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SIMD in AssemblyScript


I can provide a translation of the text, excluding the code part, as requested:

"我在AssemblyScript中创建了一个Box Blur算法。

如何使用SIMD使这个for循环更快?如果可能的话,也请给我一些解释 :)"

Please note that the code part has been excluded from the translation, as per your request. If you have any further questions or need explanations related to using SIMD in your code, feel free to ask.


Hey I created a Box Blur algorithm in AssemblyScript.

To make it more efficient, I would like to use SIMD Operations.

For example I have which looks like this:

for(let column: i16 = x + deviationBase + 1; column < x + width - deviationBase; column++){
    r += load<u8>(rowPosition + (column + deviationBase) * 4    )
    g += load<u8>(rowPosition + (column + deviationBase) * 4 + 1) 
    b += load<u8>(rowPosition + (column + deviationBase) * 4 + 2)
    r -= load<u8>(rowPosition + (column - deviationBase) * 4    ) 
    g -= load<u8>(rowPosition + (column - deviationBase) * 4 + 1)
    b -= load<u8>(rowPosition + (column - deviationBase) * 4 + 2)
    store<u8>(rowPosition + column * 4    , (r / diameter) as u8)
    store<u8>(rowPosition + column * 4 + 1, (g / diameter) as u8)
    store<u8>(rowPosition + column * 4 + 2, (b / diameter) as u8)

How can I make this for loop faster with SIMD? It would be nice if you could also give me some explanations SIMD在AssemblyScript中


得分: 1



  1. 从常规寄存器或内存加载数据到simd寄存器
  2. 计算矢量化的计算
  3. 将数据存储回常规寄存器或内存



  1. 我使用了rgba格式,而不是rgb格式。保持幂的方式有助于减少边缘情况,并更适合v128
  2. 我用值为0的像素填充了要模糊的图像,以减少算法的复杂性。现在无需进行边界检查。



red += load<u8>(img + i * width * 4 + j * 4 + 0);
red += load<u8>(img + (i - 1) * width * 4 + (j) * 4 + 0);
red += load<u8>(img + (i + 1) * width * 4 + (j) * 4 + 0);
red += load<u8>(img + (i) * width * 4 + (j - 1) * 4 + 0);
red += load<u8>(img + (i) * width * 4 + (j + 1) * 4 + 0);


要对此进行simd化,我们需要稍微重新排列事物。首先,垂直线(i、i - 1、i + 1)非常容易转换为simd指令。问题在于,使用v128很难将水平邻居相加,因为它们都在同一个寄存器中结束。


red += load<u8>(img + i * width * 4 + j * 4 + 0);
red += load<u8>(img + (i - 1) * width * 4 + (j) * 4 + 0);
red += load<u8>(img + (i + 1) * width * 4 + (j) * 4 + 0);
red += load<u8>(transposed_img + (i - 1) * height * 4 + (j) * 4 + 0);
red += load<u8>(transposed_img + (i + 1) * height * 4 + (j) * 4 + 0);



line = v128.load(img + i * width * 4 + 4 + k * 16);
line_before = v128.load(img + (i - 1) * width * 4 + 4 + k * 16);
line_after = v128.load(img + (i + 1) * width * 4 + 4 + k * 16);


let result = v128.add<u8>(line, v128.add<u8>(line_before, line_after));

这一行执行了之前的所有垂直相加。我们尚未添加转置的相加,因为我将很快解释一个未来的问题。 + i * width * 4 + 4 + k * 16, result);






(load<u8>(blurred_img + j * width * 4 + i * 4 + 0) + red) / 5) as u8



I tried to tackle this problem, my attempt is here.

So, the usual way of dealing with simd, AssemblyScript being no different, is the following:

  1. load the data into simd registers from regular registers or memory
  2. compute the vectorized calculations
  3. store the data back into regular registers or memory

AssemblyScript has one simd datatype: v128, which can store 16 u8's. We will use it in order to do simd calculations.

I built a box blur example using this resource. I took some decisions in order to remove edge-cases and focus only on the simd part:

  1. I used the rgba format, as opposed to the rgb format. Keeping things as powers of two helps reduce edge-cases, and better fits for the v128.
  2. I padded the image that I am blurring with pixels with values of 0, in order to reduce the complexity of the algorithm. There is no need for bounds checking now.

Now, for the actual algorithms: I implemented three algorithms. The box_blur_naive, box_blur_improved and box_blur_simd.

In the box_blur_naive there is the familiar loading and adding for every pixel and its neighbours. For example, for the red color:

red += load&lt;u8&gt;(img + i * width * 4 + j * 4 + 0);
red += load&lt;u8&gt;(img + (i - 1) * width * 4 + (j) * 4 + 0);
red += load&lt;u8&gt;(img + (i + 1) * width * 4 + (j) * 4 + 0);
red += load&lt;u8&gt;(img + (i) * width * 4 + (j - 1) * 4 + 0);
red += load&lt;u8&gt;(img + (i) * width * 4 + (j + 1) * 4 + 0);

Benchmarking time: 29.430s

In order to simdize this, we need to rearrange things a bit. First, the vertical lines (i, i - 1, i + 1) are very easily convertible to simd instructions. The problem is that there is no easy way to add the horizontal neighbours with v128, because they all end up in the same register.

Fortunately, there is an easy way for box blur to separate the horizontal and vertical additions, with the help of a transposed image, which is what box_blur_improved does:

red += load&lt;u8&gt;(img + i * width * 4 + j * 4 + 0);
red += load&lt;u8&gt;(img + (i - 1) * width * 4 + (j) * 4 + 0);
red += load&lt;u8&gt;(img + (i + 1) * width * 4 + (j) * 4 + 0);
red += load&lt;u8&gt;(transposed_img + (i - 1) * height * 4 + (j) * 4 + 0);
red += load&lt;u8&gt;(transposed_img + (i + 1) * height * 4 + (j) * 4 + 0);

Benchmarking time: 30.225s

Now, we only have vertical additions, so we can finally start bringing in v128. Getting the data into v128:

line = v128.load(img + i * width * 4 + 4 + k * 16);
line_before = v128.load(img + (i - 1) * width * 4 + 4 + k * 16);
line_after = v128.load(img + (i + 1) * width * 4 + 4 + k * 16);

This does the same thing as the loads before, but for 16 u8 values at a single time. We can now perform the additions:

let result = v128.add&lt;u8&gt;(line, v128.add&lt;u8&gt;(line_before, line_after));

This line performs all the vertical additions from before. We have not added the transposed additions, because of a future problem that I will explain shortly. + i * width * 4 + 4 + k * 16, result);

This stores the result at the specified address. And that is all.

Benchmarking time: 17.637s

The simd solutions seems to save about half the time, and the code is not fully simdized.

The last problem is that there is no easy way to do integer division in an easy way with v128 (and simd in general).

Consider the way in which we store the data in memory in the first algorithms:

(load&lt;u8&gt;(blurred_img + j * width * 4 + i * 4 + 0) + red) / 5) as u8

We have to do division by 5, which is not an operation on v128. There may be some ways of doing the division by using bit shifts and subtractions. Judging from the speed increase we already obtained, it may be worthwhile to do it.


得分: 1

除了在 中回答的内容之外,您可以通过标量来模拟i8x16除法,如下所示:

export function i8x16_fastdiv(x: v128, d: u8): v128 {
    let n = u8(23 - clz((u32(d) | 1) << 16)); // 找到移位因子
    // 设置8个“反向除法”单词:
    let inv = i16x8.splat((1 << n) / d + 1);
    // 拆分成两个16位值
    let lo = i16x8.extend_low_i8x16_u(x);
    let hi = i16x8.extend_high_i8x16_u(x);
    // 用“反向除法”和除法相乘
    lo = i16x8.shr_u(i16x8.mul(lo, inv), n);
    hi = i16x8.shr_u(i16x8.mul(hi, inv), n);
    // 重新打包
    return i8x16.narrow_i16x8_u(lo, hi);



In addition to answered in you can emulate i8x16 division by scalar as:

export function i8x16_fastdiv(x: v128, d: u8): v128 {
    let n = u8(23 - clz((u32(d) | 1) &lt;&lt; 16)); // find shift factor
    // set 8 words of &quot;inverse div&quot;:
    let inv = i16x8.splat((1 &lt;&lt; n) / d + 1);
    // unpack into two 16-bit values
    let lo = i16x8.extend_low_i8x16_u(x);
    let hi = i16x8.extend_high_i8x16_u(x);
    // mul with &quot;inverse div&quot; and div
    lo = i16x8.shr_u(i16x8.mul(lo, inv), n);
    hi = i16x8.shr_u(i16x8.mul(hi, inv), n);
    // repack
    return i8x16.narrow_i16x8_u(lo, hi);

But note it may be faster on Firefox while slower on Chrome than scalar division version with extract + replace lanes. Chrome still behaves rather unpredictably with SIMD in term of performance.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月14日 00:46:21
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