tokio-tungstenite 与 tokio::select! 宏一起使用?

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tokio-tungstenite with tokio::select! macro?



"The documentation for the tokio-tungstenite crate mostly just directs you to the examples section.

The client example hasn't been updated in a few years and I saw some unfamiliar async code here and because Rust's async APIs are still in flux I wanted to check the use futures_util::future::select was still idiomatic in this situation.

In particular, it seems to work fine if I replace it with the more commonly seen tokio::select! macro, which doesn't require pinning the passed futures.

I have good familiarity with tokio's APIs but not so much the lower level futures ones. Is there a reason to manually pin here and use the future::select instead? More generally, in modern idiomatic async Rust code when would one use the latter?


The documentation for the tokio-tungstenite crate mostly just directs you to the examples section.

The client example hasn't been updated in a few years and I saw some unfamiliar async code here and because Rust's async APIs are still in flux I wanted to check the use futures_util::future::select was still idiomatic in this situation.

In particular, it seems to work fine if I replace it with the more commonly seen tokio::select! macro, which doesn't require pinning the passed futures.

I have good familiarity with tokio's APIs but not so much the lower level futures ones. Is there a reason to manually pin here and use the future::select instead? More generally, in modern idiomatic async Rust code when would one use the latter?


得分: 1



It should be fine to replace any use of futures::future::select() with tokio::select! (or futures::select!). They both do the same thing. select! allow for more than one future, while select() gives you a named future. I prefer select! when I can (I think it is also more performant, but I'm not sure).

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