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Filtering a stack trace array in vuejs


I am looking for some good ideas on how to filter an array that contains a stack trace. I have a database table that has four columns, one with the stack trace error messages, one that shows the priority of the error, one that shows the date the error was registered and finally a column that displays a custom-made error message, which I have placed on multiple try-blocks around my system.

On the frontend, I am fetching the data with axios and placing it inside an object called errors. Then in my computed properties, I create an array of fields that contain the individual columns from the database and their data. I use the Bootstrap table to output it.

  1. <template>
  2. <b-container>
  3. <b-card class="mt-4">
  4. <h5>{{ $t('events') }}</h5>
  5. <b-table
  6. :items="errors"
  7. :fields="fields"
  8. :per-page="[5, 10]"
  9. sort-desc
  10. primary-key="id"
  11. />
  12. </b-card>
  13. </b-container>
  14. </template>
  1. <script>
  2. import { errorService } from '@/services/error';
  3. import moment from 'moment';
  4. export default {
  5. components: {
  6. CommonTable,
  7. flapper
  8. },
  9. data() {
  10. return {
  11. errors: null,
  12. };
  13. },
  14. computed: {
  15. fields() {
  16. return [
  17. {
  18. key: 'priority',
  19. label: this.$t('errorLogs.priority'),
  20. sortable: true
  21. },
  22. {
  23. key: 'creationDateTime',
  24. label: this.$t('creationDateTime'),
  25. formatter: date => moment(date).locale(this.$i18n.locale).format('L'),
  26. sortable: true
  27. },
  28. {
  29. key: 'stackTrace',
  30. label: this.$t('errorLogs.stackTrace'),
  31. sortable: true
  32. },
  33. {
  34. key: 'errorMessage',
  35. label: this.$t('message'),
  36. sortable: true
  37. },
  38. ]
  39. },
  40. },
  41. methods: {
  42. load() {
  43. errorService.getErrorLogs().then(result => {
  44. this.errors = result.data
  45. })
  46. }
  47. },
  48. created() {
  49. this.load()
  50. }
  51. };
  52. </script>

It works as it should, but the output for the stack trace takes up way too much space in the table column.

Ideally it should only show


and then if the user wants more detail they can click on the stack trace and get the full version in a pop-up or something.

I am guessing the easiest solution would be to filter the stack trace so that it does not show any text beyond the ":" sign. But how would I implement this in the setup that I currently have?

I am guessing in computed properties I need to add a method to the stackTrace field.


  1. {
  2. key: 'stackTrace',
  3. label: this.$t('errorLogs.stackTrace'),
  4. sortable: true,
  5. function: this.filteredStackTrace()
  6. },

And then create a new method.

  1. filteredStackTrace() {
  2. this.errors.stackTrace.filter(some filter...)
  3. }

I am looking for some good ideas on how to filter an array that contains a stack trace. I have a database table that has four columns, one with the stack trace error messages, one that shows the priority of the error, one that shows the date the error was registered and finally a column that displays an custom made error message, which I have placed on multiple try-blocks around my system.

On the frontend I am fetching the data with axios and placing it inside an object called errors. Then in my computed properties I create an array of fields that contain the individual columns from the database and their data. I use the Bootstrap table to output it.

  1. &lt;template&gt;
  2. &lt;b-container&gt;
  3. &lt;b-card class=&quot;mt-4&quot;&gt;
  4. &lt;h5&gt;{{ $t(&#39;events&#39;) }}&lt;/h5&gt;
  5. &lt;b-table
  6. :items=&quot;errors&quot;
  7. :fields=&quot;fields&quot;
  8. :per-page=&quot;[5, 10]&quot;
  9. sort-desc
  10. primary-key=&quot;id&quot;
  11. /&gt;
  12. &lt;/b-card&gt;
  13. &lt;/b-container&gt;
  14. &lt;/template&gt;
  15. &lt;script&gt;
  16. import {errorService} from &#39;@/services/error&#39;;
  17. import moment from &#39;moment&#39;;
  18. export default {
  19. components: {
  20. CommonTable,
  21. flapper
  22. },
  23. data() {
  24. return {
  25. errors: null,
  26. };
  27. },
  28. computed: {
  29. fields() {
  30. return [
  31. {
  32. key: &#39;priority&#39;,
  33. label: this.$t(&#39;errorLogs.priority&#39;),
  34. sortable: true
  35. },
  36. {
  37. key: &#39;creationDateTime&#39;,
  38. label: this.$t(&#39;creationDateTime&#39;),
  39. formatter: date =&gt; moment(date).locale(this.$i18n.locale).format(&#39;L&#39;),
  40. sortable: true
  41. },
  42. {
  43. key: &#39;stackTrace&#39;,
  44. label: this.$t(&#39;errorLogs.stackTrace&#39;),
  45. sortable: true
  46. },
  47. {
  48. key: &#39;errorMessage&#39;,
  49. label: this.$t(&#39;message&#39;),
  50. sortable: true
  51. },
  52. ]
  53. },
  54. },
  55. methods: {
  56. load(){
  57. errorService.getErrorLogs().then(result =&gt; {
  58. this.errors = result.data
  59. })
  60. }
  61. },
  62. created() {
  63. this.load()
  64. }
  65. };
  66. &lt;/script&gt;

It works as it should, but the output for the stack trace takes up way too much space in the table column.

Ideally it should only show


and then if the user wants more detail they can click on the stack trace and get the full version in a pop up or something.

I am guessing the easiest solution would be to filter the stack trace, so that it does not show any text beyong the : sign.
But how would I implement this in the setup that I currently have?

I am guessing in computed properties I need add a method to the stackTrace field.


  1. {
  2. key: &#39;stackTrace&#39;,
  3. label: this.$t(&#39;errorLogs.stackTrace&#39;),
  4. sortable: true
  5. function: this.filteredStackTrace()
  6. },

And then create a new method.

  1. filteredStackTrace(){
  2. this.errors.stackTrace.filter(some filter...)
  3. }


得分: 1


  1. <!-- 开始代码片段:js 隐藏:false 控制台:true Babel:false -->
  2. <!-- 语言:lang-js -->
  3. const app = Vue.createApp({
  4. data() {
  5. return {
  6. st: `线程中的异常“main”java.lang.NullPointerException
  7. 在com.example.myproject.Book.java:16中
  8. 在com.example.myproject.Author.java:25中获取Book标题
  9. 在com.example.myproject.Bootstrap.java:14中`,
  10. expanded: false
  11. };
  12. },
  13. computed: {
  14. firstLine() {
  15. return this.st.split('\n')[0]
  16. },
  17. allLines() {
  18. return this.st.split('\n').filter((item, idx) => idx !== 0).toString()
  19. }
  20. },
  21. })
  22. app.mount('#demo')
  23. <!-- 语言:lang-html -->
  24. <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.prod.js"></script>
  25. <div id="demo">
  26. {{ firstLine }}
  27. <button @click="expanded = !expanded">all</button>
  28. <div v-if="expanded">{{ allLines }}</div>
  29. </div>
  30. <!-- 结束代码片段 -->



Maybe something like following snippet:

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

<!-- language: lang-js -->

  1. const app = Vue.createApp({
  2. data() {
  3. return {
  4. st: `Exception in thread &quot;main&quot; java.lang.NullPointerException
  5. at com.example.myproject.Book.getTitle(Book.java:16)
  6. at com.example.myproject.Author.getBookTitles(Author.java:25)
  7. at com.example.myproject.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:14)`,
  8. expanded: false
  9. };
  10. },
  11. computed: {
  12. firstLine() {
  13. return this.st.split(&#39;\n&#39;)[0]
  14. },
  15. allLines() {
  16. return this.st.split(&#39;\n&#39;).filter((item, idx) =&gt; idx !== 0).toString()
  17. }
  18. },
  19. })
  20. app.mount(&#39;#demo&#39;)

<!-- language: lang-html -->

  1. &lt;script src=&quot;https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.prod.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
  2. &lt;div id=&quot;demo&quot;&gt;
  3. {{ firstLine }}
  4. &lt;button @click=&quot;expanded = !expanded&quot;&gt;all&lt;/button&gt;
  5. &lt;div v-if=&quot;expanded&quot;&gt;{{ allLines }}&lt;/div&gt;
  6. &lt;/div&gt;

<!-- end snippet -->

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月14日 22:02:25
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75448933.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
