无法访问嵌套的JSON API数据:将字符串隐式转换为整数。

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Can't access nested JSON Api data: no implicit conversion of String into Integer


我在尝试访问API中elements里嵌套的所有first_names,不过当我添加["first_name"]时,出现了错误:no implicit conversion of String into Integer。这看起来有点奇怪,它应该可以获取到first_name里的任何内容,无论是整数、字符串等。谢谢。


Wondering if you could help. I am trying to access all the nested first_names from this API inside of elements:

Here's my controller code:

  1. def index
  2. require 'net/http'
  3. require 'json'
  4. url = 'https://fantasy.premierleague.com/api/bootstrap-static/'
  5. uri = URI(url)
  6. response = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
  7. object = JSON.parse(response)
  8. @testy = object["elements"]["first_name"]
  9. end

I am able to access all the data inside of elements just fine, but when I add ["first_name"], I get the error: no implicit conversion of String into Integer

Seems a bit weird? Surely it should just pull in whatever is inside of "first_name", whether it's an integer, string etc?



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object["elements"] 是一个数组,当你在数组上调用 [] 方法时,参数会被强制转换为整数,因为它用于通过索引访问数组元素:

object["elements"] 是一个数组,当你在数组上调用 [] 方法时,参数会被强制转换为整数,因为它用于通过索引访问数组元素:

  1. irb(main):052:0> []["foo"]
  2. (irb):52:in `[]': no implicit conversion of String into Integer (TypeError)

在其他语言中,比如 JavaScript,你会得到一个 null,因为你期望的单一对象实际上是一个数组。



It's not the least bit strange.

object["elements"] is an array and when you call the [] method on a array the argument is coerced into an integer as its used to access array elements by index:

  1. irb(main):052:0> []["foo"]
  2. (irb):52:in `[]': no implicit conversion of String into Integer (TypeError)

> Surely it should just pull in whatever is inside of "first_name", whether it's an integer, string etc?

In other languages like JavaScript you would just get null instead because what you expect to be a single object is actually an array.

Do yourself a big favor and move the HTTP call and JSON processing out of the controller and into a separate component that you can test in isolation. It will make it a lot easier to spot simple issues like this.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月8日 23:02:22
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