AWK: print ALL rows with MAX value in one field Per the other field including Identical Rows with Max value AND multiple columns

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AWK: print ALL rows with MAX value in one field Per the other field including Identical Rows with Max value AND multiple columns


I appreciate that I was touched with many solutions promptly from many contributors!!! (

This question include data with one more column and I'd like to keep the rows with highest value in column 2 per column 1 including identical rows with max value from the data containing multiple columns, and print all columns.


a	130	data1
a	55	data2
a	66	data3
b	88	data4
b	99	data5
b	99	data6
c	110	data7
c	130	data8
c	130	data9

Desired output

a	130	data1
b	99	data5
b	99	data6
c	130	data8
c	130	data9

Code from @jared_mamrot works perfectly and print out all columns.

Code @Andre Wildberg provided also works perfectly and print out all columns.

       arr[$1] == $2{n[$1,arr[$1]]++; line[$1,arr[$1],n[$1,arr[$1]]] = $0}
       END{for(i in arr){
             j=0; do{j++; print line[i,arr[i],j]} while(j < n[i,arr[i]])}}' file

The awk script below by @Ed Morton also works perfectly for my previous data with 2 columns. It prints two columns; key and val.

My further question is when I have multiple columns in data, how should I modify this script to print all columns.

    { cnt[$1,$2]++; max[$1]=$2 }
    END { for (key in max) { val=max[key]; for (i=1; i<=cnt[key,val]; i++) print key, val } }

Thank you all for great helps!!!


I appreciate that I was touched with many solutions promptly from many contributors!!! (

This question include data with one more column and I'd like to keep the rows with highest value in column 2 per column 1 including identical rows with max value from the data containing multiple columns, and print all columns.


a	130	data1
a	55	data2
a	66	data3
b	88	data4
b	99	data5
b	99	data6
c	110	data7
c	130	data8
c	130	data9

Desired output

a	130	data1
b	99	data5
b	99	data6
c	130	data8
c	130	data9

Code from @jared_mamrot works perfectly and print out all columns.

awk &#39;NR==FNR{if($2 &gt; max[$1]){max[$1]=$2}; next} max[$1] == $2&#39; file file

Code @Andre Wildberg provided also works perfectly and print out all columns.

awk &#39;arr[$1] &lt; $2{arr[$1] = $2}
       arr[$1] == $2{n[$1,arr[$1]]++; line[$1,arr[$1],n[$1,arr[$1]]] = $0}
       END{for(i in arr){
             j=0; do{j++; print line[i,arr[i],j]} while(j &lt; n[i,arr[i]])}}&#39; file

The awk script below by @Ed Morton also works perfectly for my previous data with 2 columns. It prints two columns; key and val.

My further question is when I have multiple columns in data, how should I modify this script to print all columns.

sort file | awk &#39;
    { cnt[$1,$2]++; max[$1]=$2 }
    END { for (key in max) { val=max[key]; for (i=1; i&lt;=cnt[key,val]; i++) print key, val } }

Thank you all for great helps!!!


得分: 4


$ sort -k1,1 -k2,2nr file | awk '!seen[$1]++{max=$2} $2==max'
a   130 data1
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   130 data8
c   130 data9


$ sort -k1,1 -k2,2nr file | awk '$1!=prev{prev=$1; max=$2} $2==max'
a   130 data1
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   130 data8
c   130 data9


$ sort -k1,1 -k2,2nr file | awk '!seen[$1]++{key=$1; max=$2} $1==key && $2==max'
a   130 data1
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   130 data8
c   130 data9





Using any awk and sort:

$ sort -k1,1 -k2,2nr file | awk &#39;!seen[$1]++{max=$2} $2==max&#39;
a   130 data1
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   130 data8
c   130 data9


$ sort -k1,1 -k2,2nr file | awk &#39;$1!=prev{prev=$1; max=$2} $2==max&#39;
a   130 data1
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   130 data8
c   130 data9

original script before realising I'd over-thought it:

$ sort -k1,1 -k2,2nr file | awk &#39;!seen[$1]++{key=$1; max=$2} $1==key &amp;&amp; $2==max&#39;
a   130 data1
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   130 data8
c   130 data9

The value of seen[$1]++ is 0 the first time any given value of $1 appears in the input, and some incremental non-zero number when that same $1 appears again. So, the value of !seen[$1]++ is 1 (i.e. true in a conditional context) the first time a given $ is seen in the input, and 0 (false) afterwards. So, the first time a appears as $1 we set key to a and max to whatever value $2 has, i.e. 130 in this case. That's it for the involvement of !seen[&quot;a&quot;]++.

From then on we just print every line for which $1 is a and $2 is 130, which in this case is just the first line of input.

Then the same happens when b is first seen as $1.


得分: 3


awk '{
   map[$1,$2,++cnt[$1,$2]] = $0
   max[$1] = ($2 > max[$1] ? $2 : max[$1])
   for (key in max) {
      val = max[key]
      for (i=1; i<=cnt[key,val]; i++)
         print map[key,val,i]
}' 文件名

a   130 data1
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   130 data8
c   130 data9



You just need one additional associative array to store 3rd column as value and key as first 2 columns and a running counter being computer in cnt variable:

awk &#39;{
   map[$1,$2,++cnt[$1,$2]] = $0
   max[$1] = ($2 &gt; max[$1] ? $2 : max[$1])
   for (key in max) {
      val = max[key]
      for (i=1; i&lt;=cnt[key,val]; i++)
         print map[key,val,i]
}&#39; file

a   130 data1
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   130 data8
c   130 data9

There is no need to sort the file for this awk solution.


得分: 2


$ cat file
a   130 data1
a   55  data2
a   66  data3
b   88  data4
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   110 data7
c   130 data8
c   130 data9 data10 data11

修改当前的 awk 代码的一个想法:

awk '
    { key=$1; val=$2                    # 保存前两个字段
      $1=$2=""                          # 清除前两个字段
      gsub(/^[[:space:]]+/,"")          # 移除行首空格

      max[key]=(val > max[key] ? val : max[key])
      row[key,val,cnt[key,val]]=$0      # 保存剩余的行
END { for (key in max) { 
          for (i=1; i<=cnt[key,val]; i++) 
              print key, val, row[key,val,i]
'  file


a 66 data3
b 99 data5
b 99 data6
c 130 data8
c 130 data9 data10 data11

Assuming there may be more than 3 fields to a row:

$ cat file
a   130 data1
a   55  data2
a   66  data3
b   88  data4
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   110 data7
c   130 data8
c   130 data9 data10 data11

One idea for modifying the current awk code:

awk &#39;
    { key=$1; val=$2                    # save 1st two fields
      $1=$2=&quot;&quot;                          # clear 1st two fields
      gsub(/^[[:space:]]+/,&quot;&quot;)          # remove leading white space from line

      max[key]=(val &gt; max[key] ? val : max[key])
      row[key,val,cnt[key,val]]=$0      # save rest of line
END { for (key in max) { 
          for (i=1; i&lt;=cnt[key,val]; i++) 
              print key, val, row[key,val,i]
&#39;  file

This generates:

a 66 data3
b 99 data5
b 99 data6
c 130 data8
c 130 data9 data10 data11


得分: 2

awk '
    $1 != firstcol{ firstcol=$1; max=$2; map[NR]=$0 } 
    $1 == firstcol{
        if($2>max){ map[NR--]=$0; max=$2 }
        if($2==max) map[NR]=$0
        for(i in map) print map[i]
' inputfile

a   130 data1
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   130 data8
c   130 data9
awk &#39;
    $1 != firstcol{ firstcol=$1; max=$2; map[NR]=$0 } 
    $1 == firstcol{
        if($2&gt;max){ map[NR--]=$0; max=$2 }
        if($2==max) map[NR]=$0
        for(i in map) print map[i]
&#39; inputfile

a   130 data1
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   130 data8
c   130 data9


得分: 1

相同的 Ruby 代码只需进行细微调整:

ruby -e '
	group_by{|line| line[/^\S+/]}
# {"a"=>["a   130 data1", "a   55  data2", "a   66  data3"], "b"=>["b   88  data4", "b   99  data5", "b   99  data6"], "c"=>["c   110 data7", "c   130 data8", "c   130 data9"]}{|k,v| v.max_by{|s| s.split[1].to_f}}.map{|s| s.split[0..1] }
# [["a", "130"], ["b", "99"], ["c", "130"]}

grps.values.flatten.each{|s| puts s if maxes.include?(s.split[0..1])}
' file


a   130 data1
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   130 data8
c   130 data9

一旦你需要处理三列或更多列的数据,使用 Ruby(或 Perl、Python 等)更容易,因为它支持切片、分组和连接数组。


The same ruby works with minor adjustments:

ruby -e &#39;
	group_by{|line| line[/^\S+/]}
# {&quot;a&quot;=&gt;[&quot;a   130 data1&quot;, &quot;a   55  data2&quot;, &quot;a   66  data3&quot;], &quot;b&quot;=&gt;[&quot;b   88  data4&quot;, &quot;b   99  data5&quot;, &quot;b   99  data6&quot;], &quot;c&quot;=&gt;[&quot;c   110 data7&quot;, &quot;c   130 data8&quot;, &quot;c   130 data9&quot;]}{|k,v| v.max_by{|s| s.split[1].to_f}}.map{|s| s.split[0..1] }
# [[&quot;a&quot;, &quot;130&quot;], [&quot;b&quot;, &quot;99&quot;], [&quot;c&quot;, &quot;130&quot;]]

grps.values.flatten.each{|s| puts s if maxes.include?(s.split[0..1])}
&#39; file 


a   130 data1
b   99  data5
b   99  data6
c   130 data8
c   130 data9

Once you start getting into 3 or more columns to manage, it is easier to use ruby (or Perl, Python, etc) because of the support for slicing, grouping and joining arrays.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月10日 03:59:10
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