使用 C++ 中的复制构造函数创建深拷贝。

huangapple go评论52阅读模式

create a deep copy by using copy constructor in c++





class Number
    int* a;
    int* b;

    Number() {
        a = new int;
        b = new int;
        *a = 0;
        *b = 0;

    Number(int val1, int val2) {
        a = new int;
        b = new int;
        *a = val1;
        *b = val2;
    Number(const Number& other) {
        a = new int;
        b = new int;
        *a = *(other.a);
        *b = *(other.b);

    int getA() {
        return *a;
    int getB() {
        return *b;
    void setA(int val) {
        *a = val;
    void setB(int val) {
        *b = val;

    void print() {
        cout << "a的值:" << *a << " b的值:" << *b << endl;


int main()
    Number N1(2, 3), N2;

    N1.print(); //2-3
    N2.print(); //0-0

    N2 = N1;

    N1.print(); //2-3
    N2.print(); //2-3


    N1.print(); //12-3
    N2.print(); //2-3,我想要N2的值仍然是2-3,而不是12-3,我希望通过拷贝构造函数将N1和N2分开

您的拷贝构造函数应该是正确的。问题在于赋值操作符N2 = N1; 不会调用拷贝构造函数,而是调用赋值操作符。为了实现深拷贝,您需要重载赋值操作符,使它执行深拷贝。以下是一个可能的实现:

Number& operator=(const Number& other) {
    if (this == &other) {
        return *this; // 避免自我赋值

    delete a; // 释放旧的资源
    delete b;

    a = new int;
    b = new int;
    *a = *(other.a);
    *b = *(other.b);

    return *this;

这样,当执行N2 = N1;时,它将执行深拷贝,确保N2N1是两个独立的对象。


I'm beginner in C++ and I have a problem with my copy constructor: I need to do a deep copy, because my class has a pointers. I already defined a copy constructor and also I create an object N1(2,3) from my class Number. A second object N2 is intialized by using copy constructor.

But the copy constructor doesn't do a deep copy because, when I change the value of object N1, object N2 also has its values changed. I want to have two separate objects by using copy constructor.

My class Number:

   class Number
	int* a;
	int* b;

	//default constructor:
	Number() {
		a = new int;
		b = new int;
		*a = 0;
		*b = 0;
	//constructor with arguments:
	Number(int val1, int val2) {
		a = new int;
		b = new int;
		*a = val1; 
		*b = val2;
	//copy constructor:
	Number(const Number&amp; other) {
		a = new int;
        b = new int;
       *a = *(other.a)
	   *b = *(other.b);

	//getters and setters:
	int getA() {
		return *a;
	int getB() {
		return *b;
	void setA(int val) {
		*a = val;
	void setB(int val) {
		*b = val;

	//method print:
	void print() {
		cout &lt;&lt; &quot;value of a: &quot; &lt;&lt; *a &lt;&lt; &quot; value of b: &quot; &lt;&lt; *b &lt;&lt; endl;

My main:

int main()
	Number N1(2,3), N2;

	N1.print(); //2-3
	N2.print(); //0-0

	N2 = N1;
	N1.print(); //2-3
	N2.print(); //2-3


	N1.print(); //12-3
	N2.print(); //12-3 i want object N2 have 2-3 values not 12-3 like N1
                           //i want to separate N1 from N2 by using copy constructor 

I'm trying to define this copy constructor but it's not working:

       //copy constructor:
	Number(const Number&amp; other) {
		a = new int;
        b = new int;
       *a = *(other.a)
	   *b = *(other.b);


得分: 2

The issue you're seeing is lack of Complete Rule of 0/3/5.

And the fact that you are not invoking your copy constructor. You are invoking the assignment operator, which has been provided for you, and is shallow.

The line Number N1(2,3), N2; has declared N2 using the default constructor.

The line N2 = N1; then shallow assigns N1 because you didn't provide operator=().

If you wanted to invoke the copy constructor, you have to do so at the time of declaration. It is a constructor, after all.

Something like Number N2(N1).

In order to complete your code, you still need to write a destructor as well as an assignment operator. Then it's time to learn about move semantics.


The issue you're seeing is lack of Complete Rule of 0/3/5.

And the fact that you are not invoking your copy constructor. You are invoking the assignment operator, which has been provided for you, and is shallow.

The line Number N1(2,3), N2; has declared N2 using the default constructor.

The line N2 = N1; then shallow assignsN1 because you didn't provide operator=().

If you wanted to invoke the copy constructor, you have to do so at the time of declaration. It is a constructor, after all.

Something like Number N2(N1);.

In order to complete your code, you still need to write a destructor as well as assignment operator. Then it's time to learn about move semantics.


得分: 2

The code, N2 = N1;, does not invoke the copy constructor because N2 has already been constructed. Rather, it calls the assignment operator. As you have not provided a definition for that, the default is to make a shallow copy (i.e. just copy/overwrite the actual pointers, as you observe).

You need to define a deep-copying assignment operator; something like this:

    // assignment operator:
    Number& operator=(const Number& other) {
        *a = *(other.a);
        *b = *(other.b);
        return *this;

Note, however, that were you to use the = N1 syntax in your declaration of N2 (as below), then that would call the copy constructor:

    Number N2 = N1; // This calls the copy constructor

The code, N2 = N1;, does not invoke the copy constructor because N2 has already been constructed. Rather, it calls the assignment operator. As you have not provided a definition for that, the default is to make a shallow copy (i.e. just copy/overwrite the actual pointers, as you observe).

You need to define a deep-copying assignment operator; something like this:

    // assignment operator:
    Number&amp; operator=(const Number&amp; other) {
        *a = *(other.a);
        *b = *(other.b);
        return *this;

Note, however, that were you to use the = N1 syntax in your declaration of N2 (as below), then that would call the copy constructor:

    Number N2 = N1; // This calls the copy constructor

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