为什么设备上所有的HTTPS通信对其他应用程序可见?HTTP Toolkit

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Why all HTTPS communications are visible to other apps on a device? HTTP Toolkit


我注意到使用HTTP Toolkit,您可以以未加密的形式嗅探来自Windows和Android OS上的浏览器,以及在经过Root的Android设备、模拟器或通过PC上的某种解决方法上的所有应用程序的HTTPS通信。所有来自标头、请求正文和响应的字段和数据都会在未加密的情况下拦截。


此外,安装一些间谍软件来记录在他的PC或公共PC上输入的凭据,与HTTP Toolkit的方式相同。



I noticed that using HTTP Toolkit, you can sniff all HTTPS communications in an unencrypted form, from browsers on Windows and Android OS, plus all applications on a rooted Android device or an emulator or via some workaround on a PC. All fields and data from headers, request bodies, and responses are intercepted without encryption.

I find this to be a significant security flaw as a hacker can easily analyze how an app communicates, thus gaining more knowledge on how the server communicates, plus seeing API keys in the headers.

In addition, installing some spyware to record entered credentials on his PC or a public PC, same way as HTTP Toolkit does.

Is there a reason this is allowed to happen in the first place? Is there a way to prevent this from happening?


得分: 3




您可以使用证书固定来限制TLS嗅探。Google不建议这样做,因为它难以管理。但是,对于某些情况,这样做是值得的。还可以参考HTTP Toolkit的关于这个主题的讨论。

您找到了一个值得研究的好东西。我建议深入研究HTTP Toolkit的工作原理。这将让您更好地理解TLS提供和不提供的功能。


It's explicitly allowed because it's extremely useful. It's how all kinds of debugging, testing, and profiling tools are implemented, as well as some kinds of ad blockers and other traffic modifiers.

It's possible because it cannot be prevented in the most general way. A user who fully controls a device can inspect all behavior and traffic on that device. That is what it means to control a device. Traffic is encrypted to protect the user, not to protect apps from their user. If seeing the API would significantly impact the security of the system, the system is already insecure.

Your concern that an attacker may take over a user's machine and observe them is valid, but is far deeper than this. An attacker who has administrative access to the system can observe all kinds of things; mostly commonly by installing a keylogger to watch what they type. There is no way to secure a device that an attacker has complete physical access to.

You can limit TLS sniffing using certificate pinning. Google does not recommend this because it's hard to manage. However, for some situations, it's worth the trouble. See also HTTP Toolkit's discussion on the topic.

You've found a good thing to study. I recommend digging into how HTTP Toolkit works. It will give you a much better understanding of what TLS does and doesn't provide.


得分: 1

I don't think that is too serious.
HTTP Toolkit 无法拦截您的正常浏览器。




如果您关心安全问题,那么您不应该通过HTTP Toolkit或Selenium打开的浏览器浏览包含敏感数据的网站。


I don't think that is too serious.
HTTP Toolkit can not intercept the your normal browser.
It only creates a guest profile of browser, open and intercept it.
This browser does not have related to your own browser and does not share between them.

The same thing happen in Selenium.
Selenium is used widely for automated testing and can be integrated with python, C# and so on.

This also opens their own browser with separated profile and communicate with it from your test code.

Anyway, they can not intercept your normal browser.

If you are serious about the security, then you must not explore the websites with sensitive data via browser that is opened by the HTTP Toolkit or Selenium.
Just use your normal browser.

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月8日 19:37:09
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