
huangapple go评论67阅读模式

Identifying non-overlapping values between factors in a dataframe in R




tapply(iris$Sepal.Length, INDEX = iris$Species, FUN = range)
tapply(iris$Sepal.Width, INDEX = iris$Species, FUN = range)
tapply(iris$Petal.Length, INDEX = iris$Species, FUN = range)
tapply(iris$Petal.Width, INDEX = iris$Species, FUN = range)

# 或

ggplot(iris, aes(Species, Sepal.Length)) + geom_point()
ggplot(iris, aes(Species, Sepal.Width)) + geom_point()
ggplot(iris, aes(Species, Petal.Length)) + geom_point()
ggplot(iris, aes(Species, Petal.Width)) + geom_point()


            setosa   versicolor   virginica
setosa      NA       FALSE        FALSE   
versicolor  FALSE    NA           FALSE   
virginica   FALSE    FALSE        NA   

            setosa   versicolor   virginica
setosa      NA       FALSE        FALSE   
versicolor  FALSE    NA           FALSE   
virginica   FALSE    FALSE        NA   

            setosa   versicolor   virginica
setosa      NA       TRUE         TRUE   
versicolor  TRUE     NA           FALSE   
virginica   TRUE     FALSE        NA   

            setosa   versicolor   virginica
setosa      NA       TRUE         TRUE   
versicolor  TRUE     NA           FALSE   
virginica   TRUE     FALSE        NA   



I would like to identify all non-overlapping values between groups (factors) in a dataframe. Let's use iris to illustrate. The iris dataset has measurements of sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width for three plant species (setosa, versicolor, and virginica). All three species overlap in measurements of sepal length and width. In measurements of both petal length and width, setosa doesn't overlap with both versicolor and virginica.

What I want can be easily visualized manually using a variety of functions such as range values or scatter plots:

tapply(iris$Sepal.Length, INDEX = iris$Species, FUN = range)
tapply(iris$Sepal.Width, INDEX = iris$Species, FUN = range)
tapply(iris$Petal.Length, INDEX = iris$Species, FUN = range)
tapply(iris$Petal.Width, INDEX = iris$Species, FUN = range)

# or

ggplot(iris, aes(Species, Sepal.Length)) + geom_point()
ggplot(iris, aes(Species, Sepal.Width)) + geom_point()
ggplot(iris, aes(Species, Petal.Length)) + geom_point()
ggplot(iris, aes(Species, Petal.Width)) + geom_point()

But it's impractical to do this manually for large datasets, so I'd like to write a function that identifies non-overlapping values between factors in dataframes like iris. The output could be a list of matrices with TRUE or FALSE (indicating non-overlap and overlap, respectively), one for each variable in the dataset. For example, the output for iris would be a list of 4 matrices:

            setosa   versicolor   virginica
setosa      NA       FALSE        FALSE   
versicolor  FALSE    NA           FALSE   
virginica   FALSE    FALSE        NA   

            setosa   versicolor   virginica
setosa      NA       FALSE        FALSE   
versicolor  FALSE    NA           FALSE   
virginica   FALSE    FALSE        NA   

            setosa   versicolor   virginica
setosa      NA       TRUE         TRUE   
versicolor  TRUE     NA           FALSE   
virginica   TRUE     FALSE        NA   

            setosa   versicolor   virginica
setosa      NA       TRUE         TRUE   
versicolor  TRUE     NA           FALSE   
virginica   TRUE     FALSE        NA   

I accept suggestions of different outputs, as long as they identify all non-overlapping values.


得分: 3

这是在 tidyverse 中的一个可能的解决方案:


# 构建自定义函数
my_fun <- function(x){
    # 从输入数据(具有度量值的列)和 iris 数据集的 Species 向量构建 tibble
    myDf <- dplyr::tibble(Species = as.character(iris$Species), Vals = as.numeric(x)) %>%
        # 按 Species 分组
        dplyr::group_by(Species) %>%
        # 计算每个 Species 的最小值和最大值
        dplyr::summarise(mini = min(Vals), maxi = max(Vals)) 

    ret <- myDf %>%
        # 通过全连接合并数据
        dplyr::full_join(myDf, by = character(), suffix = c("_1", "_2")) %>%
        # 转换操作为按行执行
        dplyr::rowwise() %>%
        # 如果 Species 相同,则生成 NA,否则检查是否重叠 - 此处使用否定,因为如果它们重叠,希望结果为 FALSE
        dplyr::mutate(res = ifelse(Species_1 == Species_2, NA, !(dplyr::between(mini_1, mini_2, maxi_2) | dplyr::between(maxi_1, mini_2, maxi_2) | between(mini_2, mini_1, maxi_1) | dplyr::between(maxi_2, mini_1, maxi_1) ))) %>%
        # 将 tibble 转换为宽格式以获得所需的布局
        tidyr::pivot_wider(-c(mini_1, maxi_1, mini_2, maxi_2), names_from = Species_2, values_from = res) %>%
        # 需要设置行名称

    # 从列设置行名称
    row.names(ret) <- ret$Species_1
    # 移除用于命名行的列
    ret$Species_1 <- NULL

purrr::map(iris[, 1:4], ~my_fun(.x))



this is one possible solution within the tidyverse


# build custom function
my_fun &lt;- function(x){
    # build tibble from input data (colum with metric) and Species vector from iris
    myDf &lt;- dplyr::tibble(Species = as.character(iris$Species), Vals = as.numeric(x)) %&gt;%
        # find min and max value per species
        dplyr::group_by(Species) %&gt;%
        dplyr::summarise(mini = min(Vals), maxi = max(Vals)) 

    ret &lt;- myDf %&gt;%
        # build full join from data
        dplyr::full_join(myDf, by = character(), suffix = c(&quot;_1&quot;, &quot;_2&quot;)) %&gt;% 
        # convert operation to row wise
        dplyr::rowwise() %&gt;% 
        # if species are the same generate NA else check if between  - I do negate here as if they are overlapping you want it to be FALSE
        dplyr::mutate(res = ifelse(Species_1 == Species_2, NA, !(dplyr::between(mini_1, mini_2, maxi_2) | dplyr::between(maxi_1, mini_2, maxi_2) | between(mini_2, mini_1, maxi_1) | dplyr::between(maxi_2, mini_1, maxi_1) ))) %&gt;%
        # make tibble wide to get the wanted layout
        tidyr::pivot_wider(-c(mini_1, maxi_1, mini_2, maxi_2), names_from = Species_2, values_from = res) %&gt;%
        # need it to be able to set row names

    # set row names from column
    row.names(ret) &lt;- ret$Species_1
    # remove column used to name rows
    ret$Species_1 &lt;- NULL

purrr::map(iris[, 1:4], ~my_fun(.x))

           setosa versicolor virginica
setosa         NA      FALSE     FALSE
versicolor  FALSE         NA     FALSE
virginica   FALSE      FALSE        NA

           setosa versicolor virginica
setosa         NA      FALSE     FALSE
versicolor  FALSE         NA     FALSE
virginica   FALSE      FALSE        NA

           setosa versicolor virginica
setosa         NA       TRUE      TRUE
versicolor   TRUE         NA     FALSE
virginica    TRUE      FALSE        NA

           setosa versicolor virginica
setosa         NA       TRUE      TRUE
versicolor   TRUE         NA     FALSE
virginica    TRUE      FALSE        NA

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月14日 09:02:13
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75442568.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
