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React generic type prop must extend other type?



const withHOC = <T extends {}>(Component: ComponentType<T>) => (props: T) => {
   return (
       <Component {...props} />
// 例如:const MyView = withHoc<ViewProps>(View)

我不理解的是,我不能只将 <T> 设置为通用类型,我必须将其设置为 <T extends something>。也就是说,如果我不传递通用类型(如示例中所示),我将不会收到TypeScript的警告,指出没有传递通用类型。有人能解释一下为什么会发生这种情况吗?


const withHOC = <T>(Component: ComponentType<T>) => (props: T) => {
   return (
       <Component {...props} />



I'm kinda new to typescript so this one is confusing for me. I wanted to pass generic type into my hoc. I need to pass component props as a generic type to get Component with that types on it.

const withHOC = &lt;T extends {}&gt;(Component: ComponentType&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; (props: T) =&gt; {
   return (
       &lt;Component {...props} /&gt;
//example: const MyView = withHoc&lt;ViewProps&gt;(View)

What I don't understand is that I can't just set &lt;T&gt; as generic type, I must set it as &lt;T extends something&gt;. With that said if I don't pass generic type (as shown in example) I wont get typescript warning for not passing generic type.Can someone explain me why is that happening?

I want it to look like this:

const withHOC = &lt;T&gt;(Component: ComponentType&lt;T&gt;) =&gt; (props: T) =&gt; {
   return (
       &lt;Component {...props} /&gt;

So when I don't pass generic type when calling withHOC, it warns me there has to be one. I might me doing everything wrong and asking for something that is not achievable so correct me if I'm wrong.


得分: 1

  1. &lt;T&gt; vs. &lt;T extends something&gt;

    我不能只将 &lt;T&gt; 作为通用类型,我必须将其设置为 &lt;T extends something&gt;

  2. Requiring &lt;T&gt;

    如果我不传递通用类型(如示例所示),将不会收到有关未传递通用类型的 TypeScript 警告。有人可以解释为什么会发生这种情况吗?

    我希望它看起来像这样... 所以,当我在调用 withHOC 时不传递通用类型,它会警告我必须传递一个。我可能做错了一切,请求的东西无法实现,如果我错了,请纠正我。

    TypeScript将根据每次调用 withHOC 时传递的 Component 参数的类型来推断 T 的类型。


    const Button = (props: ButtonProps) => (
        &lt;button {...props}/&gt;
    const WrappedButton = withHOC(Button);

    Button 参数匹配类型 ComponentType&lt;ButtonProps&gt;,因此TypeScript确定这个 withHOC 调用的 TButtonProps


    你不需要使用 withHOC&lt;ButtonProps&gt;(Button) 显式设置 &lt;T&gt;,因为它已知。

    可能存在一些棘手的方法来要求显式的 &lt;T&gt;,但这并不容易,而且我不明白你为什么要这样做。


There are two separate questions here:

1. &lt;T&gt; vs. &lt;T extends something&gt;

> I can't just set &lt;T&gt; as generic type, I must set it as &lt;T extends something&gt;.

This is a syntactical issue when using arrow functions in .tsx files, as the &lt;T&gt; can be confused for a JSX expression. It is possible to use just &lt;T&gt; instead of &lt;T extends something&gt; if you convert from an arrow function to a traditional function declaration.

function withHOC&lt;T&gt;(Component: ComponentType&lt;T&gt;) {
    return function (props: T) {
        return (
            &lt;Component {...props} /&gt;

2. Requiring &lt;T&gt;

> If I don't pass generic type (as shown in example) I wont get typescript warning for not passing generic type. Can someone explain me why is that happening?

> I want it to look like this ... So when I don't pass generic type when calling withHOC, it warns me there has to be one. I might me doing everything wrong and asking for something that is not achievable so correct me if I'm wrong.

TypeScript will infer the type for T each time that you call withHOC based on the type of the Component argument that you call it with.

Let's say that you have the following code:

const Button = (props: ButtonProps) =&gt; (
    &lt;button {...props}/&gt;

const WrappedButton = withHOC(Button);

The Button argument matches the type ComponentType&lt;ButtonProps&gt;, so TypeScript determines that the T for this withHOC call is ButtonProps.

This is called type inference and it is a powerful feature of TypeScript.

You don't need to explicitly set &lt;T&gt; using withHOC&lt;ButtonProps&gt;(Button) because it is already known.

There probably exists some tricky way to require an explicit &lt;T&gt; but it's not trivial and I don't see why you would want this.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月16日 02:56:38
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