Pay Pal API – 代表没有 Pay Pal 帐户的客户接受付款

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Pay Pal API - Take Payment on behalf of client that does not have Pay Pal account



底线:我是否有任何选项可以在我的网站上使用PayPal API接受支付,然后以编程方式将款项转到与PayPal无关的银行账户?



I have poured through the PayPal payment documentation and I think what I'm trying to do may not be possible but I hoped someone can show me that I'm wrong. I want to take a payment using Pay Pal's Standard payments form integrated into my web site but I need the payment to go to another person's (my client) bank account rather than my pay pal account. I see that you can direct the payment to a different pay pal account but I don't see an option to pay someone that does not have a pay pal account. I would prefer to not require my clients to set up a pay pal account.

Bottom Line: Do I have any options to take the payment using paypal API on my website then programmatically direct the payment to a bank account that is not tied to Pay Pal?

Thank You!


得分: 1

短答案是不行。更详细的回答是确实存在一些解决方案,可以让您将钱发送到银行账户,但它们需要获得批准和定制集成工作,总的来说,这比要求接收者在几分钟内开设 PayPal 账户要麻烦得多,不值得这么做。


The short answer is no. The longer answer is that there do exist solutions that will allow you to send money to a bank account, but they require approval and custom integration work and in general are way more trouble than they are worth--certainly more trouble than requiring recipients to open a PayPal account which can be done in minutes.

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