Using Google Apps Script to detect a calendar event with a keyword to copy and rename a template file to the appropriate year and month subfolder

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Using Google Apps Script to detect a calendar event with a keyword to copy and rename a template file to the appropriate year and month subfolder




In my various groups of friends, I tend to be the one that everyone looks to in order to organize and plan everything. Love doing it, but it definitely helps when I have some sort of document to work off of.

In the dummy example I have to share, I am planning a potluck with some friends. I want to create a calendar event for it, and when I enter #potluck in the event description, I want to be able to have the script take action by copying a template file I have specified, check the date of the event, and make the appropriate year and month folder (if they don't already exist), and copy the template file to that folder. Lastly, it renames the file to be "Potluck + event date" and replaces the #potluck from the event description to be a URL to the event's newly created template file.

Hopefully I phrased all of that clearly...

Here is my code so far.

Everything functions fine up until a certain point.

// Confirms whether the event has the #potluck tag
let description = event.getDescription();
if ('#potluck') == -1) continue;

  const eventDate = Utilities.formatDate(event.getStartTime(), "GMT", "MM-dd-yyyy");
  // Get the year from the event date
  const year = eventDate.split("-")[2];
  // Get the month number from the event date
  const monthNum = eventDate.split("-")[0];
  // Get the month name from the month number
  const monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
  const month = monthNames[parseInt(monthNum, 10) - 1];

The first section will check Google Calendar for any events with the event description #potluck and parses the date so it can create a year folder and month subfolder if they do not already exist.

  // Get the root folder
  var rootFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById("1jdLNv-vG6RfijAHZaIvQdfSEwBEq-UIB");
  // Check if the year folder exists
  var yearFolder = rootFolder.getFoldersByName(year);
  if (yearFolder.hasNext()) {
    yearFolder =;
  } else {
    // Create the year folder
    yearFolder = rootFolder.createFolder(year);
  // Check if the month folder exists
  var monthFolder = yearFolder.getFoldersByName(month);
  if (monthFolder.hasNext()) {
    monthFolder =;
  } else {
    // Create the month folder
    monthFolder = yearFolder.createFolder(month);

Where I seem to hit a snag is at line 72 when I have copied the file, renamed it, and created the year and month folders if they don't already exist. The script attempts to move the newly created file

  var templateSheetId = "14IZEMR-fjgc8YvlgQJJCpyGotBJ3YqLTP87s38vWPaM";
  var templateSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(templateSheetId);
  var newSheet = templateSheet.copy("Potluck " + eventDate);

For some reason, even though I believe I have followed the syntax of the documentation around moveTo(), I am getting an error that reads:
> TypeError: newSheet.moveTo is not a function

Is there a different way I should be calling for this file to be moved? Is there a better way to relocate a file in Google Drive? As of now, it just creates it in my root Google Drive folder, but I cannot move it to monthFolder after that.

I tried using moveTo() to get the newly created file to move to the appropriate folder. When that did not work, I tried copying it there with copy() and copyTo() but both ran into a similar error. I looked at other functions like move() but they result in the same issue. I tried following some tutorials where they move a file and remove the original, but that creates an entirely different function for one simple step (or so I believe it to be).


Thanks to Daniel for informing me of the differences between creating an object with SpreadsheetApp and DriveApp

My code was updated as follows:

    var templateSheet = DriveApp.getFileById("14IZEMR-fjgc8YvlgQJJCpyGotBJ3YqLTP87s38vWPaM");
    var newSheet = templateSheet.makeCopy("Potluck " + eventDate, monthFolder);


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如评论中所述,这是因为newSheet是一个Spreadsheet对象。如果您查看文档,您可以找到其方法列表。Spreadsheet方法用于操作电子表格数据,但它们不负责在Google Drive内移动文件。为此,您需要使用DriveApp创建一个File对象。以下是使用您的代码的示例:

  var templateSheetId = "<ID>";
  var templateSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(templateSheetId);
  var newSheet = templateSheet.copy("Potluck " + eventDate);
  var drivefile = DriveApp.getFileById(newSheet.getId())


  var templateSheetId = "<ID>"
  var copy = DriveApp.getFileById(templateSheetId)
  copy.makeCopy("Potluck " + eventDate, monthFolder)



As mentioned in the comments, this is because newSheet is a Spreadsheet object. If you check the documentation you can find a list of its methods. The Spreadsheet methods manipulate the spreadsheet data, but they are not in charge of moving the file within Drive. For this you need to create a File object with DriveApp. Example with your code:

  var templateSheetId = &quot;&lt;ID&gt;&quot;;
  var templateSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(templateSheetId);
  var newSheet = templateSheet.copy(&quot;Potluck &quot; + eventDate);
  var drivefile = DriveApp.getFileById(newSheet.getId())

But I think the best way is to make the copy with makeCopy(), which allows you to set the name and location right away. If you don't need to manipulate the spreadsheet you can just avoid calling SpreadsheetApp unnecessarily, which is generally a good practice:

  var templateSheetId = &quot;&lt;ID&gt;&quot;
  var copy = DriveApp.getFileById(templateSheetId)
  copy.makeCopy(&quot;Potluck &quot; + eventDate, monthFolder)

In conclusion, the problem was that you were using some methods with the wrong classes. I recommend you get acquainted with the documentation to see which methods belong to which classes, and what they return:

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
