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Haskell simplify Dependent Type function signature



This is an example of dependent type haskell function dfunc. Its type depends on the argument value: zero maps to value of Int one maps to value of Integer and so on as defined in type family below.

这是一个依赖类型 Haskell 函数 dfunc 的示例。其类型取决于参数值:零映射到 Int 值,一映射到 Integer 值,以此类推,如下面的类型族中所定义。

So I have function dfunc with signature GADTInt a -> Dt a
But I want to get rid of this wierd GADTInt a encoding of int and implement a function with type signature Int -> Dt a I understand that a type is too generic for this.., but I try to cheat with typeclass NTI and function ff without type signature, to let haskell do type inference for me, and get error, as i understand because ff implementation inexpressible in a type signature.

因此,我有一个带有签名 GADTInt a -> Dt a 的函数 dfunc,但我想摆脱这种奇怪的 GADTInt a 对整数的编码,并实现带有类型签名 Int -> Dt a 的函数。我理解 a 类型对于这个目标来说太通用了...但我尝试通过使用 typeclass NTI 和没有类型签名的函数 ff 来欺骗 Haskell 让它为我进行类型推断,结果出现错误,我明白这是因为 ff 的实现在类型签名中无法表达。

Can I do some "magic" here to get rid of GADTInt a -> Dt a and replace it with Int -> ?

我能否在这里进行一些“魔法”来摆脱 GADTInt a -> Dt a 并替换为 Int -> ?


This is an example of dependent type haskell function dfunc. Its type depends on the argument value: zero maps to value of Int one maps to value of Integer and so on as defined in type family below.

So I have function dfunc with signature GADTInt a -> Dt a
But I want to get rid of this wierd GADTInt a encoding of int and implement a function with type signature Int -> Dt a I understand that a type is to generic for this.., but I try to cheat with typeclass NTI and function ff without type signature, to let haskell do type inference for me, and get error, as i understand because ff implementation inexpressible in a type signature.

Can I do some "magic" here to get rid of GADTInt a -> Dt a and replace it with Int -> ?

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Main where

data Nat :: * where
    Z :: Nat
    S :: Nat -> Nat

data GADTInt a where
    GADTZero :: GADTInt Z
    GADTOne :: GADTInt (S Z)
    GADTTwo :: GADTInt (S (S Z))   
    GADTThree :: GADTInt (S (S (S Z)))   

type family Dt a where
    Dt 'Z = Int
    Dt ('S 'Z) = Integer
    Dt ('S ('S 'Z)) = Float
    Dt ('S ('S ('S 'Z))) = String

class NTI a where
    toi :: a -> Int

instance NTI (GADTInt a) where
    toi GADTZero = 0 
    toi GADTOne = 1 
    toi GADTTwo = 2
    toi GADTThree = 3

dfunc :: GADTInt a -> Dt a
dfunc GADTZero = 1
dfunc GADTOne = 1000000000000000000000000000000
dfunc GADTTwo = 3.14
dfunc GADTThree = "Hi"

ff i 
     | toi GADTZero == i = dfunc GADTZero     
     | toi GADTOne == i = dfunc GADTOne
     | toi GADTTwo == i = dfunc GADTTwo     
     | toi GADTThree == i = dfunc GADTThree
     | otherwise = undefined


得分: 5

使用 `Dt a` 的唯一方式是知道 `a` 的具体类型。因为类型信息在运行时会被擦除,你需要一种运行时的表示方法,例如使用 `GADTInt` 单例类型。你可以将它们封装在一个存在类型中:

data SomeDt where
  SomeDt :: GADTInt a -> Dt a -> SomeDt


data SomeGADTInt where
  SomeGADTInt :: GADTInt a -> SomeGADTInt


toTag :: Int -> SomeGADTInt
toTag 0 = SomeGADTInt GADTZero
toTag 1 = SomeGADTInt GADTOne
toTag 2 = SomeGADTInt GADTTwo
toTag 3 = SomeGADTInt GADTThree

封装 dfunc

someDFunc :: SomeGADTInt -> SomeDt
someDFunc (SomeGADTInt i) = SomeDt i (dfunc i)


ff :: Int -> SomeDt
ff = someDFunc . toTag


The only way to use a `Dt a` is to know what `a` is. Because types are erased, you will need a run-time representation of it, for example using the `GADTInt` singleton. You can package those in an existential type:

data SomeDt where
SomeDt :: GADTInt a -> Dt a -> SomeDt

It&#39;s also useful to wrap the singleton in another existential type:

data SomeGADTInt where
SomeGADTInt :: GADTInt a -> SomeGADTInt

so that you can define the &quot;non-dependent&quot; tagging:

toTag :: Int -> SomeGADTInt
toTag 0 = SomeGADTInt GADTZero
toTag 1 = SomeGADTInt GADTOne
toTag 2 = SomeGADTInt GADTTwo
toTag 3 = SomeGADTInt GADTThree

wrap `dfunc`:

someDFunc :: SomeGADTInt -> SomeDt
someDFunc (SomeGADTInt i) = SomeDt i (dfunc i)


ff :: Int -> SomeDt
ff = someDFunc . toTag


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月18日 02:08:58
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75487867.html



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