shell code to check if a website up or down. but keep gives an error

huangapple go评论48阅读模式

shell code to check if a website up or down. but keep gives an error



  1. 第5行: 遇到了预期之外的 EOF(文件结尾),在查找匹配的 '' 时。
  2. 第10行: 预期条件二进制操作符。
  3. 第10行: 语法错误,意外的文件结尾。

what's wrong with code, i keep getting an error running it.
this is the error: line 5: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' line 10: conditional binary operator expected line 10: syntax error: unexpected end of file


echo "Enter the site:"
read site_url
if [[ 'ping -w 100 -c 1 "$site_url"|tail -2|head
-1|cut -d , -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f2` > 0 ]]; then
        echo "site is up"
        echo "site is down"
fi line 5: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' line 10: conditional binary operator expected line 10: syntax error: unexpected end of file


得分: 1


echo "输入网站地址:"
read -r site_url
if [ "$(ping -w 100 -c 1 "$site_url" | tail -2| head -1 |cut -d , -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f2)" -gt 0 ]
        echo "网站正常"
        echo "网站不可用"

You can use the following code:

echo "Enter the site:"
read -r site_url
if [ "$(ping -w 100 -c 1 "$site_url" | tail -2| head -1 |cut -d , -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f2)" -gt 0 ]
        echo "site is up"
        echo "site is down"


得分: 1


Seems overwrought to me. How about just

    if ping -w 100 -c 1 "$site_url" # is ping really what you want here?

or maybe (as an example to elaborate as needed, assigning on the fly here...)

    curl -sI "$site_url" |
      awk '/^HTTP/{
           switch(int($2/100)) {
             case 1: msg="Informational"             ; break;
             case 2: msg="Site is up"                ; break;
             case 3: msg="Redirect"                  ; break;
             case 4: print "Client Error " $2        ; exit 4;
             case 5: print "Server Error " $2        ; exit 5;
             default: print "Unexpected error - " $0 ; exit 6;
           print msg " ("$2")"; exit;
       } END { print "Site error, no code"           ; exit 7; }'

Which, using `site_url=`, gives

    Redirect (301)

Manually passing a fail:

echo "HTTP/2 444" | awk '/^HTTP/{ switch(int($2/100)) {
case 1: msg="Informational" ; break;
case 2: msg="Site is up" ; break;
case 3: msg="Redirect" ; break;
case 4: print "Client Error " $2 ; exit 4;
case 5: print "Server Error " $2 ; exit 5;
default: print "Unexpected error - " $0; exit 6;
} print msg " ("$2")"; exit; } END { print "Site error, no code"; exit 7; }'
Client Error 444

If for some reason you just need it to still be part of an `if` test -

if curl -sI ${site_url:=} |
awk '/^HTTP/{
switch(int($2/100)) {
case 1: msg="Informational" ; break;
case 2: msg="Site is up" ; break;
case 3: msg="Redirect" ; break;
case 4: print "Client Error " $2 ; exit 4;
case 5: print "Server Error " $2 ; exit 5;
default: print "Unexpected error - " $0; exit 6;
print msg " ("$2")"; exit;
} END { print "Site error, no code"; exit 7; }'
then echo doing some other stuff
else echo doing error stuff

which gives

Redirect (301)
doing some other stuff


if curl -sI | awk '/^HTTP/{ switch(int($2/100)) {
case 1: msg="Informational" ; break;
case 2: msg="Site is up" ; break;
case 3: msg="Redirect" ; break;
case 4: print "Client Error " $2 ; exit 4;
case 5: print "Server Error " $2 ; exit 5;
default: print "Unexpected error - " $0; exit 6;
} print msg " ("$2")"; exit; } END { print "Site error, no code"; exit 7; }';
then echo doing some other stuff; else echo doing error stuff; fi


Site error, no code
doing error stuff


Seems overwrought to me. How about just 

    if ping -w 100 -c 1 &quot;$site_url&quot; # is ping really what you want here?

or maybe (as an example to elaborate as needed, assigning on the fly here...)

    curl -sI &quot;$site_url&quot; |
      awk &#39;/^HTTP/{
           switch(int($2/100)) {
             case 1: msg=&quot;Informational&quot;             ; break;
             case 2: msg=&quot;Site is up&quot;                ; break;
             case 3: msg=&quot;Redirect&quot;                  ; break;
             case 4: print &quot;Client Error &quot; $2        ; exit 4;
             case 5: print &quot;Server Error &quot; $2        ; exit 5;
             default: print &quot;Unexpected error - &quot; $0 ; exit 6;
           print msg &quot; (&quot;$2&quot;)&quot;; exit;
       } END { print &quot;Site error, no code&quot;           ; exit 7; }&#39;

Which, using `site_url=`, gives

    Redirect (301)

Manually passing a fail:

echo "HTTP/2 444" | awk '/^HTTP/{ switch(int($2/100)) {
case 1: msg="Informational" ; break;
case 2: msg="Site is up" ; break;
case 3: msg="Redirect" ; break;
case 4: print "Client Error " $2 ; exit 4;
case 5: print "Server Error " $2 ; exit 5;
default: print "Unexpected error - " $0; exit 6;
} print msg " ("$2")"; exit; } END { print "Site error, no code"; exit 7; }'
Client Error 444

If for some reason you just need it to still be part of an `if` test -

if curl -sI ${site_url:=} |
awk '/^HTTP/{
switch(int($2/100)) {
case 1: msg="Informational" ; break;
case 2: msg="Site is up" ; break;
case 3: msg="Redirect" ; break;
case 4: print "Client Error " $2 ; exit 4;
case 5: print "Server Error " $2 ; exit 5;
default: print "Unexpected error - " $0; exit 6;
print msg " ("$2")"; exit;
} END { print "Site error, no code"; exit 7; }'
then echo doing some other stuff
else echo doing error stuff

which gives

Redirect (301)
doing some other stuff


if curl -sI | awk '/^HTTP/{ switch(int($2/100)) {
case 1: msg="Informational" ; break;
case 2: msg="Site is up" ; break;
case 3: msg="Redirect" ; break;
case 4: print "Client Error " $2 ; exit 4;
case 5: print "Server Error " $2 ; exit 5;
default: print "Unexpected error - " $0; exit 6;
} print msg " ("$2")"; exit; } END { print "Site error, no code"; exit 7; }';
then echo doing some other stuff; else echo doing error stuff; fi


Site error, no code
doing error stuff


# 答案3
**得分**: -1

if [[ ping -W 100 -c 1 "$site_url" | tail -2 | head -1 | cut -d , -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f2 > 0 ]]; then


Replace with this line

if [[ ping -W 100 -c 1 &quot;$site_url&quot;|tail -2|head -1|cut -d , -f2 | cut -d &#39; &#39; -f2 > 0 ]]; then

First issue; opening quote of in front of ping.
I think it should be a capital W option for ping


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