Input hexadecimal floating point number using scanf() and conversion specifier “%a”

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Input hexadecimal floating point number using scanf() and conversion specifier "%a"



  1. printf("Enter variable:\n");
  2. scanf("%a", &var);
  3. printf("var = %f\n", var);
  4. printf("var = %e\n", var);
  5. printf("var = %a\n", var);


  1. Enter variable:
  2. 0x1.205bc0p-11
  3. var = 0.000000
  4. var = 0.000000e+000
  5. var = 0x0.000000p+0



I'm testing conversion specifiers both for printf() and scanf() function. I hadn't problem with %a format specifier for floating point hexadecimal number used in printf() function. It displayed what I expected. But I encountered problem when I wanted to input hexadecimal float using

  1. scanf("%a", &var);

I'm using the following code:

  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. int main()
  3. {
  4. float var;
  5. printf("Enter variable:\n");
  6. scanf("%a", &var);
  7. printf("var = %f\n", var);
  8. printf("var = %e\n", var);
  9. printf("var = %a\n", var);
  10. return 0;
  11. }

When I enter a sample value, e.g. 0x1.205b0cp-11 that is 5.5e-4 it gives me that result:

Enter variable:

var = 0.000000
var = 0.000000e+000
var = 0x0.000000p+0

Whatever number I enter it always gives me 0. What's the reason or solution for that problem. I have no idea what I'm making wrong.


得分: 1


  1. pax> ./prog
  2. Enter variable: 0x1.205bc0p-11
  3. var = 0.000550
  4. var = 5.500000e-04
  5. var = 0x1.205bcp-11


请记住,scanf系列函数,以及转换说明符aegf(以及它们的大写变体)都是相同的 - 它们都处理strtod处理的每种格式。它们都存在的(很可能)原因是为了与printf的转换说明符相对应,在某些情况下,它们会影响值的输出方式。

值得考虑的是,首先测试一些比十六进制浮点数更简单的输入,然后逐步增加复杂度。例如,可以尝试以下序列:{ 0, 3, 3.1, 3.14159, 9e2, 6e-2, ... }。这至少能让您知道输入在何处失败。


  1. if (scanf("%a", &var) != 1) {
  2. fprintf(stderr, "出现严重错误!\n");
  3. return 1;
  4. }

(a) 顺便提一下,我的系统是gcc 9.4.0(通过gcc --version获得)运行在Ubuntu 20.04.2上(通过cat /etc/lsb_release获得)。通常,在提问时包含这种信息是个好主意,因为它可以帮助我们更快地解决问题。

(b) 也许有考虑更改供应商的充分理由,当然,这取决于正常的成本效益分析。


That code works on my system<sup>(a)</sup>, producing the expected result:

  1. pax&gt; ./prog
  2. Enter variable: 0x1.205bc0p-11
  3. var = 0.000550
  4. var = 5.500000e-04
  5. var = 0x1.205bcp-11

Keep in mind that hexadecimal floating point constants (and the %a conversion specifier) were introduced in C99, so you should make sure you're using a compiler that handles that. Most modern ones will, but some people may be locked in to a certain level if the vendor isn't keen on keeping up to date<sup>(b)</sup>.

Keep in mind that the scanf family, conversion specifiers a, e, g, and f (and their upper-case variants) are all the same - they each handle every format that strtod handles. The (likely) reason that they all exist is to mirror the printf conversion specifiers where it makes a difference to how the value is output.

It's possibly worth testing with a variety of inputs less advanced than hex floating point, and work your way up to there. For example, the sequence { 0, 3, 3.1, 3.14159. 9e2, 6e-2, ... }. That would at least let you know where the input is failing.

Also, it's a good idea to test the conversion to ensure it works (this is true of all calls where failure can adversely affect future program behaviour). In other words, something like this in place of your scanf statement:

  1. if (scanf(&quot;%a&quot;, &amp;var) != 1) {
  2. fprintf(stderr, &quot;Something went horribly wrong!\n&quot;);
  3. return 1;
  4. }

<sup>(a)</sup> My system, by the way, is gcc 9.4.0 (from gcc --version) running on Ubuntu 20.04.2 (from cat /etc/lsb_release). It's often a good idea to include that sort of information in questions, it can help us figure out issues more quickly.

<sup>(b)</sup> Possibly a good reason to consider changing vendors though, of course, subject to normal cost/benefit analysis.


得分: 0

尝试类似于使用 printf("var = %e\n", var/7.0 + var *var); 这样的方式来计算。有时,即使不进行数学运算,仅使用简单的代码也可能需要链接数学库,该库是 printf() 所需的。


Try computing somehow like with printf(&quot;var = %e\n&quot;, var/7.0 + var *var);. Sometimes simple code without doing any math does not link in the math library needed by printf().

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月10日 05:35:21
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