Type guards for exportable utility functions: isNull, isNullOrWhitespace, etc

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Type guards for exportable utility functions: isNull, isNullOrWhitespace, etc



  1. 我有一个使用TypeScriptReact项目其中我经常使用一些实用函数`isFunction``isNull``isNullOrEmpty``isNullOrWhitespace`等等
  2. 我可以在我的实用文件中有这样的东西
  3. export const isNull = (value: any): boolean => value === null || value === undefined;


  1. const customFunction(arrayOfObjects?: any[]) => {
  2. if (!isNull(arrayOfObjects)) {
  3. // 在这里做一些事情,例如:
  4. arrayOfObjects?.map((c) => ...); // 行4
  5. }
  6. }

当然,TypeScript仍然认为行4中arrayOfObjects的类型仍然是any[] | undefined,尽管它进入了这个块中肯定不是null或undefined。所以我找到了处理这个问题的正确方法是使用类型守卫。如果我改变我的实用函数如下:

  1. export const isNull = (value: any): value is null | undefined => value === null || value === undefined;



  1. const customFunction(arrayOfObjects?: any[]) => {
  2. if (!isNullOrEmpty(arrayOfObjects)) {
  3. arrayOfObjects?.map((c) => ...); // 类型'never'上不存在属性'map'
  4. }
  5. }


  1. export const isFunction = (value: any): boolean => typeof value === 'function';


  1. export const isNullOrWhitespace = (value: any): boolean => isNullOrEmpty(value) || (typeof (value) === 'string' && !value.trim());



  1. <details>
  2. <summary>英文:</summary>
  3. I have a React project with Typescript in which I frequently use some utility functions: `isFunction`, `isNull`, `isNullOrEmpty`, `isNullOrWhitespace`, and so on.
  4. I can have something like this in my utility file:

export const isNull = (value: any): boolean => value === null || value === undefined;

  1. And then I will use it elsewhere like so (very contrived example):
  2. const customFunction(arrayOfObjects?: any[]) =&gt; {
  3. if (!isNull(arrayOfObjects)) {
  4. // do something here, e.g.:
  5. arrayOfObjects?.map((c) =&gt; ...); // line 4
  6. }
  7. }
  8. Of course, Typescript still thinks that the type of `arrayOfObjects` in line 4 is still `any[] | undefined`, even though it&#39;s certainly not null or undefined if it made it inside this block. So I found out the correct way to handle this is using type guards. If I instead change my utility function like so:

export const isNull = (value: any): value is null | undefined => value === null || value === undefined;

  1. Then the `isNull` check works as expected, and correctly detects that `arrayOfObjects` on line 4 is not null or undefined.
  2. The problem I am then having is type-checking more advanced functions. I wouldn&#39;t want to call `arrayOfObjects.map()` unless I knew that `arrayOfObjects` was not null, undefined, an object, or an empty array. So I want to define a function `isNullOrEmpty` that will return false for e.g. `{}, [], null, undefined`, but throwing these into the type guard

export const isNullOrEmpty = (value: any): value is ({} | [] | null | undefined) => {...}

  1. results in:
  2. const customFunction(arrayOfObjects?: any[]) =&gt; {
  3. if (!isNullOrEmpty(arrayOfObjects)) {
  4. arrayOfObjects?.map((c) =&gt; ...); // Property &#39;map&#39; does not exist on type &#39;never&#39;
  5. }
  6. }
  7. I have similar issues when dealing with checking for a function:

export const isFunction = (value: any): boolean => typeof value === 'function';

  1. Or checking that ([Potentially related issue][1]?):

export const isNullOrWhitespace = (value: any): boolean => isNullOrEmpty(value) || (typeof (value) === 'string' && !value.trim());

  1. Particularly because I am so often checking that something is *not* null or whitespace, so I am not sure how to grab the negation of those types as well.
  2. What is the correct way to export functions that can type check?
  3. [1]: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/42101
  4. </details>
  5. # 答案1
  6. **得分**: 1
  7. I think the problem is here.
  8. ```javascript
  9. export const isNullOrEmpty = (value: any): value is ({} | [] | null | undefined) =&gt; {...}
  10. // ^

The {} is not an empty object. Object types actually mean that they require at least the keys they specify, but they could have more:

  1. const objA = { a: 123, b: 456 }
  2. const objB: { a: number } = objB // fine

Here objA has at least all the keys required by the type of objB, so the assignment is allowed.

Following that logic, the {} type is an object type that requires at zero keys. Which means almost anything can be assigned to it, since every value has at least zero keys.

  1. const objA = { a: 123, b: 456 }
  2. const testA: {} = objA // fine
  3. const testB: {} = true // fine
  4. const testC: {} = 456 // fine

ESLint even has a rule for this pitfall

> Avoid the Object and {} types, as they mean "any non-nullish value". This is a point of confusion for many developers, who think it means "any object type".
> See this comment for more information.

So when your type predicate function says that a value is {}, and you negate that, you are saying that your value is not assignable to {}, which as mentioned nearly everything is. So the result is never.

A better type for an empty object is:

Record<string, never>

This is an object type that has exactly zero keys. It's keys must be a subset of string, and the value of those keys must also match the type of never. And since never cannot actually exist at runtime, this means the object must be actually empty.

So all string keys must not have a value.

So replace {} with that record type, and your code works.

  1. export const isNullOrEmpty = (value: any):
  2. value is (Record&lt;string, never&gt; | [] | null | undefined) =&gt; {
  3. return true // implementation TBD
  4. }
  5. const customFunction = (arrayOfObjects?: any[]) =&gt; {
  6. if (!isNullOrEmpty(arrayOfObjects)) {
  7. arrayOfObjects?.map((c) =&gt; c); // fine
  8. }
  9. }

See playground


I think the problem is here.

  1. export const isNullOrEmpty = (value: any): value is ({} | [] | null | undefined) =&gt; {...}
  2. // ^

The {} is not an empty object. Object types actually mean that they require at least the keys they specify, but they could have more:

  1. const objA = { a: 123, b: 456 }
  2. const objB: { a: number } = objB // fine

Here objA has at least all the keys required by the type of objB, so the assignment is allowed.

Following that logic, the {} type is an object type that requires at zero keys. Which means almost anything can be assigned to it, since every value has at least zero keys.

  1. const objA = { a: 123, b: 456 }
  2. const testA: {} = objA // fine
  3. const testB: {} = true // fine
  4. const testC: {} = 456 // fine

ESLint even has a rule for this pitfall

> Avoid the Object and {} types, as they mean "any non-nullish value". This is a point of confusion for many developers, who think it means "any object type".
> See this comment for more information.

So when your type predicate function says that a value is {}, and you negate that, you are saying that your value is not assignable to {}, which as mentioned nearly everything is. So the result is never.

A better type for an empty object is:

  1. Record&lt;string, never&gt;

This is an object type that has exactly zero keys. It's keys must be a subset of string, and the value of those keys must also match the type of never. And since never cannot actually exist at runtime, this means the object must be actually empty.

So all string keys must not have a value.

So replace {} with that record type, and your code works.

  1. export const isNullOrEmpty = (value: any):
  2. value is (Record&lt;string, never&gt; | [] | null | undefined) =&gt; {
  3. return true // implementation TBD
  4. }
  5. const customFunction = (arrayOfObjects?: any[]) =&gt; {
  6. if (!isNullOrEmpty(arrayOfObjects)) {
  7. arrayOfObjects?.map((c) =&gt; c); // fine
  8. }
  9. }

See playground

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月14日 03:09:48
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75440258.html



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