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How to handle template class static members and storage in situations where leaving to static cleanup isn't desired




struct imgui_event_listener
    void onCreatedWindow(events::ImGui_CreatedWindow f)

dispatcher::connect(&listener, &imgui_event_listener::onCreatedWindow);
dispatcher::fire(events::ImGui_CreatedWindow{ window });



template <typename ListenerType, typename Type>
using FPtr = void(ListenerType::*)(Type);

template <typename ListenerType, typename Type>
using Tuple = eastl::tuple<ListenerType*, FPtr<ListenerType, Type>>;

template <typename ListenerType, typename Type>
using ListenerMap = eastl::unordered_map<uint32_t, Tuple<ListenerType, Type>>;

class EventSystem
    template <typename ListenerType, typename Type>
    ListenerMap<ListenerType, Type>& listenerMap()
        static ListenerMap<ListenerType, Type> listenerMap;
        return listenerMap;






现在,我怀疑实际上,在内存管理器已经发出警告后,这些静态实例的map将自动被处理,然而,即使只在调试时也无法避免它投诉,退出时出现异常并看到内存地址被报告为泄漏是很烦人的,当它发生时,我感到羞愧!这也可能掩盖了真正的问题。我确信我可以使用普通的STL map来强制分配内存,但我真的想遵循引擎开发人员所制定的道路,避免未来的麻烦。因此,这更多地是关于方便和虚荣,而不是其他任何东西,但我需要一种方法来解决这个问题,而不牺牲我的事件系统的优雅用法。







I've recently gotten back into C++ after many years in C# and java land, and am loving where C++ has gone in my absence (since pre C++11, am now soaking up C++20!). The power of templates is really exciting to me. However, I quickly ran into something that seems impossible to deal with.

I've written a template driven event system which am really happy with.

struct imgui_event_listener
 	void onCreatedWindow(events::ImGui_CreatedWindow f)

dispatcher::connect(&amp;listener, &amp;imgui_event_listener::onCreatedWindow);
dispatcher::fire(events::ImGui_CreatedWindow{ window });

I love it, it requires no template parameters, can use arbitary structs for events. There's one big snag though, and that is the near infinite and completely unknowable potential invisible versions of my event system, all using a few unordered_maps that need to go somewhere. They are currently static within methods.

Stuff like...

template &lt;typename ListenerType, typename Type&gt;
using FPtr = void(ListenerType::*)(Type);

template&lt;typename ListenerType, typename Type&gt;
using Tuple = eastl::tuple&lt;ListenerType*, FPtr&lt;ListenerType, Type&gt;&gt;;

template &lt;typename ListenerType, typename Type&gt;
using ListenerMap = eastl::unordered_map&lt;uint32_t, Tuple&lt;ListenerType, Type&gt;&gt;;

class EventSystem
 	template&lt;typename ListenerType, typename Type&gt;
	ListenerMap&lt;ListenerType, Type&gt;&amp; listenerMap()
		static ListenerMap&lt;ListenerType, Type&gt; listenerMap;
		return listenerMap;


I'm a relative noob these days so forgive if anything's weird.

This SEEMS to be too convenient and satisfying to be recommended, I expected people to be shouted down for some reason but it seems this is the way it's by necessity done most of the time.

But the game engine I'm working with has a memory manager, and doesn't use or recommend the STL, having its own replacement that's using the one open-sourced by EA for games, and has their own allocator that is to be used for it so it can track memory.

This tracks all memory usage and reports with an exception any leaks that occur at the time static objects are being removed.

Unfortunately despite the containers being static, the nodes of those unordered_maps are malloced from the memory managed heap. Expected usage would be to clear them on clean up which is what happens everywhere else.

Now, I suspect in actuality, these maps static instances will automatically be dealt with after the memory manager has already complained, however there's really no real way around avoiding it complain, even if only in debug, an exception on quit and seeing memory addresses reported as leaks is annoying, and it makes me feel ashamed when it does! It also could obscure real issues. I'm sure I could brute force normal STL maps with allocations, but I really want to follow the road laid out by the developers of the engine and avoid any future headaches. So its more about convenience and vanity than anything else but I need a way around this without sacrificing my event system's elegance of usage.

This lead me into the world of template meta-programming to try and collate all these template parameters into some mega tuple as the event connections are formed and the template instances are created at compile time, and looking into every conceivable pattern where I'd somehow be able to unwind all the template instances I've created to get at these in advance and be able to manually clean up, but it seems that template meta-programming requiring new 'variable names' for each instruction as typedefs or using means I can't iteratively do this from what I can see, but honestly the field is so complicated and light on relevant examples I don't know if I'm missing anything.

I've tried to think about where else these could be stored, but I just can't fathom how it'd be any different.

I could also just manually maintain a list of all my events, but then I'd lose one of its cooler and more flexible features.

OR somewhere else I can store them where I'd be able to access them. It seems like a catch-22 situation where their very existence demands they be in some inaccessible parallel universe..

So yeah, I know there are ways I could solve this without asking for help but they are all either sacrificing a feature of the system or potentially causing future issues. Not sure I've ever asked a question here, but this has really stumped me and I can't really find a similar issue from someone else, most are happy to use std library, have no memory manager, and putting static instances within functions is a super satisfyingly simple way to do it.

Thanks for your time! Forgive if a bit rambly but felt I needed to provide context. I know there's not really much code to show but you get my point I hope!


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std::vector<std::function<void()>> cleanup_registry;

class EventSystem
    template<typename ListenerType, typename Type>
    ListenerMap<ListenerType, Type>& listenerMap()
        static ListenerMap<ListenerType, Type> listenerMap;
        static int dummy = (
           cleanup_registry.push_back([&]() { listenerMap.clear(); }),
        return listenerMap;

void cleanup() {
  for (auto& cleaner : cleanup_registry) {

在游戏引擎终止之前调用 `cleanup()`。


您可以使用类似的类型擦除技术,从您的映射中消除 `ListenerType`,只需为每种事件类型保留一个映射。类似于以下代码:

template <typename Event>
using ListenerMap = eastl::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::function<void(Event)>>;

然后 `dispatcher::connect`(其中实际的监听器类型可用)将制造一个回调 lambda,然后将其放入映射中。

Something along these lines perhaps:

std::vector&lt;std::function&lt;void()&gt;&gt; cleanup_registry;

class EventSystem
    template&lt;typename ListenerType, typename Type&gt;
    ListenerMap&lt;ListenerType, Type&gt;&amp; listenerMap()
        static ListenerMap&lt;ListenerType, Type&gt; listenerMap;
        static int dummy = (
           cleanup_registry.push_back([&amp;]() { listenerMap.clear(); }),
        return listenerMap;

void cleanup() {
  for (auto&amp; cleaner : cleanup_registry) {

Call cleanup() right before your game engine terminates.

You can use similar type-erasure techniques to eliminate ListenerType from your maps, having just one map per event type. Something like

template &lt;typename Event&gt;
using ListenerMap = eastl::unordered_map&lt;uint32_t, std::function&lt;void(Event)&gt;&gt;;

Then dispatcher::connect (where actual listener type is available) would manufacture a callback lambda to be placed into the map.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月18日 23:06:26
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75494228.html



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