Scala 3. 种类多态和 AnyKind 类型 – 有任何代码示例吗?

huangapple go评论47阅读模式

Scala 3. Kind polymorphism and AnyKind type - any code example?


Scala3 支持“种类多态性”。文档还提到了 AnyKind 类型:

AnyKind 在 Scala 的子类型系统中扮演着特殊的角色:它是所有其他类型的超类型,无论它们的种类如何。


  • 有人能给出一个使用 AnyKind 泛化性的工作示例吗?



Scala3 has support for "kind polymorphism". Docs also mention AnyKind type:

> AnyKind plays a special role in Scala's subtype system: It is a supertype of all other types no matter what their kind is.


  • can anyone give a working code example how AnyKind generality is useful?

(surprisingly can't find any useful examples so far)



得分: 1

例如`scala.deriving.Mirror.Product`/`Mirror.Sum` 的类型成员 `MirroredType` 实际上是多态的尽管在 `Mirror`/`Mirror.Sum`/`Mirror.Product` 的定义中没有明确说明):

sealed trait Mirror:
  type MirroredMonoType
  type MirroredLabel <: String
  type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

类型成员 MirroredMonoType 总是具有类型 *,包括存在型的情况 (A[?])。但 MirroredType 可以是 *

sealed trait A
case class B() extends A
case class C() extends A

val m = summon[Mirror.Sum { type MirroredType = A }]

//  MirroredMonoType = A; MirroredType = A; 
//    MirroredLabel = ("A" : String)
//  ; MirroredElemTypes = (B, C); 
//    MirroredElemLabels = (("B" : String), ("C" : String))

或者 * => *

sealed trait A[T]
case class B() extends A[Int]
case class C() extends A[String]

val m = summon[Mirror.Sum { type MirroredType[T] = A[T] }]
//val m = summon[Mirror.Sum { type MirroredType = [T] =>> A[T] }]

//  MirroredMonoType = A[?]; MirroredType[T] = A[T]; 
//    MirroredLabel = ("A" : String)
//  ; MirroredElemTypes[T] = (B, C); 
//    MirroredElemLabels = (("B" : String), ("C" : String))


请注意,MirroredElemTypes 也是多态的(MirroredElemTypes = (B, C)MirroredElemTypes[T] = (B, C),...)。

因此,如果我想对元组 MirroredElemTypes 做进一步操作,唯一的选项就是将上界设置为 AnyKind

def foo[T <: AnyKind] = ???


另一个例子是 scala.quoted.Type(感谢 @Max 指出):

abstract class Type[T <: AnyKind]:
  type Underlying = T

Miles Sabin. 为 Scala 编程语言添加种类多态性


For example the type member `MirroredType` of `scala.deriving.Mirror.Product`/`Mirror.Sum` is actually poly-kinded (although this is not written in the definition of `Mirror`/`Mirror.Sum`/`Mirror.Product`)

sealed trait Mirror:
type MirroredMonoType
type MirroredLabel <: String
type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The type member `MirroredMonoType` has always kind `*`, including being [existential][1] (`A[?]`). But `MirroredType` can be `*`

sealed trait A
case class B() extends A
case class C() extends A

val m = summon[Mirror.Sum { type MirroredType = A }]

// MirroredMonoType = A; MirroredType = A;
// MirroredLabel = ("A" : String)
// ; MirroredElemTypes = (B, C);
// MirroredElemLabels = (("B" : String), ("C" : String))

or `* =&gt; *`

sealed trait A[T]
case class B() extends A[Int]
case class C() extends A[String]

val m = summon[Mirror.Sum { type MirroredType[T] = A[T] }]
//val m = summon[Mirror.Sum { type MirroredType = [T] =>> A[T] }]

// MirroredMonoType = A[?]; MirroredType[T] = A[T];
// MirroredLabel = ("A" : String)
// ; MirroredElemTypes[T] = (B, C);
// MirroredElemLabels = (("B" : String), ("C" : String))


Notice that `MirroredElemTypes` is also poly-kinded (`MirroredElemTypes = (B, C)`, `MirroredElemTypes[T] = (B, C)`, ...)

So if I wanted to do something further with a tuple `MirroredElemTypes` then the only option would be to have upper bound `AnyKind`

def foo[T <: AnyKind] = ???


Another example is `scala.quoted.Type` (thanks to @Max for pointing this out)

abstract class Type[T <: AnyKind]:
type Underlying = T

Miles Sabin. Adding kind-polymorphism to the Scala programming language



# 答案2
**得分**: 1


for those who are interested in example.

I have found simple, yet clear one in [Dotty code base][1]. See how `foo` takes polymorphic kind (any kind order) argument:

case class Bar[A](a: A)

trait Toto[A, B]

trait Foo[T &lt;: AnyKind] {
  type Out;

  def id(t: Out): Out = t

object Foo {
  implicit def foo0[T]: Foo[T] {type Out = T} = new Foo[T] {
    type Out = T

  implicit def foo1[T[_]]: Foo[T] {type Out = T[Any]} = new Foo[T] {
    type Out = T[Any]

  implicit def foo2[T[_, _]]: Foo[T] {type Out = T[Any, Any]} = new Foo[T] {
    type Out = T[Any, Any]

def foo[T &lt;: AnyKind](implicit f: Foo[T]): f.type = f

foo[Int].id(23) == 23

foo[List].id(List[Any](1, 2, 3)) ==
  List(1, 2, 3)

foo[Map].id(Map[Any, Any](
  1 -&gt; &quot;toto&quot;,
  2 -&gt; &quot;tata&quot;,
  3 -&gt; &quot;tutu&quot;)) ==
    1 -&gt; &quot;toto&quot;,
    2 -&gt; &quot;tata&quot;,
    3 -&gt; &quot;tutu&quot;)


for those who are interested in example. 

I have found simple, yet clear one in [Dotty code base][1]. See how `foo` takes polymorphic kind (any kind order) argument:

case class Bar[A](a: A)

trait Toto[A, B]

trait Foo[T <: AnyKind] {
type Out;

def id(t: Out): Out = t

object Foo {
implicit def foo0[T]: Foo[T] {type Out = T} = new Foo[T] {
type Out = T

implicit def foo1[T[_]]: Foo[T] {type Out = T[Any]} = new Foo[T] {
type Out = T[Any]

implicit def foo2[T[_, _]]: Foo[T] {type Out = T[Any, Any]} = new Foo[T] {
type Out = T[Any, Any]

def foo[T <: AnyKind](implicit f: Foo[T]): f.type = f

foo[Int].id(23) == 23

foo[List].id(List[Any](1, 2, 3)) ==
List(1, 2, 3)

foo[Map].id(Map[Any, Any](
1 -> "toto",
2 -> "tata",
3 -> "tutu")) ==
1 -> "toto",
2 -> "tata",
3 -> "tutu")



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