
huangapple go评论43阅读模式

Idiomatic formatting of error messages and other complex strings



main :: IO ()
main = do
  args <- getArgs
  case args of
    [arg] -> case readMaybe arg :: Maybe Int of
      Just n | n > 0 -> runProg n
      Just n         -> die $ "expected a positive integer (got: " <> show n <> ")"
      Nothing        -> die $ "expected an integer (got: " <> arg <> ")"
    _ -> die $ "expected exactly one argument (got: " <> show (length args) <> ")"

对于我来说,创建适当的错误消息感觉有些笨拙,特别是在任何我想包含非字符串参数的地方都要使用 show。虽然有 printf 这个函数,但是它感觉... 不太符合Haskell的风格。在这里,使用何种方法才是惯用的Haskell方式呢?也许我对我列出的方法有偏见是不合理的,实际上,它们可能是符合Haskell惯用法的呢?


When creating a command-line app, one usually has to do some kind of parsing of command-line arguments, and print an error message if a different number of arguments is expected, or they do not make sense. For the sake of simplicity let's say that a program takes a positive integer as its only argument. Parsing and further program execution in Haskell can be done like this:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  args &lt;- getArgs
  case args of
    [arg] -&gt; case readMaybe arg :: Maybe Int of
      Just n | n &gt; 0 -&gt; runProg n
      Just n         -&gt; die $ &quot;expected a positive integer (got: &quot; &lt;&gt; show n &lt;&gt; &quot;)&quot;
      Nothing        -&gt; die $ &quot;expected an integer (got: &quot; &lt;&gt; arg &lt;&gt; &quot;)&quot;
    _ -&gt; die $ &quot;expected exactly one argument (got: &quot; &lt;&gt; show (length args) &lt;&gt; &quot;)&quot;

Creation of appropriate error message feels clunky to me, especially combined with show anywhere I want to include a non-string argument. There is printf but this on the other hand feels... not Haskell-y. What would be the idiomatic approach here? Perhaps my bias against the methods I listed is unjustified and it is, in fact, idiomatic Haskell?


得分: 3



data OptError
  = BadArgCount Int Int  -- 预期的参数个数,实际的参数个数
  | NotInteger String
  | NotPositive Int


errorMessage :: OptError -> String
errorMessage (BadArgCount exp act) = "期望 " <> show exp
                                   <> " 个参数,实际得到 " <> show act
errorMessage (NotInteger str) = "期望整数,实际得到 " <> show str
errorMessage (NotPositive n) = "期望正整数,实际得到 " <> show n


data Args = Args Int

processArgs :: [String] -> Either OptError Args
processArgs [x] = case readMaybe x of
  Just n | n > 0     -> pure $ Args n
         | otherwise -> throwError $ NotPositive n
  Nothing            -> throwError $ NotInteger x
processArgs xs       =  throwError $ BadArgCount 1 (length xs)

对于小型命令行实用程序中的参数处理来说,这显然是过度设计,但在需要复杂错误报告的其他上下文中,它非常有效,并且相对于die ...方法具有以下几个优势:

  • 所有错误消息都在一个地方列出,因此您确切知道processArgs函数可以抛出哪些错误。
  • 错误构造受到类型检查,减少了错误处理代码中出现错误的潜在可能性。
  • 错误报告与错误呈现分开。这对国际化、终端和非终端输出的分离错误报告样式、在希望自行处理错误的驱动程序代码中重用函数等都很有用。这也对开发来说更加人性化,因为您不必中断“真正的编码”来创建合理的错误消息。通常,这会导致最终产品中更好的错误报告,因为它鼓励您在核心逻辑完成后一次性编写清晰、一致的错误消息集。
  • 它有助于系统地重构错误,例如添加位置信息(对于命令行参数来说无关,但对于输入文件中的错误而言是相关的)或添加修复提示/建议。
  • 相对容易定义一个自定义的Monad,还支持警告和“非致命”错误,允许进一步错误检查继续,一次生成所有错误的错误列表,而不是在第一个错误后失败。



As per the comment, if you're actually parsing command line arguments, you probably want to use optparse-applicative (or maybe optparse).

More generally, I think a reasonably idiomatic way of constructing complex error messages in Haskell is to represent the errors with an algebraic data type:

data OptError
  = BadArgCount Int Int  -- expected, actual
  | NotInteger String
  | NotPositive Int

supply a pretty-printer:

errorMessage :: OptError -&gt; String
errorMessage (BadArgCount exp act) = &quot;expected &quot; &lt;&gt; show exp 
                                     &lt;&gt; &quot; arguments, got &quot; &lt;&gt; show act
errorMessage (NotInteger str) = &quot;expected integer, got &quot; &lt;&gt; show str
errorMessage (NotPositive n) = &quot;expected positive integer, got &quot; &lt;&gt; show n

and perform the processing in a monad that supports throwing errors:

data Args = Args Int

processArgs :: [String] -&gt; Either OptError Args
processArgs [x] = case readMaybe x of
  Just n | n &gt; 0     -&gt; pure $ Args n
         | otherwise -&gt; throwError $ NotPositive n
  Nothing            -&gt; throwError $ NotInteger x
processArgs xs       =  throwError $ BadArgCount 1 (length xs)

This is certainly overkill for argument processing in a small command-line utility, but it works well in other contexts that demand complex error reporting, and it has several advantages over the die ... approach:

  • All the error messages are tabulated in one place, so you know exactly what errors the processArgs function can throw.
  • Error construction is type checked, reducing the potential for errors in your error handling code.
  • Error reporting is separated from error rendering. This is useful for internationalization, separate error reporting styles for terminal and non-terminal output, reuse of the functions in driver code that wants to handle errors itself, etc. It's also more ergonomic for development, since you don't have to take a break from "real coding" to make up a sensible error message. This typically results in better error reporting in the final product, since it encourages you to write a clear, consistent set of error messages all at once, after the core logic is finished.
  • It facilitates refactoring the errors systematically, for example to add location information (not relevant for command line arguments, but relevant for errors in input files, for example), or to add hints/recommendations for correction.
  • It's relatively easy to define a custom monad that also supports warnings and "non-fatal" errors that allow further error checking to continue, generating a list of errors all at once, instead of failing after the first error.

I haven't used this approach for command line arguments, since I usually use optparse-applicative. But, I have used it when coding up interpreters.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月14日 03:33:45
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