i] = salesmenArray[i];

        } else if (salesmenArray[i].level == 2)
            level2[i] = salesmenArray[i];

        } else if (salesmenArray[i].level == 3)
            level3[i] = salesmenArray[i];

        } else if (salesmenArray[i].level == 4)
            level4[i] = salesmenArray[i];

    if (level1.Length != 0)
        for (int i = 0; i &lt; level1.Length - 1; i++)
            Console.WriteLine(&quot;Name: &quot; + level1[i].name);
            Console.WriteLine(&quot;District: &quot; + level1[i].district);
            Console.WriteLine(&quot;Items sold: &quot; + level1[i].itemsSold);
        Console.WriteLine(&quot;&quot; + (level1.Length - 1) + &quot; sellers have reached level 1&quot;);
        //Same thing for level 2, 3 and 4

What I&#39;m trying to do is 4 new arrays for the different levels. I then loop through the array with all the salesmen and place the salesmen into the arrays in accordance to the number of sold items. I then check if the level-arrays are empty. If they aren&#39;t, I loop through them printing out the name, district and items sold for each salesman. Finally also printing out how many sellers there are in each level. When running the program, I get an error on the line

Console.WriteLine("Name: " + level1[i].name);

Saying &quot;System.NullReferenceException has been thrown &quot;Object reference not set to an instance if an object&quot;.

I would assume that means level1[i].name isn&#39;t referencing to an object but I don&#39;t really know how to go from there... Any advice or pointers would be greatly appriciated!


# 答案1
**得分**: 2



public static void sortering(Salesman[] salesmenArray)
    var level1 = new List&lt;Salesman&gt;();
    var level2 = new List&lt;Salesman&gt;();
    var level3 = new List&lt;Salesman&gt;();
    var level4 = new List&lt;Salesman&gt;();

    for (int i = 0; i &lt; salesmenArray.Length; i++)
        if (salesmenArray[i].level == 1)
        else if (salesmenArray[i].level == 2)
        else if (salesmenArray[i].level == 3)
        else if (salesmenArray[i].level == 4)

    if (level1Count &gt; 0)
        for (int i = 0; i &lt; level1.Count; i++)
            Console.WriteLine(&quot;Name: &quot; + level1[i].name);
            Console.WriteLine(&quot;District: &quot; + level1[i].district);
            Console.WriteLine(&quot;Items sold: &quot; + level1[i].itemsSold);
        Console.WriteLine(&quot;&quot; + level1Count + &quot; sellers have reached level 1&quot;);
    //Same thing for level 2, 3 and 4

以下是您的代码的一些其他改进。例如,如果Salesman.level可能只包含列表[1, 2, 3, 4]中的值,您可以将级别存储在ListList&lt;Salesman&gt;List&lt;Salesman&gt;数组中,并以更简单的方式添加项目。此外,字符串插值是一种更简单、更快速和更可读的字符串连接语法。

// 在这里,我们创建了一个新的列表数组,并用4个空的Salesman列表进行初始化
var levels = new List&lt;Salesman&gt;[] 
    new List&lt;Salesman&gt;(),
    new List&lt;Salesman&gt;(),
    new List&lt;Salesman&gt;(),
    new List&lt;Salesman&gt;()

foreach(var salesmen in salesmenArray)
    // (salesmen.level - 1) -th列表存储具有该级别的销售员
    levels[salesmen.level - 1].Add(salesmen);

// 您可以使用嵌套循环迭代所有级别的销售员
for(int level = 0; level &lt; levels.Length; level++)
    foreach(var salesman in levels[level])
        Console.WriteLine($&quot;Name: {salesman.name}&quot;);
        Console.WriteLine($&quot;District: {salesman.district}&quot;);
        Console.WriteLine($&quot;Items sold: {salesman.itemsSold}&quot;);

    // Count属性获取List&lt;T&gt;中包含的元素数,因此您不需要减少此值以显示具有此级别的销售员数
    Console.WriteLine($&quot;{levels[level].Count} sellers have reached level {level + 1}&quot;);


foreach(var group in salesmenArray
    .GroupBy(salesman =&gt; salesman.level)
    .OrderBy(groups =&gt; groups.Key))
    foreach(var salesman in group)
        Console.WriteLine($&quot;Name: {salesman.name}&quot;);
        Console.WriteLine($&quot;District: {salesman.district}&quot;);
        Console.WriteLine($&quot;Items sold: {salesman.itemsSold}&quot;);
    Console.WriteLine($&quot;{group.Count()} sellers have reached level {group.Key}&quot;);

You are getting a System.NullReferenceException because you are initializing the level arrays with the same length as the salesmen array, but you are only adding salesmen to the level arrays based on their level.

So there will be not initialized null elements in the level arrays, and when you try to access the name property of a null element, you get the exception because you try to read property of absent element.

To fix this, you may use List&lt;Salesman&gt; instead of Salesman[]. List&lt;T&gt; is a generic dynamic array and you can iterate over its items in the same way:

public static void sortering(Salesman[] salesmenArray)
    var level1 = new List&lt;Salesman&gt;();
    var level2 = new List&lt;Salesman&gt;();
    var level3 = new List&lt;Salesman&gt;();
    var level4 = new List&lt;Salesman&gt;();

    for (int i = 0; i &lt; salesmenArray.Length; i++)
        if (salesmenArray[i].level == 1)
        else if (salesmenArray[i].level == 2)
        else if (salesmenArray[i].level == 3)
        else if (salesmenArray[i].level == 4)

    if (level1Count &gt; 0)
        for (int i = 0; i &lt; level1.Count; i++)
            Console.WriteLine(&quot;Name: &quot; + level1[i].name);
            Console.WriteLine(&quot;District: &quot; + level1[i].district);
            Console.WriteLine(&quot;Items sold: &quot; + level1[i].itemsSold);
        Console.WriteLine(&quot;&quot; + level1Count + &quot; sellers have reached level 1&quot;);
    //Same thing for level 2, 3 and 4

Here is some other improvments then you can do with your code. For example if Salesman.level may contains only values form the list [1, 2, 3, 4] you can store levels in the List of List&lt;Salesman&gt; or in the array of List&lt;Salesman&gt; and add items in the easier way. Also string interpolation is an easier, faster, and more readable string concatenation syntax.

// here we creates a new array of lists and initialize it with 4 empty lists of Salesman
var levels = new List&lt;Salesman&gt;[] 
    new List&lt;Salesman&gt;(),
    new List&lt;Salesman&gt;(),
    new List&lt;Salesman&gt;(),
    new List&lt;Salesman&gt;()

foreach(var salesmen in salesmenArray)
    // (salesmen.level - 1)-th list stores salesmen with that level
    levels[salesmen.level - 1].Add(salesmen);

// you can iterate salesmen of all levels with nested loops 
for(int level = 0; level &lt; levels.Lenth; level++)
    foreach(var salesman in levels[level])
        Console.WriteLine($&quot;Name: {salesman.name}&quot;);
        Console.WriteLine($&quot;District: {salesman.district}&quot;);
        Console.WriteLine($&quot;Items sold: {salesman.itemsSold}&quot;);

    // Count property gets the number of elements contained in the List&lt;T&gt; so you don&#39;t need to decrement this value for display the number of salesmen with this level 
    Console.WriteLine($&quot;{levels[level].Count} sellers have reached level {level + 1}&quot;);

Finally there is an interesting mechanism to manipulate collections in .NET called LINQ. You can use LINQ syntax to select, filter, group and aggregate data. LINQ is readable efficiency and powerful tool. Here's a sample of your code rewritten with LINQ:

foreach(var group in salesmenArray
    .GroupBy(salesman =&gt; salesman.level)
    .OrderBy(groups =&gt; groups.Key))
    foreach(var salesman in group)
        Console.WriteLine($&quot;Name: {salesman.name}&quot;);
        Console.WriteLine($&quot;District: {salesman.district}&quot;);
        Console.WriteLine($&quot;Items sold: {salesman.itemsSold}&quot;);
    Console.WriteLine($&quot;{group.Count()} sellers have reached level {group.Key}&quot;);


得分: 1

   // 冒泡排序
   for (int i = 0; i &lt; salesmenArray.Length; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j &lt; salesmenArray.Length - 1; j++)
         if(salesmenArray[j].itemsSold &gt; salesmenArray[j+1].itemsSold)
            // 交换位置
   int counter = 0;
   int lastLevel = 1; //如果1是最小级别
   for (int i = 0; i &lt; salesmenArray.Length; i++)
       if(salesmenArray[j].level != lastLevel)
          // 打印总结
         counter = 0; //重置计数器
       // 打印详细信息
       Console.WriteLine(&quot;姓名: &quot; + level1[i].name);
       Console.WriteLine(&quot;区域: &quot; + level1[i].district);
       Console.WriteLine(&quot;售出物品数量: &quot; + level1[i].itemsSold);

   // 打印最后级别的最终总结

Where is the bubble sort? Sort the array first, then loop through the array with counters to count each level and print the output from the same loop.

   // bubble sort
   for (int i = 0; i &lt; salesmenArray.Length; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j &lt; salesmenArray.Length - 1; j++)
         if(salesmenArray[j].itemsSold &gt; salesmenArray[j+1].itemsSold)
            //swap positions
   int counter = 0;
   int lastLevel = 1; //if 1 is the min level
   for (int i = 0; i &lt; salesmenArray.Length; i++)
       if(salesmenArray[j].level != lastLevel)
          //print summary
         counter = 0; //reset counter
       // print detail lines
       Console.WriteLine(&quot;Name: &quot; + level1[i].name);
       Console.WriteLine(&quot;District: &quot; + level1[i].district);
       Console.WriteLine(&quot;Items sold: &quot; + level1[i].itemsSold);

   //print final summary for last level

The ... are lines for you to fill.


得分: 1






Vadim's answer details why your code is failing. He proposed a way to solve the problem via Lists. I would also follow that road.

On the other hand, your approach was valid, but not very efficient and has a few traps for yourself (as Vadim mentioned, you are creating 4 level arrays with the same size of the total of salesmen, then you assign them to each level via i, leaving some null gaps). If you want your approach to work, in the printing for-loop, before getting level1[i].name, check that level1[i] is not null.

If you are using an IDE, I would recommend you to put a breakpoint inside the for-loop and see the contents of level1.

Good luck learning!

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月19日 03:09:56
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