“message”: “请求的 URL 不允许该方法。”

huangapple go评论93阅读模式

Python Flask-RESTful method delete error - "message": "The method is not allowed for the requested URL."



  1. def delete_student(student_id: int):
  2. del_student = db.session.query(Student).filter_by(id=student_id).one()
  3. db.session.delete(del_student)
  4. return db.session.commit()
  1. class AddDeleteStudent(Resource):
  2. def delete(self, user_id):
  3. return delete_student(user_id)
  4. api.add_resource(AddDeleteStudent, '/api/v1/students/<int:user_id>')

What could be the problem?

I have a function that deletes a record from the database by id. Function separately from api works.

  1. def delete_student(student_id: int):
  2. del_student = db.session.query(Student).filter_by(id=student_id).one()
  3. db.session.delete(del_student)
  4. return db.session.commit()

But when i use this function via api i get error: {"response": {"message": "The method is not allowed for the requested URL."}}

  1. class AddDeleteStudent(Resource):
  2. def delete(self, user_id):
  3. return delete_student(user_id)
  4. api.add_resource(AddDeleteStudent, &#39;/api/v1/students/&lt;int:user_id&gt;&#39;)


得分: 1


  • "You didn't add code showing how you're invoking the API." --> "您没有添加显示如何调用API的代码。"
  • "If you're using curl and you don't specify the method in the call, I believe it defaults to a get and you don't have a get defined for your API." --> "如果您正在使用curl,并且在调用中未指定方法,我认为它默认为get,而您的API没有定义get。"
  • "To do a delete, you have to do something like" --> "要执行删除操作,您需要执行类似以下的操作:"
  • "curl <your_url> -X DELETE -v" --> "curl <your_url> -X DELETE -v"
  • "See the documentation for how to invoke and specify your method (in this case 'delete')" --> "请参阅文档,了解如何调用和指定您的方法(在这种情况下是'delete')。"
  • "1: https://flask-restful.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstart.html#a-minimal-api" --> "1: https://flask-restful.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstart.html#a-minimal-api"

You didn't add code showing how you're invoking the API.

If you're using curl and you don't specify the method in the call, I believe it defaults to a get and you don't have a get defined for your API.

To do a delete, you have to do something like

curl &lt;your_url&gt; -X DELETE -v

See the documentation for how to invoke and specify your method (in this case 'delete')

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月14日 03:07:24
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75440238.html



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