
huangapple go评论45阅读模式

Vue3 Prop passing to data item to be able to manipulate values, not modelling data item actually, why?



XTableComponent 有一个子组件:XModalComponent。在渲染的表格中,每一行都有一个按钮。点击该按钮会将当前项目存储在一个数据项中。


   <!-- 在每一行中都有一个带有 @click 的按钮,将当前项目作为参数 -->
   <x-modal-component v-if="currentItem" :item="currentItem" ref="x-modal"></x-modal-component>

export default {
   data: () => {
      return {
        currentItem: {},
        itemListStore: useItemListStore()
   computed: {
      itemList() {
         return this.itemListStore.list
   methods: {
         this.currentItem = item



 <!-- ... -->
<input v-model:value="innerItem.something" type="text">
<button @click="save">保存</button>
export default {
   props: {
      item: Object
   data: () => {
      return {
         innerItem: {}
   mounted() {
      this.innerItem = this.item
   methods: {
      save() {
         console.log(this.innerItem) // 这不会显示“something”的修改值


在vue3中,我在响应性、代理和传递 props 方面做错了什么?

p.s. 这里的代码有点伪代码,所以请原谅我拼写错误或明显遗漏的部分。

p.p.s. 我对vue2相当熟悉,所以也许我混合了一些概念。请告诉我。

p.p.p.s. 我的表格渲染正确,模态窗口看起来也不错。我已经仔细检查了所有名称和拼写错误。


I am using vue3 and wonder how to pass data the correct way.

My Component structure is one table (items loaded via pinia store): XTableComponent
The XTableComponent has a child: XModalComponent. In the rendered table I have a button in each row. @click on that stores the current item in a data item


   ...that mentioned table in each line a button with @click and the item in the iteration as param
   &lt;x-model-component v-if=&quot;currentItem&quot; :item=&quot;currentItem ref=&quot;x-modal&quot;&gt;&lt;/x-modal-component&gt;

export default {
   data: () =&gt; {
      return {
        currentItem: {},
        itemListStore: useItemListStore()
   computed: {
      itemList() {
         return this.itemListStore.list
   methods: {
         this.currentItem = item


My Child component looks a bit like this:


&lt;input v-model:value=&quot;innerItem.something&quot; type=&quot;text&quot;&gt;
&lt;button @click=&quot;save&quot;&gt;save&lt;/button&gt;

export default {
   props: {
      item: Object
   data: () =&gt; {
      return {
         innerItem: {}
   mounted() {
      this.innerItem = item
   methods: {
      save() {
         console.log(this.innerItem) //this does not show the manipulated value of `something`

Now, if I manipulate the input in my child component, and trigger a click event, the value does not get changed on my data item ...

what did I get wrong in vue3 with reactiveness, proxeis and passing props?

p.s. my code is kind of pseude code here, so please be fair with me on typos, or obvious parts
that are missing

p.p.s. I am used to vue2 quite well, so maybe I mix concepts. please tell me that too.

p.p.p.s. my table renders correctly, the modal looks fine. i double checked all names and typos.


得分: 1



在Vue 2中,它是:

  @input=&quot;(nevValue) =&gt; myValue = newValue&quot;


&lt;child-component v-model=&quot;myValue&quot;/&gt;


&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; v-model=&quot;myText&quot;/&gt;

然而,为了允许在组件上进行多个双向绑定,Vue 2还引入了第二种方式,允许绑定到子组件的任何属性,而不仅仅是"value"。这就是.sync修饰符:

&lt;child-component :childComponentProp.sync=&quot;myVar&quot;/&gt;


  @update:childComponentProp=&quot;(newValue) =&gt; myVar = newValue&quot;

在Vue 3中,他们决定统一这两种方式,去掉.sync,而是允许将属性名称传递给v-model,类似于将插槽名称传递给v-slot指令,即v-model:childComponentProp=&quot;myVar&quot;,与v-slot一样,v-model独自等同于v-model:modelValue。所以它等同于:

  @update:modelValue=&quot;(nevValue) =&gt; myValue = newValue&quot;

但上述方式仅适用于Vue组件。在HTML输入元素上使用v-model时,它仍然与Vue 2中的行为相同,绑定到"value"属性和"input"事件。它仍然等同于:

&lt;input :value=&quot;myValue&quot; @input=&quot;(nevValue) =&gt; myValue = nevValue&quot;/&gt;



&lt;input v-model:value=&quot;innerItem.something&quot; type=&quot;text&quot;&gt;


&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot;
  @update:value=&quot;(newValue) =&gt; innerItem.something = newValue&quot; 




So, as we figured out, the problem came from the way innerItem.something was bound to the input, and some confusion around the v-model directive.

As a recap, the v-model directive is short-hand for setting a prop on a component and listening to an event which updates the value.

In Vue 2, that was:

  @input=&quot;(nevValue) =&gt; myValue = newValue&quot;

which is equivalent to

&lt;child-component v-model=&quot;myValue&quot;/&gt;

and it allows a variable to be changed by parent as well as child ("two-way binding"). Note that property name and event matches that of a HTML input element (the "value" attribute and the "input" event), probably because it represents the most familiar case, where a value is bound to an input:

&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; v-model=&quot;myText&quot;/&gt;

However, to allow for multiple two-way bindings on a component, Vue 2 also introduced a second way, which allows to bind to any of the child components props, not just "value". This is the .sync modifier:

&lt;child-component :childComponentProp.sync=&quot;myVar&quot;/&gt;

which is equivalent to:

  @update:childComponentProp=&quot;(newValue) =&gt; myVar = newValue&quot;

In Vue 3, they decided to unify the two, dropping .sync and instead allowing to pass a prop name to v-model similar to how slot names are passed to the v-slot directive, i.e. v-model:childComponentProp=&quot;myVar&quot;, and similar as v-slot alone is equivalent to v-slot:default, v-model alone is equivalent to v-model:modelValue. So it is equivalent to:

  @update:modelValue=&quot;(nevValue) =&gt; myValue = newValue&quot;

But the above only applies for Vue components. When using v-model on an HTML input element, it sill behaves like in Vue 2 and binds to the "value" attribute and the "input" event. It is still equivalent to:

&lt;input :value=&quot;myValue&quot; @input=&quot;(nevValue) =&gt; myValue = nevValue&quot;/&gt;

However, that behavior is a special case of plain v-model (i.e. without a prop name). And I think this is where the confusion comes from.

Using v-model:value explicitly binds to the @update:value event, i.e. this

&lt;input v-model:value=&quot;innerItem.something&quot; type=&quot;text&quot;&gt;

is equivalent to:

&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot;
  @update:value=&quot;(newValue) =&gt; innerItem.something = newValue&quot; 

but that event is not sent by a plain HTML element.

So long long story short, you have to use v-model= instead of v-model:value= when binding to a native input element.

Does that make sense? Hope it helps.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月19日 01:46:29
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