Saml SSO身份验证仅通过RESTful调用,不使用任何库

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Saml SSO authentication with only restful calls and no libraries


我们有一个基于.NET框架的SAAS Web应用程序,支持多个提供商的OAuth2,并希望使用SAML/SAML2来实现相同的功能。当前的OAuth2实现使用RESTful HTTP GET和POST调用以及一个重定向来完成所有必要的步骤。



那么,我们如何可以使用纯粹的RESTful调用/重定向来添加SAML,而不使用第三方库呢?我希望能够找到一些构建XML片段并通过HTTP POST或查询字符串发送它的示例,但经过几个小时的搜索,我没有找到这些内容。



We have a well established .NET framework based SAAS web application which supports Oauth2 to multiple providers, and we want to implement the same with SAML/SAML2. The current implementation of Oauth2 does all the necessary steps using resful http get and post calls plus the one redirect.

Looking at existing libraries, they all seem to want changes in "startup.cs" or wherever your startup code is and they add code to web.config. So they are building themselves into the core of your project. We don't like libraries that do that, we don't want to run code that isn't needed and our code has to pass some pretty deep auditing for defense apps, so we'd prefer not to use external libraries from nuget, although we would be prepared to include some libraries from MS if they do not interfere with the app infrastructure (startup and web.config).

Only a small minority of our customers will use SAML since most will use direct logins or Oauth2 providers.

So how can we add SAML with pure restful calls / redirects and not using third party libraries ? I hoped we could find examples where you build up a piece of XML and send it via http post or via a querystring, but after several hours I am not finding this.



得分: 2


> 我们不想运行不需要的代码[因为]我们的代码必须经过深度审计以用于防御应用程序







SAML can actually be quite complicated to implement properly: you WILL want library support for this. Even more, I see this:

> we don't want to run code that isn't needed [because] our code has to pass some pretty deep auditing for defense apps

Mostly, this is the right attitude from a security standpoint. There are too many examples now of a threat actor getting malicious code into upstream libraries... thankfully not as much in the .Net ecosystem (so far), but enough generally to be a legitimate security concern. But for authentication specifically avoiding libraries is exactly the wrong approach. It's actually significantly worse for security to try to do this on your own.

In fact, using a library for authentication should make security auditors happier, because it's just so easy to implement authentication code that seems to work correctly — passes all your unit and integration tests and looks like it's working — where in fact you have subtle bugs that result in finding out a year later you were hacked six months ago. Using a purpose-built, battle-tested library helps you avoid that scenario.

I've been saying this since at least 2010. The idea is when a flaw is discovered (because they always exist!) it's found on someone else's product first. But because they're using the same library a patch is created, distributed, and applied before your own product ever has a chance to be breached. Unfortunately, the reality is these audits are often as much about ticking the box as cheaply and painlessly as possible as they are about actually improving things, so I understand where it can be hard to get this through.

Personally, I have successfully implemented SAML authentication using the ITfoxtec library for two different apps. However, it's not something I work on often enough to have broad experience to comment on the relative quality of this option vs alternatives other than to say I was able to make it work.

The main thing for this library is the source code is available, and fairly easy to browse and understand, which should further make auditors happy. Moreover, because the source is available with a very permissive license — you can fork the project and include the code directly as part of the main build. This should further make it easier to audit.


得分: 1


我不确定其他库,但我们的ASP.NET SAML库不需要在启动类中编写任何代码或更改web.config。也许你是在提到.NET 6等,这里通常是在启动代码中连接到依赖注入系统的常见做法。在我们的库中,SAML代码仅在需要作为SAML SSO流程的一部分时执行,因此对于非SAML身份验证没有额外的开销。

SAML协议比OAuth2更复杂。我建议查看SAML v2.0规范文件,以了解所需的工作量。


Just to add to what Joel said, I think you'll find it's more cost effective to use a 3rd party library (either open source or our commercial library) rather than implementing something yourself. Also, security is important, obviously, so it's much safer to use a battle-hardened, proven implementation that's been used in production by many others for many years.

I'm not sure about other libraries, but our SAML library for ASP.NET doesn't require any code in the start-up class or changes to web.config. Perhaps you're referring to .NET 6 etc where's it's common practice to hook into the dependency injection system in the start-up code. In our library, the SAML code is executed only when required as part of a SAML SSO flow so there's no additional overhead for non-SAML authentication.

The SAML protocol is more involved than OAuth2. I suggest taking a look at the SAML v2.0 specification documents to get a feel for the effort involved.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月17日 23:35:03
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